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Hello everyone, I was just curious, as to if anyone knows what General Grievous looked like Before all of the Cybernetics, and without his war skull he wore, while he was still in reptilian form. Basically what I'm wondering is, does anyone have any clues as to what a Kaleesh actually looks like.

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This is the closest thing I could find & it's just fan art (I guess). Maybe someone else will have more luck.


That's not Fan art. I've seen it before, at the Star Wars Databank. It's from the General Grievous novel and the only official piece of art on Grievous before his cybernetic implants.

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The pic posted by Fiend_138 was drawn by Warren Fu, one of the concept artists of ROTS. It is published in the graphic novel Visionaries,and is a teaser pic for the chapter The eyes of revolution. It's a short tale about how a Kaleesh general is transformed into General Grievous. In the tale it is shown that he is already wearing a skull-faced mask before he became a droid, while clothing resembles the thick layers of Tusken Raiders. So you still can't see very much of the Kaleesh.

Problem is that those tales are not considered canon by most, so I don't know how accurate this is.

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Yoda is a Grenmidjj from the planet Gre'enmidjj'Ett ;)


If you are actually right, you spoiled it for me!!!!! I would rather have his species be a secret, that is how it is supposed to be, it just-


Oh wait... Ha ha, I get it.... Very funny Darth InSidious :giggle1:. I couldn't have said it better myself.

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