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[Fic] The crystal of life.

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Chapter XVIII




Flashes of pink and red collided in every direction imaginable as Linduu used her double bladed saber to defend herself with unmatched skill. Still, battling four Sith assassins at once was all she could handle and then some. She used the force to push one of the Sith across the fake tomb. His head slammed against the wall and he fell to the ground unconscious. Linduu blocked an attempt high, and then low. She force pushed the other three back about 20 feet and then focused on a rock formation that was hanging above the other Sith that she had slammed against the wall. Using the force she caused the rocks to come crashing down on the unconscious body of the assassin, killing him in the process.


She focused her attention back on the three remaining Sith. “And to think I was about to break a sweat fighting four of you.” A smile formed on her face. “Now there are only three of you. I might get home in time for dinner if you keep dropping at this rate.”





“Always in a playful mood aren’t you. Use your energy for attacking, not talking.” Jor-el said to Linduu as he overheard her remark to the assassins.


“Advice you would do well to follow.” John remarked as he lifted Jor-el into the air with a quick wave of his hand sending him flying back against the wall of rock.


Jor-el regained his composure just in time, as he blocked a slash from Jasra’s saber that was directed at his neck.


“This tomb is going to belong to you after we are done with you.” Jasra said as she continued her attack.


Jor-el was done talking. He opened up a flurry of slashes, spins, flips and counters on John and Jasra simultaneously. John circled around behind Jor-el and took a swing for his lower back. Jor-el dodged it by jumping up and flipping over and behind him. Just as John turned around Jor-l kicked him in the gut, sending him flying into Jasra. Their heads cracked together and they fell to the ground in a heap.


Jor-el took the brief moment to catch his breath. “Wow, I didn’t know you had such feelings for John there Jasra.” Jor-el said jokingly as he watched Jasra pick herself up off of John.


“You would do well not to anger me more.” Jasra replied. “I might just torture you for awhile and then kill you, instead of just cutting you down right now.”


“Let’s finish this.” Jor-el said as he twirled his silver double blade in front of him, bringing it to a stop in a defensive position.




“You are weakening.” One of the assassins said as he stabbed for Linduu’s mid section.


Linduu knocked his attack aside and brought the blade on the other end of her saber around, removing the Sith’s head from his body.


“Weakening? You’ve got to be kidding me I’m not even breathing hard.” Linduu said as she tried to catch her breath.


She needed to finish this fight now and she knew it. She sensed that Jor-el was getting tired, and she understood that because he was fighting two Sith Lords, just one mistake would be his end. Linduu blocked a few more attacks from the two remaining assassins before she decided to put an end to the fight. As she was blocking their attacks, she stretched forth with her feelings into her lightsaber. The force began to flow strongly through her weapon. She blocked one last attempt by her attackers and then lifted her saber above her head. The two assassins were lifted up by the force with her saber. They were both frozen in the air above Linduu’s head, one above each blade. She began to twirl her saber slowly, but started speeding it up with each revolution. The two assassins were helpless to do anything as they each followed the blade they were above in circles. Once Linduu sensed that they were flying around above her with enough speed, she released her focus on her weapon sending each assassin flying across the room and into the rock walls. They hit with such impact that it killed them instantly.


She turned around and saw the archeologist cowering behind some boxes. “If you want to live then you had better leave right now.” Linduu said. The young archeologist stood up and ran out of the tomb as fast as he could. She then began running over to where Jor-el was dueling with his opponents. He was holding his own quite well, but she sensed that he was weakening with every passing second. John sensed her coming from behind him. Immediately he turned and hit her with a force push that sent her tumbling head over heals across the cave floor.


“Linduu!” Jor-el said as he turned to see her lying on the ground, concerned that she had been seriously injured. His love for her would be his downfall however. His momentary break in his attack gave John and Jasra the advantage that they had been looking for. John quickly used the force to begin choking Jor-el, lifting him up into the air in the process. Struggling to breathe, Jor-el lost his concentration on everything else. He could feel his body losing life. His hands and feet were going numb as his body began to shut down. His lightsaber shut itself off as it fell from his hand to the ground.


“And now your pathetic life finally comes to an end.” Jasra sneered with pride.


