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AVol's Darth Vader


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Your poses are all Animation related. Since there has been very limited and next to no success except for the mysterious new leaning animation by the TSLRP which untill the secret is given to the community is most likely a hoax. So when this wonderful knowledge is spread to the community then there might be a chance for your poses to be changed and improved.

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apart from that there is a cool animation of Nihilus very similar of Darth Vader, he crosses his arms when standing. can you make nihilus alwas have it when he is staring at the sky?


That one can likely be done with some swapping in animations.2da, since AVoL's Vader and Nihilus share animations. You'd just need to find the value for the crossed arms and put it in the column for the idle stance. There are tutorials on this site which will show you how to look for that kind of information.


The downside to this being that *everyone* will use that animation when standing idle, so if the default set of animations used by the player and 99% of NPCs contains a crossed arms aniamtion, everyone will use it when standing still.

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@ thacoolkid and Art Of Betrayal: I have the file. Send me a PM with your email adresses, and I'll send you the file.


Couldn't you just reZip/reRAR the files and post it here so that anyone can use it? It'd be a lot easier on everyone, including you.


Unfortunately no they can't, they would need the modders permisson to do so. If they secured permission from AVol then yes, they can. -RH

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Folks, please stay on topic, I have had to use the pruning shears on this thread.


Also If you desire the mod and wish to take Master Michael's offer you need to use the Private Message (PM) system as he instructs. Posts here asking for the mod to be sent to them will simply be deleted. Thanks.

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would it be possible to make one from malak or revan?


Probably not from the Revan model, since I believe that is missing most of its animations, if not all. The Jedi Malak model has some animations, though its missing a significant amount. For the official word, talk to Settoken and Sithspecter, they're the guru's on character animations. Of course, you could just make a start from a standard model.

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I'm working on making a supermodel that has flowing cape animations, and Revan's model uses the in-game supermodels. A supermodel is a base model that contains all the animations for the human body and facial model. The reason why Revan's cape doesn't flow is because the devs either cut it or never did it except for in the cutscenes. Malak's model is a fullbody model, and the devs only did his combat animations, again to save on time. A mod could be done (I'm not familiar with this mod so I'm not sure what it does) that would have Darth Vader and his cape. It's possible, but I don't see anyone taking it up soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having trouble properly installing the Vader Armor mod by Avol. I have read the readme several times, and everytime I install it wants to go into my Override folder which I know its not supposed to be placed there. So do I create a folder or do I place it in another folder, if so which one? I'm a bit confused where to place all the files contents. If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated!

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Do this: bring up the install pick the path Computer-Program Files-Lucasarts-Kotor2

Click kotor2 after you went through that then hit install. Some of the files WILL go into the override but it does other things to thats why it says dont pick the override as your main folder(you pick kotor2) then type in the cheat/import with KSE. Your done! Enjoy the mod

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