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Does KotOR Count?

The Doctor

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well we all know that, but I was commenting on what the original post asked does Kotor count? and I explained that, If I would of put "Ending" instead of "storyline" there wouldn't be a need for the last 2 posts, but I Know what your saying, but for the sake of argument pazaak games and conversation could hardly be canonized as it would be a novels worth of info about Revan just on his data bank profile... could you imagine "well I beat blah at pazaak, but in canon he lost, whats up with that". It would be ridiculous :)

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*observes Kotor box*


Hmmm..it says Lucasarts. So Lucas and the guys over there who 'protect' the continuity of the universe have approven it.

For contrast, there was a 'destruction derby' SW game some time ago as well. That didn't count as canon.


Plus, Kotor already has made it's way into the novels. Bane got some knowledge out of Revan's holocron. So unless we want to declare Bane uncannon, Revan and thus k1 ARE canon.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to refer to the ORIGINAL SW movie, episode IV. specifically the part when they discovered the hidden jedi base on dantooine and say it has been deserted for some time. why? cuz in KOTOR the sith burned it to the ground! so my answer is yes, it does count.

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  • 3 months later...

Apart from the movies, Anything that is Star Wars is EU, expanded Universe does not mean the same as canon, official, part of time line, continuity... Even the non canon Star Wars: Tales, Marvel Star Wars comics, Retcon, whatever is EU, it may be N or C Canon but, got the Lucas Logo, isn't a Movie= EU

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Apart from the movies, Anything that is Star Wars is EU, expanded Universe does not mean the same as canon, official, part of time line, continuity... Even the non canon Star Wars: Tales, Marvel Star Wars comics, Retcon, whatever is EU, it may be N or C Canon but, got the Lucas Logo, isn't a Movie= EU


So Vader/Yoda really do go back in time to look for Soul Calibur... Oh lets not forget about various educational games back then, we get to learn math and english from vader/yoda/etc and there are things like JarJar music games...




I mean, some stuff are just beyond the canon/non-canon issue, but are just that... cameos to advertise a product, or to make people happy. Obvious thing would be lego star wars trailer where ships and things can instantly reassemble into one another, or Vader directing the synphony.

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Thing is, they would need to go to SC timeline by whatever means possable, do their stuff, and go back in time to the galaxy far far away to meet their end. Unless you are trying to pull a Pime Taradox here, or the characters are force ghosts.


But yeah I am sure thatother than the oddball CAMEO/EDUCATIONAL purpose stuff and deliberate jokes(and gameplay interface too), all stuff are EU.


We know that people like Obiwan would not be told to tap R twice to use that special force power, nor would Jedis play capture the flag with Siths.

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