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Opinions on Star Wars: Battlefront II

Commander Obi-Wan

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  • The units need rebalanced.
  • The engineer is too powerful.
  • Snipers seem a little too weak at close range.
  • Mines shouldn't glow and should be destroyable by pistol fire, not just explosions or fusion cutters.
  • The learderboard could use a search box, but it doesn't work anyway...
  • It would be nice if the server could choose how many of what unit type could be playable for each level and what the unlockable values are.
  • Headshots do not seem to work with the beam rifle.
  • I was playing a Bothan Spy on a slightly laggy server (120-180 pings). Everyone seemed to be able to see me even when I looked completely invisible (they kept shooting rockets directly at me when I was invisible...)
  • When zoomed in, you can't see your health bar and can't tell of someone is shooting at you from behind.
  • When I'm under attack, my health just zips down. It would be nice to have a red flash or something to know I've been hit.
  • Chatting after the round ends would be nice.
  • Prone is greatly missed.
  • There are a lot of wall hacks (I know of about 9). At least I haven't see someone exploiting them online yet.
  • The wait time between spawns should be changable by the server.
  • I liked the slower game speed of SWBF better.
  • No *nix server support.
  • Can't play on *nix computers
  • Why is the hunt section of Hoth on the Hoth conquest map? There is no reason to use that section, so it just takes up memory.
  • Why is the conquest section of Hoth on the Hoth hunt map? It is out of the battlefield, so there isn't a reason to have all that space. It just takes up memory. Put an ice cliff there instead.

Some good things:

  • CP capture is faster.
  • Space maps (though they get really laggy and graphics such as missiles begin to dispear)
  • The faster repair times are nice.
  • Lock-on is nice, but it can also be abused to find hiding units, which is bad.


(how about turning the first post into a poll with those options?)

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I really liked the game, but there are so many things that in my opinion could have been better it's kind of dissapointing. This is probably just me, but whenever I play a game I always just start coming up with random stuff I think could improve the game.


One of the things that could use improvement is space battles, overall I think they're well done in terms of ship controls and the basic set up of the game, but they just seem kind of lame or uninspired compared to what I was expecting.


For one thing they could be bigger, not in terms of size but in terms of number of capital ships and starfighters. Some just seem way too empty compared to the chaotic battles we see on screen. Also destroyable capital ships would really improve the feel of the battle, just seeing one of those huge things exploding, with laserfire everywhere, or even better trying to escape a doomed one when you know the end is near...


One more thing the battles could use are better interior's for the ships. I was picturing a Tantive IV sized level for each capital ship, maze like with corridors and vital systems rooms placed througout the entire structure, to make boarding actually fun, not just a suicide run where you try dropping as many time bombs as possible before your wasted.


Ground maps could also be improved, some seem a bit to small, and others just a bit to simple, I'd like to see more complexity in some maps, maybe they could try to mix ground combat and space combat again? Put Gunships back in Geonosis!


I also think that their should be a more definate goal to gameplay, I mean the whole "conquer the map" has it's merits but can get kind of old after a while, I'm thinking of levels with more definate goals, somthing where you have to assault a specific point, sort of like a loose objective based gameplay for single player levels. Right now i'm thinking of felucia.


Currently it's kind of bland, just another medium sized map with weird foilage. I think it would be cooler if it was set up somthing like this: the fungal growth is on one side of the map, on top of which is the CIS's command center, splitting the map in two is the river, on either side the CIS control several other CP's within the jungle each spawning several vehicles, the Rebublic however starts out with only an AT-TE (or an AT-OT, maybe even some AT-AP's) or two at one end of the river, maybe with some gunships to support from the skies.


Game setup is simple, the Rebublic tries to assault the CIS command center on the growth, penetrating the jungle and defending the AT-TE from assaults by droids and Acklays from their deep jungle CP's. Once they capture the main CP, they must hold it for five minutes. The CIS are the defenders, slowly bleeding away at the rebublic forces from either side of the river (the AT-TE is far to big to go to deep into the jungle.


Now this level has a bit more of a point then the current one, I mean instead of just wandering around aimlessly killing droids, this one could give you a definate objective to work at, sure you could still go around capturing the droids CP's but that will only help you achieve your main goal.


Of course their are many maps that could be changed like this, for example can see droid landers attempting to land on the platforms of Kamino, while clones try to keep them from entering the cloning facility or destroy the clone life support systems, or on Endor, defending/destroying the shield bunker is the key to victory. Capturing command posts would still be a vital part of gameplay, but are secondary in importance to these primary goals.




Thats just some, but this post is already probably to long, so I'll just stop now, if I think of any others I'll definetly post them.

