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Ebon Hawk versus Another Ship


Ebon Hawk versus Another ship in KotOR III  

212 members have voted

  1. 1. Ebon Hawk versus Another ship in KotOR III

    • Stick with the 'Hawk
    • Ok if we get another ship, but prefer the Hawk
    • I don't really care
    • Prefer to have another ship, but ok with Hawk
    • Must get a different ship

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Here's my thoughts...Well..FIRST: I vote to keep the Ebon Hawk.


Here are my thoughts:


Star Wars Trilogy (episode 4-6) = Millenium Falcon


Star Wars Episode 1 = Nubian


Knights of the Old Republic (1-2) = Ebon Hawk


>>>Since, the Millenium Falcon is in the 3 original SW films...it wouldn't only be sufficient for the Ebon Hawk[/] to be in the 3 KOTOR games!




'Save your thanks...I've never left anyone on a mission, and I sure as heck am not going to start now!' -Carth Onasi; Knights of the Old Republic

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I put myself in the "I don't care" camp, but that's a bit of a misnomer. I do care. I'd be really happy to have the Hawk again. On the other hand, it'd be need to have a new ship, with new stories, new areas to explore, and stuff to discover. Then again, I'd love to discover more about the Hawk. So I do care, but I'd be happy with either.

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I'd much rather have the chance to pilot one of those Leviathan style cruisers.

That's nice and all, I would love to see this in a future SW RPG, possibly one where you play a Pirate Captain or a Merchant with a Fleet. But it is far out of the league of a Knights of the Old Republic game... Small craft tend to go unnoticed, and fits the RPG style story better.


Besides from just a pure rules perspective there is no way you are going to give a low level character a Capital Ship? You can't, that is pure Monty Haul style play. If you aquired one it would have to be for a higher level character for the end game only, either a Republic ship for LS or a Sith Leviathan for DS. But there is no way we could have one for any sort of free play adventuring, a game really changes when you aquire a Capital Ship. Not to mention that Capital ships are quite expensive to operate, whereas the small craft are reitively cheap.


Take the Corellian Corvette/Blockade Runner, a basic Capital Ship, depending on it's loadout it requires a crew of 65 to a max of 185, let's go with the minimum amount here for the example, you need 65 crewers... you have to pay these crew, this isn't "no money" Star Trek, in Star Wars sentient crewers want to be paid, and crew loyalty is highly influenced by their pay, and or their cut.


Now the average monthly pay for an enlisted crewer is around 500 to 750 credits, Specialists* average 750 to 1,000 credits, and Officers get 1,250 to 1,500 credits, this is paid monthly and being it is base you get no extra loyalty.


*Specialists encompass your people who specialise in Enginnering, Gunnery, Piloting, Command Operations, etc.


So figuring that out of 65 crew for your Corvette, you need around 33 basic crewers, 25 Specialists, and 7 Officers... this comes to...


33 X 500 = 16,500

25 X 750 = 18,750

7 X 1,250 = 8,750

Total = 44,000 Credits Per Month (+1 to Crew Loyalty for every 50% Increase in their wage, or share of prizes if you are a pirate)


So you have 44,000 credits in just base crew pay, plus the thousands of credits for Docking fees, Maintinance, Consumables, etc. The average cost for a non-pirate Corvette like this, with a +2 crew loyalty, runs you around 125,000 credits per month total...


Now how will we be able to support that in a KOTOR style RPG storyline?


Now a small craft costs only a few hundred credits a month at most**, that is why we are tooling around the galaxy in the Ebon Hawk light freighter in the KOTOR series, because the game developers need to take none of what I listed above into account, they can just tell you the story and let us fly the galaxy in this little freighter. ;)


** If you all remember in KOTOR I we did have to occasionaly pay docking fees. In TSL the reason the Ebon Hawk is a little run down, and we have T3-M4 in the party fixing the ship is to avoid these accountantcy issues. :)


Just my 2 cents! :D

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Yeah, I think that would be cool if you had too beat off attacking ships, and then go to the cockpit because the pilot is injured and have to fly it through an asteroid field or something.


And RedHawke, I agree completely. I have thought about the costs and problems with flying around on a capital ship, but you really got into that even more. No, I would not want to pay 44,000 credits, not to mention all the rest from docking fees and such. If the Ebon Hawk has to pay around 100-200 credits for a docking fee, what what would a capital ship have to pay? And besides, it would be very annoying, as far as getting down to planets. Load, walk to the shuttle bay, get in, load, fly down, get out, then come back, get in, load, fly up, load, then get out and go to the bridge.

