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All done - now just need some background.


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Just finished TSL; and may I just say..




That's one heck of a great story, innit!


Was a little bit disappointed that - to avoid risking a spoiler - the endgame was so straightforward and easy; but that hardly took away from it at all. Some great voice acting; and like I said; that's the best storyline I've seen in a while.


(Good thing George Lucas didn't write it; it'd have popped my cork if everyone wound up related. :giggle1: )


Anyway; as one of the poor benighted fools who didn't start with KOTR1, I've got a couple of questions about things that must've been part of the first game.


First; Malachor V.

Just what the holy Hell did they do to that planet anyway? They mention the horrors all the way through; and someone (Atton, IIRC?) mentions something about gravity. But specifically; just how was the planet turned into something that looks very much like something I'd find in the back of my son's closet?


Second; just who is the pasty-faced (but otherwise nicely-shaped) babe who speaks with that remarkably young Admiral just before the endgame? I get the idea she's Revan's abandoned love; but details?


Thanks, all!

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Second; just who is the pasty-faced (but otherwise nicely-shaped) babe who speaks with that remarkably young Admiral just before the endgame? I get the idea she's Revan's abandoned love; but details?

Hello Staiduk, welcome to the forums! :waive1:


I strongly suggest you go out an pick up KOTOR, it can be gotten cheap, it will answer these "who is that" questions far better than we can. You'll have a ton more fun too! ;)

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Welcome to the Asylum.... I mean LF.


Anyways, what RedHawke said.


K1 is about $20 now. If you liked TSL's story line, you will LOVE K1. The story is one of the best elements of the game, IMO. Just be sure you don't become food for fishy. If you want to know what that means, play the game and all will be clear. hehe


I can tell you that Malachor is not part of K1, though. The story is basically......hehehe Well, get the game and find out. Trust us, you'll love it.


As to the woman, I'm not sure who you're speaking of. Sorry.

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As to the woman, I'm not sure who you're speaking of. Sorry.
:eyeraise: huh? It's the one you guys talk about all the time, you know the one with the nice ass... :xp:


Staiduk: definitely get Kotor 1. The story and the dialogues are much better than K2 IMHO. And it will be more fun than getting the answers on the boards :D


...too bad you got somewhat spoiled with K2.


And welcome to the forums :)

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First; Malachor V.

Just what the holy Hell did they do to that planet anyway? They mention the horrors all the way through; and someone (Atton, IIRC?) mentions something about gravity. But specifically; just how was the planet turned into something that looks very much like something I'd find in the back of my son's closet?


Since no one has actually answered your question and your have played through so its likely to be a spoiler here is the Malachor 5 answer.


Bao Dur created the Mass Shadow Generator as a trap for the Mandalorian forces, what it did was increase the gravity of the planet to such an extent everything on and around it was crushed, ships and men. Some got used to the gravity eventually hence the academy and the sith in it but the generator was never turned off. When you take control of the remote that is what your trying to do, turn off the generator and let Malachor break apart and become nothing more than asteroids. I will leave it there because I am not sure if you have played both Light and Dark sides yet.

The Exile gave the order for the Mass Shadow Generator to be used and still carries the guilt (but thats intrinsic to the rest of the storyline and you never asked that question).

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I didn't even know you could play KotOR II without playing the first one. I heard that there was some plot holes in K2, but without playing K1 it must have been super confusing. Anyways, I think the woman you are talking about is the one Venom said. Go play the first game and find out about her and the admiral, they are main characters in the first game.

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Thanks much everyone. :)


I will get KOTOR1 sometime; though due to my responsibilities it unfortunately isn't in my immediate plans.




Just a quick question: The storyline and dilogue (which are the important bits) are apparently as good or better than TSL; how does the graphics/gameplay stack up to the sequel?


Thanks. :)

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In fact, the graphics are pretty much the same: TSL added a few extras but the textures are generally of lower quality than in Kotor 1.


They also added a few other goodies but nothing really major. The change I appreciated the most in TSL was the items upgrade system as it was fairly basic in Kotor 1.


Kotor 1 was superior to tsl in many areas including character development, storyline, more developped areas and quests .

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