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Difficulty (small rant)

Clone L68362

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Ya know what I really hate about TSL? Up until your 3rd planet or so, the game is a chore? I was just playing on normal difficulty, on Telos, and I was fighting the mercenary leader that attacks the Ithorians. Even with Two Weapon Fighting, Knight Valor and other stuff, I didn't hit him once. Turn it to easy. I hit him every 5 attacks. Then theres the fact that just about everything can resist your force powers at the beginning. Anyone else know what I'm saying?

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Ya know what I really hate about TSL? Up until your 3rd planet or so, the game is a chore? I was just playing on normal difficulty, on Telos, and I was fighting the mercenary leader that attacks the Ithorians. Even with Two Weapon Fighting, Knight Valor and other stuff, I didn't hit him once. Turn it to easy. I hit him every 5 attacks. Then theres the fact that just about everything can resist your force powers at the beginning. Anyone else know what I'm saying?


Did you do any cheat?


Cause if enemy level is related to your own level.


I find the game easy in the combat part, which is the way I like it, for the first couple of play-thrus. I tend to enjoy rpg with more story-ish things first. After I finish up the story and tried everything I switch to hardcore mode.

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Well, I guess I just dont have enough wisdom. I usually play as a Guardian/Sentinal/Weapon Master/Watchman, and early on everything can save against my force powers. And what's the point of having force powers when you figth Nihilus Sion and Traya? They pretty much ALWAYS are immune to everything.


Oh, and I never use cheats, and mods that are really powerful.

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Clone, if your problems involve just simply landing blows at low levels, go to your most fully beefed-up single-handed weapon. Don't even bother trying any fancy 2-handed flurries or critical hits at low levels imho; you'll just stand there flailing away at thin air. Just use single-handed basic attacks and stim up as required.


And to get the most out of your force powers go Consular to Sith Lord/Jedi Master. That's by far my fave player character class path--pump your wisdom and you can even nail Darth Sion with insanity. The rest of the game, you can pretty much stomp Godlike across the various planets, laying waste to entire squads of hapless troopers with a single force storm.


And anybody who finds TSL hard...well, you're doing it wrong. Compared to Kotor, TSL is way easy. It throws FAR more junk, armor and credits at you than you'll ever even begin to use, gives you insta-death force powers, and, well...you know, this point has probably been hammered home about a thousand times in these forums, so I'll just let it be...

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Landing hits isn't the problem (I wasn't beefed up enough for that merc leader) I guess I just don't like how the average thug is able to resist something like Push/Whirlwind/Wave.

If you are a Guardian, sure you won't be using force powers like crazy, but I expect to be able to knock over some wimpy punk. If I'm a Jedi, I should be able to use force powers on some things without having to choose a Consular or JM class.

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If I'm a Jedi, I should be able to use force powers on some things without having to choose a Consular or JM class.

If your characters Wisdom is low you won't be able to effect much with your powers, that is likely why your opponents are resisting, a low Wisdom. Spend your beginning attribute points and bonus points every 4 levels wisely, I never leave Peragus with less than a 16 Wisdom. Wisdom boosting items can help you greatly in this endeavour as well. Then you powers will be more effective, regardless of your Jedi Class. ;)

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