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Most annoying enemy of TSL [SPOILER]


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I hated that forcefield smashing lizard in the Onderon throne room.


It took quite a few shots to kill him. I should've used my lightsaber, but I've been prancing around the galaxy as a bounty hunter lately.

I like my Watchman elites.


Queen Talia was a pain too.


Darth Nihlius was such a dissappointment. I really didn't even get to harm him.

Visas and Mandalore did my dirty work before I could even get to him.

What a wuss. I never met a sith lord I couldn't kill.


Sion was a foolish, talkative braggart. It was fun killing him.

Sometimes, I'd give him time to regenerate just so I could break him down again.

(sick fun!)

Kreia was a tad more challenging. The floating sabers were a joke.


To be honest, I'm just a bit dissappointed. This was the sequel to the 2003 game of the year? It was OK. But there are some issues that have to be worked out.

If Kotor3 doesn't make some major improvements, it will be the last one, guaranteed. I just hope the next one has a decent storyline that I actually care about and the combat is a bit more challenging.

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Someone needs to plaster SPOILER all over this for those of us that are at the end of the game, yet haven't finished it. Seriously, guys, not cool :(. Anyways, I never found anyone tough to beat, then again, I've only been the two extremes: The Sith Lord with spam-tastic fun, and the Whack-a-mole (One hit wonder, unfortunately...) Jedi Guardian/Watchman combo.


I'll have to agree with the G0-to droids, though. I was silly enough to load up with my other two party members Mira and Atton, who proved rather inept at taking a half decent blow.

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@ GuitarNProgress: The title of the thread says:


Most anoying enemy of TSl

, so we did warn you.


I found the most anoying enemy the last boss of the game.

It was my first playthrough, so i trained her to be an abornaly strong force user, and myself to be an Warrior.

As soon as i went into battle, she pushed me down, froze me, then punched lightning etc at me. As i finally downed het, using al my medpacks, she summoned those d*mn swords ><...instead of running away, i faced them full frontal, since i thought i could own them.


Big Mistake....

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I found the most anoying enemy the last boss of the game.

It was my first playthrough, so i trained her to be an abornaly strong force user, and myself to be an Warrior.

As soon as i went into battle, she pushed me down, froze me, then punched lightning etc at me. As i finally downed het, using al my medpacks, she summoned those d*mn swords ><...instead of running away, i faced them full frontal, since i thought i could own them.


Big Mistake....

No, it doesn't make any difference how you level her up. The final boss uses a completely different .utc file in this battle.

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I think all the bad guys could agree who is the most annoying enemy.



The Jedi Exile



By the way, one of the moderators must have put

in the title, because I didn't think about putting it in. If one of them did, thanks to whoever it was. :)


Yes, Thank you. My apologies for my ignorance.

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I think that the krath hounds in Dantooine in K1 were the most annoying thing in the game, and also the hordes of darksiders in the Star Forge. Why? Why? I gained more and more xp and it didn´t serve for nothing.


In k2 the G0-T0 droids were quite a pain, but with Visas and Kreia weren´t so hard.

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Hanharr and the Kath-hounds afterwards by far. I always want to save some of Mira's levels for when she has become a jedi, so for me this fight consists of running - shooting once - running - shooting once - running ....... Really pretty annoying.

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Really? I killed him easy. (Well ok, not easy, but i didn't run away very often)

This depends very much on the character build. For consulars or sentinels, he was a nightmare. For guardians, he was relatively easy.


As far as the most re-loads go, the hardest fight was Mira against those Ubese for me. The droids on the Goto yacht were easy with the right tactics, but I had to "practice" a few times in order to find that out ;).

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Yeah, Mira against the Ubese is really hard. After I knew about that fight, I always bought extra pistols and put them in my inventory so Mira can use them. It's amazing how Hanharr just destroys them all though.



Ubese aren't my favorite, either, but don't rank quite as far as the Gand for me.


With Mira and the Ubese, stealth mode is your friend....

I just had to make sure to remember to invest skill points in stealth when I first got her as a character.


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The Gand aren't hard, just annoying, especially after about the 25th one.


How very true you are. :D With my current female Sentinel, especially with a lightsaber and really good armor, they are just tedious because of their great numbers. Even if I don't have all the stuff they are easy.


As for Ubese, they seem like harder versions of Gands; They are a bit dangerous in number. I had Mira with several levels saved, and with Master Rapid Shot. I just had to run through the level and keep it so I only had one or two to deal with at a time.

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