“No!” Linduu cried out as she struggled to get back up to her feet. But it was too late. Jasra readied her saber as John released Jor-el from the hold and he fell to the ground. Lying on his back and struggling to regain strength, he knew that it was over. “I love you Lin.” Were the only words he could get out as Jasra stabbed her saber straight down at the ground piercing right through Jor-el’s heart and killing him instantly.


Linduu’s heart sank to the bottom of her very being. The man that she loved had just been killed right in front of her. It seemed in that moment as if the whole universe just froze and time stood still. All of the memories that she had accumulated in her short time with Jor-el flashed through her mind. She knew what she had to do. She knew that she had to finish this fight and defeat Vandar. She knew that she had to go on living, to raise the unborn child that Jor-el had given to her. And to bring it up to be like its father.


“And I will always love you Jor-el.” Linduu said as she used the force to propel herself at John. She opened up a furious attack of slashes and thrust. Within seconds she had already worn John down to the point that he wanted to give up. She slashed high and as John blocked it she brought the other end of her weapon around and cut off both his hands. They fell to the ground gripping his now deactivated lightsaber.


“How you could do this to me dad?” Linduu shouted out with tears streaming down her face. “How could you join the Sith? How could you betray mom and I? And how could you kill the only man that I will ever love, the father of my child?”


In a moment of weakness John realized the truth. He realized all that he had been doing was evil. “Linduu, I, I………..”


“Now hold on just a minute.” Jasra butted in. “Let’s not forget there young lady, that it was my saber who killed your precious husband.” Jasra said with a proud look on her face. “And let’s also not forget about my plan.”


Linduu readied her lightsaber for an attack. “And what plan would that be?”


“This one!” Jasra replied as she created a massive force wave sending Linduu flying.


“And now my Lord Onasi, I shall complete my plan.” She said as she spit on John’s face. Jasra stretched out her hand as force lighting surged from her fingers hitting John’s body and causing him to scream out in pain.


“Why, why are you doing this?” John could barely get the words out to ask.


“Oh don’t be so naïve my Lord. It is the way of the Sith, you know that.” Jasra increased the strength of her force lightning so that it began to lift John up into the air. By the time he was standing he was already dead. Still Jasra wanted to make sure. She ignited her saber in her other hand and cut John’s head off. The force lightning stopped emanating from her fingertips and John’s headless body fell to the ground.


Jasra kicked both of the lifeless bodies that were lying in front of her, just to make sure that they were indeed dead. “Finally, the first half of my plan is complete.” Jasra sneered to herself.


“And you won’t have the chance to complete the second part.” Linduu’s voice came from behind. Jasra whirled around to see Linduu standing 20 feet away from her. Tears were still streaming down her face and a look of determination was in her eyes. Jasra couldn’t look at her for long though as Linduu’s lightsaber was now glowing white. Such a pure white that it was exceedingly blinding, it lit up the entire cavern as if the suns of Tatooine themselves were inside it.

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Well now, that's quite the plot twist, and was about the last thing I was expecting. Having a Sith Lord betray and kill her Sith Master is so very Star Wars and it fit in nicely. That was a quite descriptive battle scene.

I hope Linduu stays Light, too. :)


Keep writing--I'm dying to see where you take Linduu and the baby, now.

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You mean no one is going to comment on the cool move I made up? Where Linduu channeled the force through her saber, picking up the Sith like rag dolls, twirling them about in the air and then sending them smashing into the wall to meet their dooms? Man, I thought it was pretty cool and original. :(

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You mean no one is going to comment on the cool move I made up? Where Linduu channeled the force through her saber, picking up the Sith like rag dolls, twirling them about in the air and then sending them smashing into the wall to meet their dooms? Man, I thought it was pretty cool and original. :(


Well, I think, for me anyway, that Jor-el's death was such a surprise that it almost overshadowed everything else. I remember thinking 'neat saber' a bit but I was still dealing with following Linduu's emotions at the death of her beloved. Yes, the saber was indeed cool. :) I'm more into the people/relationship thing (that's just me), so I was focusing on what Linduu was going to do after losing Jor-el and what Jasra was going to say/do as she betrayed her master.

