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The option to kiss an NPC at will


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Hey how 'bout adding an option to the dialogue tree to "Kiss (what's-her-name or what's-his-name.") You would click this and go to a cut scene of your PC (your name here) grabbing your love interest and planting a wet one on them. This would be kind of like ESB where Han kisses Leia (you could use a good kiss!) followed by either a positive response ( if you have high influence) or a not so positive one- (like getting cracked across the face and lose even more influence with that character.) What do you think?

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Nice idea, although that high/low influence thing isn't really convincing, and should be a bit more... improved.


Achilles is right. Unless you don't play a Jedi in K3. Which I doubt.

Oh, man... I PRAY not to play as a Jedi from the start. I am sick and tired of that: "Jedi are sinless, Sith are unbeatable; bla bla bla...".


What about Republic soldiers? Or Sith soldiers, or maybe even a villager that is an excellent sharp shooter and soldier?

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I agree, a bit of a change from the usual Jedi guff we have been fed through the previous two games would be good. Not saying that Jedi and sith shouldnt be in the story, but a different point of view perhaps would be refreshing. Like, in the previous two games you always hear locals who are sick of the jedi and sith, would be nice to perhaps play as one of them.

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Why stop at kissing? I want a "cope a feel" option!


In an interesting turn of events, Lucas Arts officials announced today that they had completed negoitiations with controversial developer Rockstar Games. Although Rockstar officials were unavailable for comment, rumors have already begun circulating on the Internet. Fans of the Star Wars series are already anticipating a host of new feats and force powers including "Force Grope", "Slip Ruffy", and "Jedi Skirt Trick". There is also speculation on the existence of content for a future "Hot Juma Juice" mod.

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Why would you play a game as a person that hates Jedi and Sith and isn't a force-user? The game is Knights of the Old Republic, not Mad Villagers of the Old Republic. I don't mind not being a Jedi at the beginning, but we need to be one. That is what most of the games are about.

If we start out as some villager on tatooine or some "uNKn0ne s0Op3r pLaN4t!1!one!" I am just going to...


I agree with Rob, the Jedi/Sith are the point of both games, if you don't like it... go play Galaxies or something


A few remarks on your complaints:


1. I never said that you shouldn't be a Jedi or a Sith

2. I am complaining about the fact that in KOTOR 1, you were a Republic soldier, and then *puff* you're a Jedi, perfect and amazing. And what do you get? You're not a soldier anymore and you're someone respected throughtout the Galaxy

3. Just because you become a member of the Jedi Order after you had an extensive career as a soldier, doesn't mean that you still aren't a soldier


So please read my posts carefully before postin you two. :dozey:

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Um, Vlad :lol:. I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to biscuitneilson. :D, I understood your point of view.


And I am ok about not being a Jedi for a while, what about having a part where you travel to the Republic academy or whatever, then progress to a "republic commando" team, and after an encounter something happens and you become a Jedi.


Perhaps I should have said that you have to get force powers because that is the way it is in KotOR; but, you don't exactly have to use them, until maybe you fight the Sith, then it would be good if you got good at fighting with a lightsaber. But you could fall back on your commando/republic training.

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I donno, if done right it could be ok. A bit more romance wouldn't hurt. If your character is not part of the Jedi Order (like the Exile), they probably wouldn't be so up tight, so it would be feasible for them to do some Un-Jedi like things....
I agree to an extent. I think that a tasteful, well-written romance could be built into the games, I just think that it shouldn't take place between your PC and a party member. According to the movies Jedi are forbibidden to love. This is why I struggle with the Bastila romance in K1 and Handmaiden and Visas warring over you in TSL. I think a Jedi should use his or her influence to play matchmaker with your party members, while a Sith should be able to undermine and manipulate.


How much replay value would it add if you could convince Bao-Dur to attack Mandalore in TSL? On the next playthough, you could betray Bao-Dur and have Handmaiden kill him. Or for LS, convince Atton and Handmaiden to bury the hatchet and hook up. Or Visas and Disciple on the next playthough.


No more tacky Jedi-love. It just doesn't feel right.

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In an interesting turn of events, Lucas Arts officials announced today that they had completed negoitiations with controversial developer Rockstar Games. Although Rockstar officials were unavailable for comment, rumors have already begun circulating on the Internet. Fans of the Star Wars series are already anticipating a host of new feats and force powers including "Force Grope", "Slip Ruffy", and "Jedi Skirt Trick". There is also speculation on the existence of content for a future "Hot Juma Juice" mod.



Priceless! Great fun! Actually, I think that whoever becomes the developer for KOTOR 3 should consider using some of the "free roaming" seen in Vice City.

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Too romantic for the chaste Jedi. Also too romantic for the power-hungry, controlling Sith.

Well said. No direct offense toward TheExileReturn, but this is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard for a Star Wars game. I would never use this function if it was included.

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How much replay value would it add if you could convince Bao-Dur to attack Mandalore in TSL? On the next playthough, you could betray Bao-Dur and have Handmaiden kill him. Or for LS, convince Atton and Handmaiden to bury the hatchet and hook up. Or Visas and Disciple on the next playthough.

While I disagree with 'kiss at will' thingy, this is a good idea. And the security cameras they added in TSL would be a little more useful :naughty:

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I think the ability to kiss your love interest is a good idea but it should be a dialogue option at certain points. For instance, after you've run the course with Bastila and she admits that she does have some feelings for you you should have had an option [Just grab her.]. They you could kiss her, she could sort of fall into it and then push you away, slap you and storm off.


It might have addad another dimension to that plot in K1. I don't think kiss at will is a good idea though.


What you're all forgetting though is how bad in-game kisses look, what about the bit in Jedi Outcast after you rescue Jan?

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Heh, kissing and romantic relationships would be kewl. THe friggin kiss scene with Bastila was so idiotic... we dont get to see anything, just whiny goody-two-shoes jedi walking away worried.


It would be real cool that K3 would be like K1, in the sense that you start like a regular guy, but I agree with Vladimir, the transition has to be a lot slower, and I think that it could take place towards the middle of the game.


Just my opinion.

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