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The Hundred Year Darkness (The Second Great Schism)


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Vrendil clutched his saber's ever the tighter when that eerie voice emanted throughout the room. He looked around, and used the force to look beyond that, trying to locate the source of the voice


-"This feels....off." He said with much anxiety in his voice.


He took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind. Juhn-Kai seemed to be handling the Sith with minimal of effort, so Vrendil continued his mental scan of the room. He felt Sith...the room was saturated with Dark Energy, but he could not pinpoint the source of it. To him the whole room felt as dark as it appeared. He hoped Master Emukiel was having better luck.

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((*El pokeh* You're becoming too much like wildjedi... And you shalt feel the same punishment for it. I shall pokeh you unless you post! >.>))


((Are you talking about me? I'm sorry I didn't reply but I will, I just have been under a lot of stress lately))


The voice laughed, again ringing the unhuman tone of voice around the room.


- "Xaefon was a joke...do you honestly feel you can stop what is to come?" - The voice said then laughed more and finally said - "The pieces have fallen into place, outside the battle has been won by us, a mole amongst your ranks was able to infiltrate the council and set this whole scenario, now I have bought enough time to capture all your padawan learners and I will promise you this, once their minds are broken, the sith ranks will be bigger than any force to walk this Galaxy and soon the Universe!"


Juhn-Kai was right outside. The sith had stopped coming, even in the battle that waged outside, now everything was calm. His datpad showed a message from Master Embok saying they had retreated on acount of unacceptable loses. The remaining Jedi were fleeing the planet. Many had fallen captive to the Sith and had left the planet. Only this sith lord or whatever he was, was the only one left in the planet. Juhn-Kai could suddenly hear the cries of agony from the padawan that the sith had taken, many that had been instructed by him. He started feeling a pain in his chest, like part of his life force fell with every cry. He also felt pain, like needles on his back. These were the physical representation of betrayal from the padawans who now swore their loyalty to the Sith Empire. Juhn-Kai had fallen to his knees. It was all happening too quickly.

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"So that's what I senced was wrong with this. However, you should inform the 'Sith Empire' that you won't be leading the next attack on the Republic. At least if I have anything to say about it" he said and started walking in a large circle.


"Master Embok has always been a fool... I trust you have figured it all out. A distress call for all the jedi at a place where your warriors will be waiting to ambush them, your fleets heading for Coruscant as we speak and such small things. But there is only one thing you have forgotten, my dear Sith Lord" he said and smiled, now looking straight towards the Sith Lord's place in the room.


"You are nothing more than the small rock that started an avalanche. You cannot control this for long" he said, raising his force and mutating it slightly to give it the same eery, echoing sound that the sith had. With a grin, he took a step towards him and crossed his arms.

"If you do not remember, I have challenged you to a duel. Shall we get it over with or are you going to run like the rest of the sith"

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Vrendil inhaled sharply when he felt a distinct pain in his forhead. The force lingered on his back like a hundred ton weight, and he kneeled to avoid falling over.


-"So many padawans...decieved..." He managed to whisper.


He knew that the Sith had done this to them, and in the end it became clear the Sith lord's plan. This whole ordeal had been bait, a trap with which to replenish and add to the forces of the sith. He gritted his teeth in...what was this feeling? Anger? Hate? Righteous fury? He didnt know, he just knew it felt...comforting, and powerful.


He stood up and ignited his twin azure blades. Suddenly the ominous voice he had heard reverberated inside his own mind,


-"Good, very good Vrendil. Release your anger, join the ranks of the Dark Side of the force. You will become a powerful ally in the crusade against the Jedi!"


He shut off his blades and dropped them to the ground, gripping his head in pain. He growled through his clenched mouth and reared his head back.


-"Shut up!! Get out of my head!!!! AAAH!"


He knew the others would think he had gone mad, but he didnt care. He just knew there was something inside of him that needed releasing.

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The sith lord turned to looked at Emukiel. It was a shock to Emukiel. He was standing in the presence of....a corpse?... Yes, it was the ancien vessel of a fallen Dark Jedi. One brought back by unnatural means.


- "As you can see...jedi...I was never intended to be part of the incoming war. If it is a battle you want, I will oblige...but know that I can not die twice" - The Sith lord said and grabbed his vibrosword.


Without anything further to say he launched himself to Emukiel. Slashing quickly in every direction.


Juhn-Kai was still on his knees, he looked back and saw Vrendil. He knew there was something in Vrendil's mind trying to corrupt him.


- "Don't listen to it Vrendil, you're better than that" - Juhn-Kai said standing up.