It's not that the saber wasn't cool, it's just that the other 2 big things you had going in that chapter took on more importance. :)

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Chapter XIX



“You fool! Nothing will stop me from killing Vandar and taking my rightful place as Lord of the Sith.” Jasra sneered.


“I’ve heard enough.” Linduu said. “You have killed my Husband and my Father. The pain that is shooting through my entire being is more than even you could understand. None the less, I will not give in to my hatred.” Linduu raised her saber into the air with one end pointed up and the other towards the ground. “And you will learn here and now that one does not have to give in to the Dark side in order to be strong.” Linduu immediately struck the ground with the end of her saber that was pointed down. As soon as it hit a wave of blinding white light went out from it in all directions.


“Nooooooo!” Jasra screamed out in horror as the wave of light reached where she was standing. Upon touching her, she fell to the ground instantly. Her body was as stiff as a log and her mind asleep, as if it were frozen in carbonite. Yet the breath of life did not leave her, she was still alive, but barely.


Linduu deactivated her weapon and ran over to Jor-el’s lifeless body. “No.” She sobbed as tears streamed down her face. “Not now Jor-el, you can’t be dead. We were supposed to live out our lives together, to grow old together. I need you. I can’t do what I have to without you.” Linduu held Jor-el’s head in her arms, stroking his face with her hand. She sat there mourning the loss of her one true love for what seemed like days. The cold darkness of the tomb all around her only added to her pain. A few more hours passed by when suddenly the currents of the Force shifted in the tomb. Linduu sensed the change and quickly jumped to her feet. Upon focusing her thoughts a little more she felt that someone had entered the tomb. She quickly cloaked herself using the Force.




Linduu quickly whirled about to see where the voice had come from. But she saw no one.


“Linduu I’m over here.”


She quickly whirled back around to where the voice was coming from. But again she saw nothing.


“This is so much fun! You should see the look on your face right now.” The voice said in between laughs.


Linduu stood there listening, and to her amazement the voice sounded like…… “Never mind, it can’t be, it’s not possible.” She thought to herself.


“No, you’re right. It is me.” The voice said.


“I don’t know who you are, or where you are, but this isn’t funny at all.” Linduu shouted out. “And if I get my hands on you….”


Suddenly a figure of light appeared right in front of her. And it looked just like Jor-el. Linduu stumbled backwards and fell to the ground as her foot caught a rock, uncloaking her self in the process.


“This can’t be happening, you are dead.” Linduu said with her eyes wide in amazement.


“Linduu I may be physically dead in your world. But I am alive and well in the world beyond, the world of the Force.” Jor-el’s ghost said.


Linduu didn’t know if she should rejoice or cry. “I don’t understand.” She said.


Jor-el folded his arms. “Lin there is so much I have to tell you. So much that I need to explain to you.”


“Well you could start by explaining how I am sitting here by your dead body, yet talking to you at the same time.” Linduu replied.


Jor-el moved closer to Linduu and got down on his knees, looking her directly in the eyes. “I will, I promise. But right now there are more Assassins coming to see if Jasra was successful or if she failed in her attempted plan. You have to go now. You have to get back to T-4 and the Raider. I will help you more from there.”


Linduu got to her feet and brushed the dirt off her robe. “Can’t you just help me fight them?” She asked.


Jor-el folded his arms as he was growing impatient. “I can not interfere. I can only be your guide. I promise that I will keep my eye on you and tell you what to do. But you have to go now!” The Force ghost of Jor-el disappeared in an instant, leaving Linduu alone once again.


“Alright then, this is definitely something that the Midichlorians didn’t include in the training manual.” Linduu thought to herself. She was overcome with emotion, yet didn’t know which one she should be feeling. She was destroyed about the fact that her husband was dead. On the other hand she was happy that she could still talk to him. Yet she didn’t know how to feel about him in his present state. She once again cloaked herself using the Force and made her way out of the tomb. She crept through the ruins, passing the Assassins along the way. Once by them she ran all the way back to the hangar where T-4 was, just as Jor-el had instructed.




Jasra awoke to the sight of two of her Assassins standing over her. She sat up, holding her hand to her forehead as it ached mercilessly.


“My Lord, are you alright? We feared that you were dead.” One of the Assassins asked.