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Well I don't know, I think the engineer is fine, but I suppose he could lose immunity to mines, after all it's kind of unrealistic. I mean it doesn't matter how good you are at disarming them, if you step on one you still get it blown up in your face.


Or maybe the health/ammo packs should be removed, it is a bit out of character for the engineer.


Actually maybe they could work the health ammo thing into the commander, who I think needs to be changed a bit, how about giving the commander the ability to designate one unit as a "medic" and one as a "support" unit, the units who he designates have the same weapons as usual but gain the ability to heal units or pass out ammo packs. Just an idea, it think it would work but maybe it would be better just to give the commander health/ammo packs, alot less confusing.


Another thing I just remembered, Galactic Conquest, one of the best things about SWBF2, however if theirs one thing I miss about it, it's the ability to blow up a planet with the Death Star, I think it would be cool if they inserted some faction specific bonus's available for purchace, or maybe they could be triggered once enough battles were won. Some obvious ideas are


Empire: Death Star: Imperial Superweapon, you must have won a certain amount of battles, and even then it takes around five turns to build, but once built can destroy any planet it is in orbit around, if destroyed you can build another one but it takes twice as long chances are you will only be able to build one. While being built it appears as a half built Death Star orbiting Endor, this can be attacked and destroyed by the enemies fleet.


Rebels: Spark Rebellion, once they win four battles in a row the rebels may immediatly choose start a battle on one planet, bypassing space and enemy fleets.


CIS: Blockade: the CIS can choose to blockade a planet under their control, basicly these are cheap fleets that always have the same cost, but are immobile, they must stay and defend the planet they're built around, making defending worlds very easy for the CIS.


Rebublic: no idea, maybe somthing that allows them to build a free fleet, or automaticly win a space battle...


Aside from this another cool improvement would be the ability to combine fleets. Basicly allowing you to combine capital ships into one large fleet, to make it easier to win space battles, etc. And online play would be cool to...

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1.I thought there was actually going to be animals like wampas on levels, but it was only hunt


2. they shouldve had some way to blend in camoflauge


3. it wouldve been nice where in GC if you beat a fleet over a planet, the opponent cant use a bonus.


but overall it was great.

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  ParanoidAndroid said:
For one thing they could be bigger, not in terms of size but in terms of number of capital ships and starfighters. Some just seem way too empty compared to the chaotic battles we see on screen. Also destroyable capital ships would really improve the feel of the battle, just seeing one of those huge things exploding, with laserfire everywhere, or even better trying to escape a doomed one when you know the end is near...


One more thing the battles could use are better interior's for the ships. I was picturing a Tantive IV sized level for each capital ship, maze like with corridors and vital systems rooms placed througout the entire structure, to make boarding actually fun, not just a suicide run where you try dropping as many time bombs as possible before your wasted.

Agreed. Also, each capital ship needs a distinctively different interior, not just carbon copies with a different paint job slapped on.


I also hate the fact that there are bullets in the game (i.e., the Republc's officer, some capital ship turrents). Couldn't they simply use fast lasers? To me, it ruins some of the feeling of actually playing the Star Wars saga.

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  ParanoidAndroid said:
Another thing I just remembered, Galactic Conquest, one of the best things about SWBF2, however if theirs one thing I miss about it, it's the ability to blow up a planet with the Death Star, I think it would be cool if they inserted some faction specific bonus's available for purchace, or maybe they could be triggered once enough battles were won. Some obvious ideas are


Empire: Death Star: Imperial Superweapon, you must have won a certain amount of battles, and even then it takes around five turns to build, but once built can destroy any planet it is in orbit around, if destroyed you can build another one but it takes twice as long chances are you will only be able to build one. While being built it appears as a half built Death Star orbiting Endor, this can be attacked and destroyed by the enemies fleet.


Rebels: Spark Rebellion, once they win four battles in a row the rebels may immediatly choose start a battle on one planet, bypassing space and enemy fleets.


CIS: Blockade: the CIS can choose to blockade a planet under their control, basicly these are cheap fleets that always have the same cost, but are immobile, they must stay and defend the planet they're built around, making defending worlds very easy for the CIS.


Rebublic: no idea, maybe somthing that allows them to build a free fleet, or automaticly win a space battle...


I have to agree with about the Galactic Conquest there. It would be nice to have the special features in the game to add more excitement into the game. I especially like the 2 with the CIS and the Rebels. The blockade makes complete sense. Since that nearly happened in TPM. I like the "Spark Rebellion" idea, the most out of the ones you listed because it gets tiring after you repeatedly get attacked before you actually battle on the planet.


