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Star Wars Battlefront 3 (wishlists)


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Should there be artillery tanks in B3 on those really big battlefields, you know the ones that shoot mortars from one side of the battle field and kill everyone on the other side. I think it would be pretty cool to have a SHAP-T on the field killing droids and destroying enemy destructable buildings.

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For a start, they should make it take more kills before recharging health, as a Jedi. As subtle a change as this is, it'd make a very big difference. A grunt would have a better chance of taking the Jedi down before it regained too much health.


If Force powers took more stamina per use, this would also tone down the Jedi by a lot. They could still be annoying, but the limitation might make a Jedi player think a little before they just spam whatever their favorite attack is. No spam is good spam. Mm...spam...


Now, if we could throw in a slightly different sabering system, we'd be in business.


If not, the first two would still go a long way to turning the game back to people playing for the grunts. Well, that and getting server admins to get off the default settings! -_-

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Im new to this forum so if anything i say has already been said then im sorry.


-first of all i would like to see improved is th A.I (not always targeting the players.)

-the next thing like too see is probably the most important thing is MORE UNITS ON THE FIELD!!!!! like 50-100 units NOT!! 10-18 units and make the reinforcement metre change on what ever the level size is. example: big level more reinforcements, small level less reinforcements. to me in both battlefront games all the battles seem like mini skirmish's not battles.

-one thing they should do is is seperate heros from leaders. like jedi and sith would be heros, and leaders would people like boba fett, han solo, jango fett, chewy, dirge, ig-88, and many more.


In my opinion they would probably only stick with episodes 1-6 and quite possibly some events inbetween the episodes like "clone wars" and "shadows of the empire".

so stuff like the sith wars and the Mandalorian wars are probably way out of the question. but i admit if they put that stuff in it would be pretty cool.

-more factions would be nice to have like the "black sun empire" which is the only other faction i could possibly see them putting it in SWBF3.

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