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More suggested ideas for KotOR III-yes or no?


What new suggested KIII ideas do you want?  

92 members have voted

  1. 1. What new suggested KIII ideas do you want?

    • Port Revan and the Exile over.
    • Don't port Revan and the Exile over.
    • Start out on level one.
    • Don't start out on level one.
    • Be Bastila/Carth and Revans child.
    • Don't be Bastila/Carth and Revans child.

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Hello, I just wanted to start this poll to see what out of the new suggested ideas you want. As for being Revan and Carth's offspring:


LS Male Revan: Here, you would have Bastila, but she might be dead, or she might be alive. What would you do if she was dead? Become a totally different character? And would Revan and Bastila really married, being Jedi?; Not to mention that it was never hinted at in KII(two choices, one dead, one alive).


DS Male Revan: In this situation, everything works out. You join Bastila and rule the galaxy in the Star Forge for a while, and Bastila might have had a child in that time. It probably wouldn't be known, so it wouldn't have been mentioned in KII. (one choice, one alive)


LS Female Revan: The only one that works for Carth. Here it would work fine, Carth wouldn't be dead, but I doubt that Revan would have gotten pregnant and had a baby in that time before she headed off into the Unknown Regions. (one choice, one alive)


DS Female Revan: Simply put, Carth is dead. No more speculation.(last choice, dead)


So, out of a total of five choices, in two of those it doesn't work.


On to porting Revan and the Exile over, I don't like that one either. How would you do that, I have so many saved games that are all different in the middle of KotOR I, I always play different each time. Secondly, how would X-Box users do this? And what about the people like Kain who don't have it, but yet have played it and won on somebody else's game, and want to get KIII.


Starting from level one or not: This is NOT, I repeat NOT, a argument over new PC or Revan/Exile. It is about whether you want to start from the beginning again. I mean, there are ideas for Revan/Exile starting at level one, so it is not dependant on who you want to be playing as. I say starting from Lvl 1, it makes it more of a blank sheet to start out with, customize with and make different. What do you think?

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Starting any game without a blank slate doesn't make any sense to me. You wouldn't be starting at the beginning. Plus where do you go from an advanced character? Uber-advanced? I don't even use most of the powers and stuff I get now. And about Revan and Bastila/Carth's love-child...what's he gonna do? Show up and demand back child support? :laughing:

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I'm for options 2, 3 and 6: in other words, start with a blank sheet, the results are always better as the writers have more liberty. It's also more interesting to discover new things than just have "reheated" stuff.


If we were to play again as Revan or the Exile, they would have to explain how they would start at level 1...Just imagine the opening crawl reading like this:



*Star Wars music playing*


Ten years after the defeat of his ex-apprentice Darth Malak and fighting the True Sith in the remote regions of the Galaxy, the Dark Lord Revan becomes anmesiac once more after hitting his head during a wild night with Bastila. At the other side of the Galaxy, the remaining echoes of Malachor V caused the Exile Jedi to loose her connection with the force again.


No more amnesia, echoes or lost connection with the force :yoink:


I' d like to start with a new character who discovers the force for the first time :D

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I second that statement, I definitely want a new pc. I am not against having a "revelation" about your character, but lets not have one with Revan, who has already had one.


Of course, it might be kind of cool to play as Revan, but they would have to make it into a spoof of the game :lol: . Especially with the "after having a wild night with Bastila" line.

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I'm for options 2, 3 and 6: in other words, start with a blank sheet, the results are always better as the writers have more liberty. It's also more interesting to discover new things than just have "reheated" stuff.


If we were to play again as Revan or the Exile, they would have to explain how they would start at level 1...Just imagine the opening crawl reading like this:



*Star Wars music playing*


Ten years after the defeat of his ex-apprentice Darth Malak and fighting the True Sith in the remote regions of the Galaxy, the Dark Lord Revan becomes anmesiac once more after hitting his head during a wild night with Bastila. At the other side of the Galaxy, the remaining echoes of Malachor V caused the Exile Jedi to loose her connection with the force again.


No more amnesia, echoes or lost connection with the force :yoink:


I' d like to start with a new character who discovers the force for the first time :D

Yes. And his big revelation shall be that he is the offspring of the bad guy. And he also has a long lost twin sister he once made out with in 6th grade. But she really has a crush on an older man. :D

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Yeah. Half of me would like to play my version of the game, and then another half would like to play something different, more of a suprise. I probably only going to look at the LA website for information and nothing else. I might have ruined KotOR II, when I play it I hope I don't already know everything. Too much of highliting spoilers and reading walkthroughs. I kind of messed up KotOR 1, I knew that I was




Because I accidently saw it in a guide, I just happened to turn to the right page. It wasn't a suprise like it was supposed to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
no more of this prodogy or destiny crap it bugs me that people say that they dont have a choice its just fate

While I do agree it can, and does, get annoying (though not in Star Wars stories), there is a reason and history for having an RPG character be this way. The whole destiny thing is from most of the legends that revolve around a hero, said hero usually has fate smile upon them in some way, indicating a greater destiny. Star Wars is one of these stories. ;)

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I see all these people that say "no more chosen one or destiny crap," but isn't that what SW is about? What would the game be about; some bum off the street that becomes a Jedi and participates in a few battles, but doesn't really do anything? The galaxy is changed by someone else while you take a back seat? Come on, that wouldn't work. I wan't to play someone who actually means something in the universe. Sometimes I wonder if the people who say this actually know what the game would be like if so.

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As far as I see, a lot of you people say that memory loss is over used and a bit stupid and so on and so on.


I only wish to explain a fact about the amnesia part in both games:


KOTOR 1: In KOTOR 1 you start off as a random soldier who later becomes a Jedi. It starts off like any normal RPG out there. But later you find out that you were Revan, who lost his memory due to a lethal wound that would kill any normal person in less than 1x10-4 seconds and was not killed. So later he defeats Lord Malak and saves the Republic.

Now I ask you: Did anyone have ANY idea that the main character was Revan, or did anyone have ANY idea that he lost his memory and was now a puppet? I don't think so... So I would call it a dramatic twist


KOTOR 2: You start of as a Jedi who doesn't remember the events that lead him to the unknown station, but he knows his identity.

Is that amnesia? Not remembering events that occured the day before, and knowing who you are, were and so? Looks more like he became unconciouss and so. And who knows what he was doing? The way it was told, it seems like that he got drunk; and you know how alcohol affects someones memory.


So bassicly, the conclussion is: That there was hardly any amnesia used at all.


Well that's at least the impression I gained, in any rate...

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So bassicly, the conclussion is: That there was hardly any amnesia used at all.



From http://www.webster-dictionary.org


amnesia - partial or total loss of memory; "he has a total blackout for events of the evening"


Noun 1. amnesiac - a person suffering from amnesia

Synonyms: amnesic

Adj. 1. amnesiac - suffering from a partial loss of memory

Synonyms: amnesic


So the stories in KOTOR and TSL both qualify as the PC having a form of amnesia, so hence that qualifies as an overused plot device. ;)

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So the stories in KOTOR and TSL both qualify as the PC having a form of amnesia, so hence that qualifies as an overused plot device.;)

Yeah, but you could hardly notice it... In KOTOR 2 no one didn't complain, because the main character in KOTOR 2 only wasn't aware of what happened 24 hours ago. And the main character in KOTOR 1, almost: and he didn't even have amnesia...


My evaluation might be wrong, but still that's the impression I got from these amnesia tricks... (so to call)

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