The force was still giving to him messages of pain and suffering and betrayal. But even though it was painful, he did not wince...not once.




The alarm of the ship Jill and Seriphyn were started to sound. Emwhy whirred and beeped.


- "I know Emwhy, I know" - Jill said. The ship was in a crash course. Jill was barely able to set the ship down on the surface of the planet. She then walked to where Seriphyn was and attempted to wake him.


- "We're here Seriphyn" - Jill said.

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Emukiel jumped back but didn't draw his lightsaber. He let out a mocking laught. "You might not die twice, but I can always take your limbs off one by one" he said and looked at the desperate wing of the vibroblade. He slowly took his lightsaber into his hand and the familiar whoosh of the igniting blade filled the room only to be replaced by the hurring sound the purple blade emitted. He closed his eyes and let the force guide him. He dodged the sith's attack only nearly, and swung his sword at him, only to find his lightsaber clashing against the vibroblade. He smiled and opened his eyes, leaning in very close and grinning wildly. "Let's see if you're any better than your pathetic minions" he said and then pushed himself off, making a backflip and kicking in the air towards the corpse to gain some more speed into it. He landed softly and fell low, his other knee bent and the other straight towards his side. He held the lightsaber close to his face and got ready for another attack with a grin you wouldn't usually even think of seeing on a jedi

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The sith lord held the vibrosword up and gave a laugh. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in a cloud of dust. Emukiel was left there with his grin. On his back however, the sith formed himself again and force pushed him to the wall again transforming into dust and moving swiftly across the room to where Emukiel fell over and over throwing him with the force around the room until he hit a wall.


- "The life force in this room is that of Xendor's, his apprentice brought me back, as long as he lives I can not rest even if you destroy this body, my soul can not rest, don't get me wrong Jedi, I enjoy being immortal...to once again have the chance to destroy Jedi, makes me feel whole again, even though I'm not" - The sith said.

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"If you truly are the one that holds Xendor's power and life, I must ask someone to join me" he said and held his head. He had hit it quite badly. He stood up and looked at the sith with the same grin. "Juhn-Kai!" He shouted and walked towards the corpse. "Thank you for letting us know of some crucial info on how to destroy this Sith army of yours. We'll need to reschedule our duel" he said and walked past the zombie, placing the lightsaber back to his belt and pushing the Sith at the wall. Emukiel walked to the door. "We need to find Xendor's apprentice" he said and looked at Juhn-Kai, holding his left arm. The sith's vibroblade had scratched his arm at some point of the whole getting thrown across the walls-scene. They would need to hurry out before the sith would get up and notice it's own mistake

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The voices stopped.


Vrendil opened his eyes and saw an undead creature wielding a vibrosword, he saw emukiel on the floor, and he saw Juhn-Kai kneeling beside him. How much had transpired while he was under the influence of the dark lord?


He leaped to his feet and used the force to retrieve his blades. He sent a short message telepathically to Master Juhn-Kai,


-"The coffin, its got to be his coffin. That must be his tie to the force that is keeping him alive...sort of. Its the reason why he can't leave this room!"

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Juhn-Kai heard Vrendil in his head but it was too late to focus on that. He used the force to answer Vrendil.


- "His life force is attached to the power of Xendor's new apprentice. He cannot be killed unless he is killed. Let's go" - Juhn-Kai said in his mind.


Juhn-Kai helped Emukiel get back to his feet and left the room. The sith shouted.


- "YOU!" - The sith corpse shouted at Juhn-Kai.


- "I know you, Ralak, you were a fool to follow Xendor all those thousands of years ago, and now his new apprentice is the new fool" - Juhn-Kai said and forced pushed the corpse inside his coffin.


- "The sith will rise under a banner of Xendor, like it was supposed to be" - The sith said.


- "Your overconfidence killed you once and it will kill your kind again...you can be sure" - Juhn-Kai said and left the room with Eki and Vrendil.


- "We'll see...Kai Ryu...we'll see" - The sith said.


They headed out and called for Tayla and Malia.


- "It's over we need you out here, we're leaving" - Juhn-Kai said.


It was a grim scene. The battlefield had hundreds of bodies cut down by lightsaber blades. Both sith and jedi lay together one on top of the other. Lightsabers on the ground everywhere. Val-Kan and Master Embok where not in the battlefield anymore. Juhn-Kai took the comlink to call for a ship. There was no answer. The transport ship they had arrived in was their only hope of getting off the planet. The Jedi Starcruiser was still in orbit but no one answered.

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Tayla smiled and turned to Malia. "We seem to have missed the action," she said, "but it's no loss. You've learned quickly. I'm quite impressed. With only a little more training, you could become a Jedi Knight."