Jasra stood to her feet, anger coursing through her body. “Did you?” She snapped. “Or were you planning on putting a Saber through my heart to make sure I was? Thus claiming you new spot as leader of this settlement?”


The two Assassins knelt down before her. “No my Lord, we would never think of doing such a thing.” One of them replied.


“Yes Lord Lantill, we would never…..” The other was cut off in mid sentence by Jasra.


“Where is the girl?” She shouted.


“I, I don’t know my Lord. When we got here you were the only one still alive.” One of them stuttered in response.


Jasra became furious as anger and hatred raged through her body. “You let her escape?”


“My Lord, we had no Idea…..”


“Enough!” Jasra shouted. “You will now die for your incompetence.” Jasra stretched out her hands, sending each Assassin flying into the wall with a Force push. She held them against the wall, the pressure of her power pushing against their bodies. “I’ve really got to find better help.” Jasra said, followed by a maniacal laugh. She then fed on her rage as lighting shot out from both her hands, frying the two Assassins to death. “It is of no matter.” Jasra said out loud. “I am still going to Onderon. And I am still going to kill that incompetent fool of a leader Vandar.” Having finished with the two Assassins she exited the tomb. She headed back into town, straight for her personal Destroyer class ship.




(Back at the Hangar with T-4 and Linduu.)


“Jor-el, can you hear me? Are you here?” Linduu asked as she looked about.


Jor-el appeared in front of her. “Yes I am here my love.” He replied.


Linduu dropped down to her knees and began to cry. “Jor-el I don’t know how I am supposed to deal with this. I mean you are dead right?”


Jor-el sat down on the ground in front of her. “Yes I am, but only in your world, the one I just left. But I am alive in this one.”


“You said that before back in the cave, but I still don’t understand.” Linduu said.


“Back a long time ago when the first of the Jedi died.” Jor-el began. “He entered into the world beyond the physical. He learned that the rules that governed the physical universe no longer applied to him, thus making him more powerful than anyone could ever achieve in the physical realm.” Jo-el stood back up. “He eventually learned though, that he could not use his powers to interfere in the physical universe. But the one thing he could do was communicate with someone who was sensitive in the Force, and was emotionally close to him when he lived in the physical world. He taught that person how to be able to do the same once they died and joined him in the world beyond. That teaching was passed down to few throughout the years. As the Force would have it, my master was one of those who could see and hear someone from the other side. Once he died he never spoke to me and I never knew why. But when I got here he taught me the secret of doing so myself. I learned very quickly as you can see.” Jor-el said as a look of accomplishment came across his face.


“But Jor-el this doesn’t help me right now. I need you here physically with me. I can’t hold you, kiss you, or wrap myself in your arms for comfort.” Linduu said.


Jor-el knelt down in front of her. “I know Lin, I know. But right now you have to pull yourself together for me. There is still a lot to be done. And you have to live. Our baby has to be born. He is very important to the future of the Universe”


“He?” Linddu asked in surprise. “You know that it is a boy?”


Jor-el smiled. “Yes I know that it is a boy, one of the perks of being dead you know.”


“This is not a joking matter Jor-el. How can you stand there and joke about your own death?” Linduu asked as another tear slid down her cheek.


“I’m sorry Lin, really, I just couldn’t resist. You know me.” Jor-el said with a smile.


“Yes, I know you.” Linduu replied as she burned a hole right through Jor-el with her icy stare.


“Lin, I really wish we could talk more, but Jasra is about to leave the planet in her ship. She is going to Onderon to try and kill Vandar.” Jor-el said.


“And you want me to follow her and make sure they both die right?” Linduu asked.


“Right.” Jor-el replied.


Linduu turned to T-4. “Fire up the ships engines T-4 and plot a course for Onderon.”


“Beep beep.” T-4 asked as he wheeled himself under the wing of the Raider.


“No T-4, Jor-el isn’t going to be coming with us this time.” Linduu replied. She turned back around only to see that Jor-el was gone. “Right then, it’s off to Onderon to take on the whole Sith army all alone.” She thought to herself. Linduu climbed into the Raiders’s cockpit and closed the hatch.


“Are you ready T-4?” She asked.


“Beep beep beep.” T-4 acknowledged.


