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Python eats Crocodile


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This is the fourth case of this happening. Stupid Floridans. Don't get fricken' exotic species and let them lose. Buncha dumb asses. That really pisses me off people are so stupid. They also get alligators and let them lose (they get in the sewer that way) or let loose their giant Iguanas and monitor lizards. Everything they let lose wreaks havoc on the natural ecosystem. They're the reason all these bans on reptiles are coming up, most namely the iguanana.

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which one? the croccodile that managed to get eaten by the python or the python whose head exploded after swallowing the crocodile?


The python ate the croc, but its still alive in the pytho's body. So it used its teeth and claws to make a hole in the python so it could escape, and obviously killing the python while donig it.

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