Malia hesitated. "I'm not sure I'm quite ready to talk about that," she said. "For now, let's just rejoin the others."


They made their way out, and stopped abruptly at the scene of the battlefield. Malia swore softly. Tayla cried.


"There were many good people fighting here," she said quietly. Malia nodded wordlessly. Their tribute to the dead was silence and they rejoined Juhn-Kai and Emukiel.


"What's our next move?" Malia asked quietly, trying not to look at the visible signs of destruction.

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Juhn-Kai turned to face Tayla and Malia.


- "Our only chance is to leave in the transport we came and see what happened on Master Embok's ship, be ready, because we're not out of this yet" - Jun-Kai said walking to the transport and getting inside.

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"If we can get to the cruiser upthere, my old crew can take control. If we can locate Seriphyn and Jill, we'll have two more jedi that can help us"he said and took his comlink from his belt. The hologram of his pilot popped up. "Captain, bring the crew to the transport as quickly as you can. Strip the wreckage from everything. Fuel, guns... everything" he said and the captain nodded, his hologram disappearing.


Then Emukiel looked around. He knelt down next to a group of jedi, packed tightly inside a group of sith. He rose one's head and sighed at the Rodian group. "These were my students" he said and Valgo looked over at him. Valgo's eyes turned to Juhn-Kai and he shook his head. "The loss was great for the sith and for the jedi order. I only hope that the padawan learners will hang onuntil we get to rescue them" the weequay said and shook his head slowly. Emukiel placed the rodians' robes over their dead bodies before standing up and staying quiet for a moment.

The weequays then followed Juhn-Kai into the transport.


The crew started to run through the wreckage, taking all the supplies they had with them before opening the hatch and leaving for the transport. A moment later, they walked inside the transport and took their places in the new vessel

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As they made their way outside, Vrendil saw the destruction on the battlefield. He opened his mouth in awe at the raw carnage that had unfolded here. He then remembered what Juhn-Kai had said about the sith apprentice, and his mind reeled. This was all so overwhelming.

He turned to Juhn-Kai


-"Well? What do we do now, and do you have any idea where this apprentice may be lurking?"

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Juhn-Kai looked at Vrendil for a moment and shook his head.


- "Right now it is important that we check for survivors up on the Starcruiser, then we'll worry about the Sith" - Juhn-Kai took one final look at the battlefield. He then walked up to a pile of sith and Jedi. A human with a familiar face was there.


- "Zek, rest in peace my old friend...I will see you again" - Juhn-Kai said and went inside the transport once more and got inside the cockpit.


Once out in space, the giant ship had several engines destroyed, it was barely holding up. The hangar was a mess. Upon their landing inside the hangar a contingency of Jedi came to them.


- "Masters, we're glad you're alive...our comunications tower was knocked out and many of us still remain, only those down there on the planet were wiped out...Master Embok, Val-Kan and six other masters await you in the council chambers" - the young jedi said.


- "Thank you padawan, we'll meet them now" - Juhn-Kai said and all of them walked to the council chambers. The other masters were there.


- "Juhn-Kai, Emukiel, Valgo, Tayla and...Vrendil...Malia Ratarr good to have you, I am holding you all responsible for the kidnapping of the padawan and the failure of this mission, it is the will of this council that you are to be punished for this" - Master Embok said.


- "What?...Your intelligence reports were off, I told you not to go into this battle but as always it had to be done your way...I'm not accepting responsability of this and neither will any of my fellow masters. You were the one who lacked wisdom to lead us in such a campaign" - Juhn-Kai said.


- "Padawans remove their lightsabers, starting with Juhn-Kai" - Master Embok said.


The padawans moved closer but still thinking it over.


- "Disregard Embok's order, you plan to exile us from the order?" - Juhn-Kai asked.


- "It is a suspension while we decide your fate" - Embok said.

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((this is my last post for the day, im off to work...sorry))

((I vote a new...not really rule but more of a courtesy. when its your last post for the day just type ((LP)) Waddya think?))


Vrendil laughed aloud,


-"Punish me? You must be mad Master Embok. You hold no authority over me, I am not a member of your order."


He looked at one of the padawans approaching,


-"You would be wise to not come any closer."


He turned back to the council,


-"You need all the jedi you can get, this war is far from over, council members. Suspending these Masters should be the last thing on your agenda, and we shouldn't even still be here! We should be out there, tracking the sith down and annihalating them! This is the reason I disregarded your instructions in the past, you always think when you should act!"


He turned to leave, but looked at the other masters,


-"I'm leaving to contact my sources, what you do is up to you, but i'm going after the sith."

