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The Technical Side of Kotor III


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Everyone's thinking about the story and gameplay of Kotor III, but I'm wondering about the technical side. There are things I'd like to see in that aspect:

1: Mod tools in included on the DVD for the PC version

2: The PC version be exclusively on DVD

3: I don't want it to require 512 MB of RAM

4: Movie-quality cutscenes, possibly live action footage

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1: Mod tools in included on the DVD for the PC version

While this might be nice, I daresay that Holowan is all the better for having to figure things out from the ground up. Official tools have a way of getting people too used to them and not branching out to try new things. That my opinion anyway.

2: The PC version be exclusively on DVD

Not everyone has DVD players on their computers. If the game comes out in 2007/8, alot of people still will not have them. I really don't see why anyone wants it ONLY for DVD. Having a CDROM version does not stop people with DVD players from playing the games. Not having a CDROM version will stop people without DVD from playing the game, though.

3: I don't want it to require 512 MB of RAM

RAM requirements are only going to go up.

4: Movie-quality cutscenes, possibly live action footage

I have a feeling this will spark the biggest debate. I wouldn't want live action, though.

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^Bob's right, the cut-scene idea is going to start a lot of debate. I think it would be a bad idea, personally, because they would have to pay actors to do those as well as voice actors. That would just drive the cost of the game up.

It would also make the game feel slightly cheesy (for lack of a better word). If you're constantly moving from game graphics to live actors would make the game feel to broken up, IMO.

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Not everyone has DVD players on their computers. If the game comes out in 2007/8, alot of people still will not have them. I really don't see why anyone wants it ONLY for DVD. Having a CDROM version does not stop people with DVD players from playing the games. Not having a CDROM version will stop people without DVD from playing the game, though.

Then I'd like to see equal distribution of CD and DVD versions of the game, so I can get it on one DVD instead of seven stupid CDs.

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1: Mod tools in included on the DVD for the PC version

I guess that would get the modding community off to a fast start. I would consider it as a nice-to-have rather than a must-have. But I definitely would want to continue the established mod tools or their equivalents. Fred Tetra's KotOR Tool and cchargrin's KotOR Mod Manager are the only ones I really use now. Not to have them anymore or, like I said, something equivalent, would really be tough to deal with. The KotOR modding community is awesome, plain and simple, and I would want K3 to enjoy the same level of mod-ability as the first two versions of the game.

EDIT: Ack! I failed to mention that I also use tk102's KotOR Savegame Editor. A definite must-have mod tool and the one I use the most. I don't know how I forgot about it... :doh:


2: The PC version be exclusively on DVD

I'm not looking for an exclusive release on DVD but I do hope K3 would be released on DVD. If someone wants to buy the 6 CD-ROM set then why not? I agree that having only one DVD would be much easier though, especially since I do have a system with a DVD-ROM drive ;)


4: Movie-quality cutscenes, possibly live action footage

Live-action footage doesn't make much sense to me. How would that work? What if the live actors in the cutscene don't match the character you're playing? You know what I mean? If you're playing an Asian male and the cutscene is showing a Caucasian male then that's not going to provide much in the way of game continuity. The game developer would have to shoot live-action shots for all the different PC types and then what about clothing? Nah, while I definitely want higher quality cutscenes than TSL, I'll pass on the live-action because I don't think it's a workable idea to begin with.

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I don't agree with any of those ideas =/



Not many game companies want to spend extra time on distributing something that they do not know people are even going to use, let alone like.



For those of us who don't have DVD players in our computers, this idea is very bad.



If you want #4 then #3 has gotta go :dozey:



Just... no. I don't want some guy I have never seen before try to be my character in a movie, let alone look like him. Keep it the way it is but with higher quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SLI support, I want to see KotOR in SLI AA x16 and x16 AF. I'd also like to see documentation of the file formats and a toolset similar to the Aurora toolset. That way users can alter the game in nearly every way possible, and it will keep around user-made tools, which are a lot better than SDK's in my opinion. I'd also love to see it on a DVD-ROM as well, I have enough CD's lying around my desk already, I don't need a half-dozen more floating around my workspace. Besides, they can release it like they did with F.E.A.R, a CD-set, and a DVD-ROM that has other stuff on it.

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