An idea for the Republic could possibly mean you get a second hero in the battle. Like Mace Windu and Yoda on Dagobah, or any 2 Jedi on Coruscant at the Jedi Temple.

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1. Bring back flying vehicles on land. especially gunships.

2. increase the power of turrets on capital ships. in the movies, it was always entertaining to see two capital ships blast each other out of the sky. the turrets on capital ships seem to serve no purpose, are rarely used, and do allmost nothing to enemy ships.

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An idea for the Republic could possibly mean you get a second hero in the battle. Like Mace Windu and Yoda on Dagobah, or any 2 Jedi on Coruscant at the Jedi Temple.


Thats a cool idea, some sort of Jedi General bonus that could give you a hero automaticly in every level, in addition to the one granted with the leader bonus. He could be assigned to a certain fleet perhaps, so he has to be transported with an army in order to attack, just for balance.


1. Bring back flying vehicles on land. especially gunships.


Hell yes!, gunships should definetly be present in ground based maps, Geonosis just isn't Geonosis without them, and it would be cool to fly them around Mygeeto or Felucia to, maybe even on Utapau, raining death from above, and landing to spawn clones behind enemy lines. Watching your fellow gunships getting shot out of the sky while you swerve to avoid CIS anti air...

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Did you like the game?: I enjoyed thegame very much. It had some downsides, but very much enjoyable.


Did you hate it?: I don't hate it, I just hate the things they took OUT. I miss going prone with the sniper well above everyone.


What things did you you thing were well done?: The graphics of the Closes I thought were very well done, but the graphics for the CIS, Imperials, and Rebels all looked as they justed transfered the files over from the original Battlefront.


What things need improvements?: Larger land maps, Hoth seemed like the only large one on land. Space maps were okay, but I thought you should have more fighters in the air instead of 16, and one full-out battle like the Battle of Endor.


Overall, I give it an 8.5/10.

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I really come close to hating this game.

We still don't have different reloading animations (as a stated before in a different topic), the vehicles are worth nil and you need infantry support for them (why it takes threee shots with an AT-At to kill a wookiee is beyond me), we have a commander class which is fine but we have the magna guard as a commander! Explanation please? We still don't have a medic, the battles are extremely spaztic, clones skins are all screwed up, and for somereason they added in Jedi, completely getting away from the point of the original game. They took out our favorite levels and we have to pay to get them back (sorry PS2 players, you can't get them back at all!), I still have yet to seen a graphics improvement, and thermal-dets are useless, and they also took out the gunships on Geonosis, and the one thing we wanted on Hothe were more AT-At's, but nope we got denied those to.

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Having GC for online mode would not work out, period. Who would choose where to go, what to buy, and who get's to use a Jedi in the beginning if chosen for a bonus (Before your first spawn, move your cursor left, and the Jedi will be waiting for you to use him/her before actually opening it).


And for more point to the game, Hunt, Jedi Assault, Space Assault, and Capture the Flag have been added. You are not forced to play conquest. And a special planetary bonus? Sounds good, but wouldn't work for the opposing team. If the Death Star's beam destroyed a planet, and their fleet was where Hoth is, and Mygeeto was destroyed, the Rebels are much farther away from a planet, and have a less chance of getting to a planet in time. And say their fleet was destroyed, and they owned only 2 other planets, but they were too far away from other planet's, due to the Death Star. That almost guarantee's the Empire a victory. Nice try though.


I liked the game. Heroes and villains fit in nicely because this time, you can kill them without a breath, but you still must be weary. People who complain about Jedi either are not good with them, or do not know how to kill them. Get used to it, either learn, or quit playing. Complaining to US won't do a thing. Contact LucasArts, or Pandemic. Even then, a major chance is you'll lose. Jedi even have their own game. Too bad it's only 1 level, otherwise, the game might have something interesting to tinker with. Imagine, Luke, Vader, Solo, Leia, Chewie, all on Hoth, Fighting each other on the vast snow fields.


Hunt was a let down. I expected something a little better. Obviosly there are 100% winners and 100% losers. Wampas vs Rebels WAMPA's win. Ewoks vs Scouts EWOKs win. Gungans vs SBD CIS win. Geonosians vs Sharpshooter Sharpshooters win. Jawas vs Tuskens JAWAs generally win. I've played it over and over, and those chosen team's usually have a clear advantage. Either overpowered, or camaflouge.

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  Xtermanator said:
Having GC for online mode would not work out, period. Who would choose where to go, what to buy, and who get's to use a Jedi in the beginning if chosen for a bonus (Before your first spawn, move your cursor left, and the Jedi will be waiting for you to use him/her before actually opening it).


I have thought this out and came up with a system to play Galactic Conquest online.