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((Don't forget the face... Think of the power I would have to be merciless as a mod *Wink wink Redwing* [insert megalomanic laughter here]))


Emukiel stepped infront of Juhn-Kai and smirked at Embok. "You are the head strategist, Master Embok. Your strategy did not work, so you are the one to blame n this. You have not succeeded as the head strategist or the chairman of the jedi council. Has the jedi council voted on our removal from the order? Is the council unanimous?" he said and looked around, his eyes never leaving Embok. His telepathic message soon rang inside Embok's head. 'I know what you are, you decieving snake. I have met the Sith mastermind, and he practically threw your name at me. You better kill me now, before I come after you' his message said, but it had an echo with a dark twist in it

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Seriphyn opened his eyes to see Jill standing on the walls. He orientated himself, and stood up. As soon as his body came to terms with his centre of balance, he was immediately overwhelmed by the Force and collapsed onto the floor.


"In the name of the Force!" he said as he stood up, with a panicky expression on his face, "Something has happened! We must go back!"


Of course, Seriphyn knew he couldn't head back to Rhen Var so quickly with these plastic-like arms. He'd have to make his visit quick.


He swiftly brushed past Jill and walked into the cockpit, sitting down and grabbing the controls.


"Alright, there" he pointed through the bridge window to an orbital station with the Czerka logo on it, "Come on, take the copilot seat. We'll purchase the materials, and then Emwhy can 'fit' everything on the way back"

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- "When did it happen Embok?" - Juhn-Kai said.


Master Embok stood up from his chair. He did as he had not heard Emukiel.


- "What?" - Embok asked.


- "When did you decide to sell out the order to the sith you lying scum" - Juhn-Kai said and lept from where he stood and ignited his blade putting it very close Embok's neck. The other Masters present did not withdraw their weapons since Juhn-Kai held in his other hand the other saber ready and with it he disarmed Embok.


- "My life has been pointless...I joined the Jedi in a quest to help out people...but 'He' made me see there was more to the force in the darkside...there is no point in defending the weak...if they are weak they deserve to die...it is the way of things...the way of nature" - Embok said.


Juhn-Kai threw him across the room and slamed him on the wall.


- "Arrest him...he's betrayal will be delt with soon enough" - Juhn-Kai said then he noticed Val-Kan was not there - "Where is Val-Kan?"


One of the Masters stood up.


- "He was banished by Embok before you arrived and was captured by the Sith" - The master said.


- "Oh no" - Juhn-Kai said. This time he felt anger to Embok that he did not know he had in him. But still he held on to his oath as a Jedi and called some Masters to aprehend Embok.

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"I don't suppose I'll be asked to hand this over after all," Malia murmured, resting a hand on the saber she'd been using. Tayla nodded wordlessly and then stepped forward.


"Malia and I will go look for him," she said. Turning to the masters, she asked, "Was there any indication of where he might go?"

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- "Not really, the sith took him and left before we could track them" - One of the masters said.


Juhn-Kai looked at them.


- "Val-Kan is like my brother, we've lived together since childhood, I know that if he's in real trouble he'll comunicate with me, for now we have to gather all the jedi we can that are spread across the galaxy...then we'll coordinate a rescue for our padawans" - Juhn-Kai said.


A little astro droid entered, it was battered and not very clean, it had been with Juhn-Kai for more than ten thousand years. It's name was b4-A1. The little droid beeped.


- "Yes Beefour, I'll assign this right now, patch in the holoproyector so everyone can see" - Juhn-Kai said.


The little astro droid did as he was told and a hologram showed a list of names and planets.


- "We have to call here these Jedi, for reinforcements. Master Borus from Bortras, Lady Andril from Chalacta and Lady Vloo from Dorin" - Juhn-Kai said.

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Master Ae-Saefar nodded and looked at Valgo and then at the jedi council. "Masters, before we spread out, I must ask to join the council as a temporary member" he said and looked at was still there from the 12 council members. Valgo looked at his old master in shock, but knew what Emukiel was going for. Master Ae-Saefar was a respected jedi that had developed his own fighting style and had started a jedi acaemy on Sriluur in his short but meaningful life. Valgo looked at Juhn-Kai and at the hologram. "I'll get Ladu Andril, but I would need a fighter with hyperdrive capabilities" the weequay said and turned to look at Juhn-Kai again. Emukiel turned to see Valgo and nodded. "I will contact the jedi academy of Sriluur and warn them and tell them to evacuate and meet us above... Dantooine?" he said and looked around the room with a raised eyebrow to get a confirmation of the place's suitability

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