“Alright then, up we go.”


The Raider blasted off from the planet’s surface and left the atmosphere within seconds. Once in orbit Linduu shut down all the ship’s systems. She then used the Force to cloak herself and the Raider.


“Alright Jasra looks like it’s your move.”

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I've never commented on this, but I really like this Fanfic. I like the others who read this Fanfic, was waiting for this Chapter.


It seems a bit stupid that Linduu didn't check to see that Jasra was dead, but if she had killed her, it would probably be the end of this Fanfic.


I'm awaiting the next Chapter.

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Very cool Force power. I'm glad to see Jor-el's back. :D

I found a few comma issues, but no big deal.

Jasra's a very believable Sith--so delightfully evil. And I hope Linduu kicks her butt all the way to the Outer Rim. :giggle1:


I agree with Jae 100%! Can't wait for the next chapter...and the arrival of Master Vandar again. (It's about time he made another appearance, don't 'ya think?) Great work once again!

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Chapter XX



Jasra’s Destroyer lifted off the surface of the planet and exited Korriban’s orbit. Her ship was a gift to her from Lord Vandar for her ruthlessness, leadership, and downright evilness. It was equipped with the latest blaster cannon technology. So much so that she could easily level entire cities from orbit, as she had been known to do for fun on several occasions. The ship was run by a crew of around 500 men and women. 100 of those being Sith Assassins who were loyal to her, and her alone.


“Take me to Onderon now!” Jasra barked out as she gave the Captain of the ship an icy stare that would have frozen a pack of wild Banthas dead in their tracks.


“Yes my lord.” The captain replied.


“And Captain,” Jasra said. “If it takes longer than 12 hours to get there I will personally put you out the aft airlock.”


“Yes my lord.” The Captains voice quivered in reply. “As you command, we will be there in less than 12 hours.”


Jasra turned to exit the bridge. “Very good Captain, see to it.”


The Destroyer’s hyper-drive engines roared to life as the ship jumped away towards Onderon.




“Alright T-4 looks like Jasra is on her way.” Linduu said as she fiddled with some buttons on the control panel. “Set a course for Onderon and let’s be on our way.”


“Beep beep bop.” T-4 replied. He engaged the Hyper-drive and the Raider entered hyper-space towards their destination. As they traveled Linduu let out a sigh as she thought about Jor-el, and how she wished he was here.


“Ah, but I am here.” Jor-el said, causing Linduu to jump out of her seat and hit her head on the canopy above.


“Ouch!” Linddu exclaimed.


“Oh sorry there Lin, did I scare you?” Jor-el asked in a playful tone.


“You had better not be smiling right now.” Linduu said. “I may not be able to see you, but you had better wipe off that silly grin that I know is on your face.”


Jor-el chuckled. “Ok you got me, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”


Linduu rubbed that top of her head. “I forgive you. Just try not to be so loud next time when I’m not expecting it.”


“Alright, I’ll be a bit more subtle next time.” Jor-el replied.


“So getting down to business, how again am I suppose to do this all on my own?” Linduu asked.


“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about Linduu.” Jor-el said. “The way I figure it you have about 12 hours or so before you reach Onderon. During that time I need you to meditate. You need to clear your mind of all distractions and search out the intents of your heart.”


“Why?” Linduu asked. “What does that have to do with me, facing the biggest suicide mission in history all alone?”


“Because Linduu, there is still a lot of untapped potential within you. I saw it back in the cave as you knocked Jasra out without even touching her. I must say that wave of Light was a Force power unlike any I have ever seen or heard of.” Jor-el said.


“You saw that huh?” Linduu said. “I don’t even know how I did it. It kind of just happened.”


“You were able to draw on strength that you didn’t know you had.” Jor-el replied. “I sense that there is a lot of that still in you, just waiting to be used. That’s why I need you to gather your thoughts and the motives of your heart. You need to be 100 percent ready for what you are about to face.”


Linduu rested her head on the back of her seat. “I miss you my love.”


“I know you do. I miss you as well. But that is exactly the kind of thing that you have to put out of your thoughts. Such thinking will only lead to your death, our baby’s death, and the death of the Universe.”


“All right then.” Linduu said. “You’ve made your point. I will do what I must.”