The player that scores the highest in ranking controls all of the decisions made by their faction, and after every decision he/she makes, the option "veto" will appear (much like the option "vote to boot") for 5 seconds. If over (however many the host choses)% vote Yes, the decision will be cancelled. If the player in control makes (however many the host choses) vetoed decisions in a row or does not make a decision for (however many the host choses) seconds, that player will be booted but can join again (your stats are wiped if you leave).

The Jedi work like the Jedi that are chosen online in any other Conquest game.

It may not be possible, but I don't see any flaws with it.

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Sounds good to me, a bit complicated, but it could work. I was thinking of a system where one player is the permenent general, always controls the decisions and stuff, the others can just advise him, and join leave games at their leisure, but yours is more fair.


And for more point to the game, Hunt, Jedi Assault, Space Assault, and Capture the Flag have been added. You are not forced to play conquest. And a special planetary bonus? Sounds good, but wouldn't work for the opposing team. If the Death Star's beam destroyed a planet, and their fleet was where Hoth is, and Mygeeto was destroyed, the Rebels are much farther away from a planet, and have a less chance of getting to a planet in time. And say their fleet was destroyed, and they owned only 2 other planets, but they were too far away from other planet's, due to the Death Star. That almost guarantee's the Empire a victory. Nice try though.


Maybe more point was a bad choice of words... I suppose my main issue is sort of with level design, I guess I just think maps could be designed to be more epic, challenging, unique, whatever. Even with all the cool extra modes most levels still seem a bit too... repetative? I don't know, It's probably just me, the levels are fine, but I keep thinking of ways they could be better.


In any case I'm not quite sure I follow you... Yes building a Death Star almost spells victory for the Empire but it is very expensive and takes considerable time to build, also destroying a planet denies you valuable victory resources, so it would only be used when absolutly necessary. Also it would have to be moved like a fleet, so rebels have plenty of time to position their fleets, so long as they haven't left their planets unguarded, a serious tactical error on their part they will probably soon regret.


I'll agree with you on hunt though, some sides AI seems to be much smarter, Tuskans can't hit squat while Jawas have super aim for example. It all seems rather one sided, but then again, it's kind of supposed to be. In either case it's not as fun a mode as I imagined, but still kind of fun to mess around with. Maybe if they gave the locals more unique weaponry, instead of just one sub par or awkward main weapon. Or more classes, allow the locals to develop their own style, so the enemy AI doesn't have to be dumbed down to give 'em a chance.

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  ParanoidAndroid said:
Sounds good to me, a bit complicated, but it could work. I was thinking of a system where one player is the permenent general, always controls the decisions and stuff, the others can just advise him, and join leave games at their leisure, but yours is more fair.


Well, if the host chooses 0 seconds as the veto time, you basically get that. Unless another player gets more points in ranking, but then what would happen if that guy had to leave?

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I was thinking somthing along the lines of this being decided before the games begin, For example the guy who sets up the server controls one team, and somebody of his choice controls the other, if either one must leave they could give control to somebody else, that or the game just ends.


This is exactly why your system is more fair, you don't have to rely on one guy too keep the game going all the time.

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  Xtermanator said:
I liked the game. Heroes and villains fit in nicely because this time, you can kill them without a breath, but you still must be weary. People who complain about Jedi either are not good with them, or do not know how to kill them. Get used to it, either learn, or quit playing.


No, we're not complaining about Jedi being over powered (I think they balenced them great), it's because they shouldn't be in the game at all. The goal of the first game was to play as a grunt.


  Xtermanator said:
Complaining to US won't do a thing. Contact LucasArts, or Pandemic.


Well it is a opinions topic so what did you expect?


  Xtermanator said:
Even then, a major chance is you'll lose.


That may be why we don't contact them...


  Xtermanator said:
Jedi even have their own game.


Your right! It's actually a series though, it's called Darkforces/Jedi Knight!


  Xtermanator said:
Too bad it's only 1 level, otherwise, the game might have something interesting to tinker with. Imagine, Luke, Vader, Solo, Leia, Chewie, all on Hoth, Fighting each other on the vast snow fields.


That may be a good mod for the game I just talked about


  Xtermanator said:
Hunt was a let down. I expected something a little better. Obviosly there are 100% winners and 100% losers. Wampas vs Rebels WAMPA's win. Ewoks vs Scouts EWOKs win. Gungans vs SBD CIS win. Geonosians vs Sharpshooter Sharpshooters win. Jawas vs Tuskens JAWAs generally win. I've played it over and over, and those chosen team's usually have a clear advantage. Either overpowered, or camaflouge


Can't dissagree there.

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