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Dude, if the game continues as Revan then why wouldn't he be at the helm of a captial ship. And if your this big bad Dark Jedi(in my case), loyalty doesn't come from pay - it comes from fear; Darth Vader style. Docking fees? I'll leave the beast in orbit and fly down in my customized shuttle. They want to get lippy about it? I'll bombard their planet; Darth Malak style. See where I'm going with this? Light Side characters - keep the freighter. Dark Side - lets get to captial cruisin!

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It could work out that way. At the end, you defeat the Jedi and get a capital ship, actually get to bombard some places. If I am going super dark side, it would be ok at the end of the game. But about Revan, thats right, IF it starts with him, maybe, but he went off in the Unknown Regions to search for the enemy, so why would he waltz into their with a capital ship and a crew? I understood he went alone, so it wouldn't make much sense.

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What would be the best for me would be if you could go to the shop en buy your own ship and could customize it when you would want to... or you could still a ship when your in space>> look at your starmap see some ships chose one an go in blasting something like it... (if you want to buy a ship and its to expensive there should be some jobs around that pay well!!))

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All I'm saying is that the freighter angle - kinda like beating a dead horse. I'd much rather have the chance to pilot one of those Leviathan style cruisers.

Just to add to what RedHawke said, can you imagine trying to explore a Capital Ship, or haveoing your companions spead out across the entire ship? I agree, the freighter idea is getting a litle old.

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I really hate the ebon hawk at first i thought "oh a falcon clone, well it could get worse..." then I thought "WTF that thing is still here it wasn't good to begin with whys it still here?" now i think wtf even the people IIN game say thats a wellfare ship im like STFU i'm stuck with this crap barge.

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And RedHawke, I agree completely. I have thought about the costs and problems with flying around on a capital ship, but you really got into that even more.

Yup! :D My PnP Gaming group had it all worked out... we had a campaign where we scrapped the Force and Lightsabers, and played a group of Freighter Captains, Bounty Hunters, and Scouts... tried our hands at hauling cargo, and modifying our ships.


We hauled cargoes or hunted bounties and etc. building our funds, maxing out our initial ships, eventually we grew big enough to aquire capital ships, but as we did the game changed, we had to do bigger loads/bigger bounties and take more risks, just to make ends meet. It was fun but the bookeeping eventually led us to character retirement.


At retirement my Bounty Hunter (Who started with Mando Armor, and a Firespray class Patrol craft, aka Slave I) had an Imperial II Star Destroyer, 2 Imperial I's, 6 Victory II's, 3 Container Ships, and 36 Bulk Freighters... my monthly outlay was around 15+/- Million credits... My ships were heavily slave rigged and Droid crewed, my living crew were just the specialists and officers to cut costs. Droids cost about half as much as normal crew, though I spent extra, I had some very well maintained droids and spoiled but highly skilled living crews. And don't think for a minute that those monthly expenses encompassed everything, but with 3 container ships you could make a sizeable profit, being they each hold several million MT of cargo.


I did an Ice run to Tatooine once with that fleet, but that is another story... :D


Capital Ships aren't easy to own and operate... and rightfully so.


@ Kain, sorry man I just don't see it. One cannot rule by fear alone. :)

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Well there you go. Theres your answer: Droids. Cheaper to maintain than to pay humans.

There is a catch with the Droid crew usage, see in order for your living crews to get better they simply spend CP to raise their skills... Droids on the other hand cost CP as well as credits to raise their skills. So it evens out cost wise in the long run.


Of course that depends on weather you want compitent Droids... By Your Command! :bot2:


Or cheap incompitent ones... Roger! Roger! :bdroid



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have you ever seen battle star galactica ?

:eyeraise: Why yes I have!


the robots use crappy voice synth and are disturbingly shiny also they don't seem very competent though...

Far more compitient that Sepratist Battle Droid fodder!


I think it is you who needs to go back and view the classic Battlestar Galactica series... heck the Cylons were brighter than some of the humans... and in the new BS Galactica they are definately smarter than Battle Droids. ;)

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I'm sick of the Hawk, and it doesn't help that I didn't particularly like it in the first place. In another thread, I believe someone described it as a "stapler attached to a folded paper plate." The next time I saw it I laughed my ass off. The Hawk just looks stupid to me that's all.


amen its well fare falcon and the falcon isn't too good either

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