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What if......Kotor 3


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I think it would be cool if you could customize your party, like, you start out with 3 members and you can choose their background, alignment, dark or light, bounty hunter, jedi, ect..... customize the faces and stuff, That would be very cool, so the storyline would change upon what your characters say and their attitude and such. Even though lucas or whoever is developing the game probally wont do this, i think it would be cool if it was in the game, what do you think?

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I don't think it would be a good idea. It sounds to complicated for my taste.


PB&J is too complicated for your tastes :xp: (Just kidding!)


But seriously, I don't think it would be a very good idea. Think about it, you don't get to pick the face, background, and profession of the friends you have in your real life, so why should you be able to in a game?

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PB&J is too complicated for your tastes :xp: (Just kidding!)


But seriously, I don't think it would be a very good idea. Think about it, you don't get to pick the face, background, and profession of the friends you have in your real life, so why should you be able to in a game?


O yeah, well.... I know you are, but what am I? (yes, that is supposed to sound lame).


Anyway, I didn't think about that. It would make the game far to unrealistic. Besides, if we could do as you suggest, I would make all my party members into hot, young, lonely women:xp:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I kinda agree with gold yoda. Itd be sweet to have more people in your party, different races (like BaoDur was nice in TSL), and maybe even more costumization. Like I dont like how Visas/Kreia/Mandalore always looked the same or BaoDur couldnt use robes... so more clothes and options and masks and etc. But having influence over there alignment and abilities and items is enough. Come on look at the classic Star Wars characters in your party. The Assassin Driod, the Sparky Utility Driod, the Old Grumpy Jedi, and then the characters in TSL which cant be described in 3 words like Atton (who I describe as Hon Solo if Hon Solo if Hon Solo was an Evil Sith Assassin). I mean more or less every character either is cool or has potentual to be cool and there all very diverse. Though I did want to kill Carth sooo badly. I mean I can not tell you how many dreams I had about killing Carth. If in K3 there was a point where if your dark side you get to kill the **** outve Carth I would have tears of Joy. I would replay it again and again and explore the many possible ways of his death. This reminds me of my hour or so of taking every weapon possible and firing it at 343 Guilty Spark hoping there was someway he could die... Ughh anyway even though I hate him he was cool because he had a defined role and now because hes an Admiral. If you have Admiral in your title your cool. So to sum this all up: Nay

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Customizing the entire party would kill any story line for the game. This would force them to leave the story line so open to the many options, that the original would end up being crap.


Very confusing with no continuity, which, IMO would take away from the experience that the first two games have established and would be about as fun as a pile of bantha poodoo.


Having said that, I wouldn't mind at all though if there was a little more of a selection or a way to customize the main character's face.

(But only if it doesn't take away from any other aspect of the game).

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Customizing the entire party would kill any story line for the game. This would force them to leave the story line so open to the many options, that the original would end up being crap.


Very confusing with no continuity, which, IMO would take away from the experience that the first two games have established and would be about as fun as a pile of bantha poodoo.


Having said that, I wouldn't mind at all though if there was a little more of a selection or a way to customize the main character's face.

(But only if it doesn't take away from any other aspect of the game).


What Axe Windu ment by customization was only about there clothing and appearance. not about there story lines.... if indeed you were speaking of his post

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^I could go with the idea of having more people in your party.... and on a the idea of being able to set up the people in your party. In TSL, we could turn some into Jedi/Sith... for me thats more than enough controll over them. :sithm:



Actually, you can persuade them to become Jedi/Sith if you have rapport/influence with them. :vader3:

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