“Very well then, I will leave you to your meditating.” Jor-el said. “And may the Force be with you my love.”




Twelve hours later T-4 informed Linduu that they were about to drop out of hyper-space.


“Thank you T-4. I will take the controls from here on out.” Linduu replied. “This time they won’t even have a chance to see us drop out of the hyper-window.”


Linduu used the Force to sense when they would drop out of Hyper-space and Force cloaked the ship at the exact moment they exited.


“T-4, I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Linduu remarked.


Directly in front of them lay Onderon. The dark side of the Force was extremely strong here as it sent shivers up and down Linduu’s spine. In between them and the planet was the biggest fleet of ships she had ever seen. Hundreds, if not thousands of Sith Cruisers and Destroyers orbited all around the planet. Off to the left was Dxun, Onderon’s moon. What seemed like a dark red cloud of energy extended from the moon all the way to Onderon. And it appeared that when it hit the planet’s atmosphere it began to spread out even bigger. It encompassed all of Onderon in a bubble. Amazingly though this was not what caught Linduu’s eye. Off to the right of the planet was a structure of amazing proportions. It appeared as if the construction on it was not yet complete. Just the same though, it was the size and shape of a small moon.


“If that’s a space station or a ship, then it’s the biggest one I have ever seen in my short life.” Linduu said aloud.


“Wooo” T-4 replied.


“That thing can’t be meant for good.” Linduu said as she stretched forth her feelings with the Force towards the station. “It is meant for mass levels of destruction, that much I am sure of.”


“Beep beep.”


“Before we do anything, we need to find out as much as we can about that station as well as the cloud that seems to stretch from the moon to the planet.”


Linduu piloted the ship closer and closer towards the planet, weaving in and out of the way of all the ships that were orbiting. The closer she got to the cloud and it’s bubble around the planet, the more she felt disturbed, uneasy and on edge. Finally clear of all the ships now Linduu began to descend the Raider into the atmosphere. As they passed through the cloud of dark energy it sent a jolt of fear through Linduu’s body like she had never felt before. None the less she kept the Raider on course for the planet’s surface. When they had finally passed through the clouds and were able to see the ground Linduu’s heart sank to the floor at what she saw. Below them was a barren planet. Where once there were tall buildings and beautiful lakes, were now rubble and dried up mud holes. There were thousands of slaves all over the place that appeared to be working mines of some sort.


“My parent’s use to bring me here on vacation before the war started.” Linduu said as tears welled up in her eyes. “It was so beautiful, so peaceful. The people here were always so wonderful and caring. Now look at it! It is nothing but rubble and ashes. And the people….” Linduu paused to take a deep breath. “No doubt Vandar enslaved them all after he took over the planet. But what is it he has them doing? Are they mining, or searching for something perhaps?”


“Beep droot.” T-4 replied.


“Yes T-4, we are going to do our best to help them. Vandar is going to pay for wha…..” Linduu was cut off in mid sentence as she heard a voice in her head.


“Know you are here I do. Come to kill me try you have. Your exact location know I not. But your presence I do feel. Try you will, miserably fail you will in the end. If my side you will not join, then torture you I will. Torture you for pleasure my own.”


Linduu tried to calm the fear that was welling up inside her to the best of her ability. But she couldn’t block it out completely.


“Who is this? Vandar is tha…..” Once again she was cut off.


“Your baby raise as my own I will. Great power to him will I give. My new apprentice will he become.”


“Noooo!” Linduu screamed out in horror. “You will never have the chance to even see my baby! I won’t leave this planet until I have ended your rule and the threat of the Sith completely!”


“Try if you must.” Vandar replied. “Take your baby I will. Stop me you can not.”


“Jor-el! Jor-el where are you?” Linduu shouted as tears began to flow down her face. “Jor-el I am so scared, I can’t do this alone. I need you, where are you?”


There was no answer. Only the sounds of Linduu’s sobs and the ship as it flew through the air.

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What's this? No one has mentioned my Death Star prototype? Hmmm.... oh well, you'll find out how Vandar discovered how to make it soon anyway. :)


Oh, I saw it, but I'm waiting to see what you do with it in the next chap, because I'm betting it has some very interesting features. :D

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