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The New, Improved One Year Thread: 2006 Edition


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I won't go into all the sordid details... but suffice it to say if I did, you would all think that I went back and scoured the archives to copy-and-paste Nute's most angst-ridden "infatuation" post ever, then re-wrote it to exaggerate my self-loathing to be at least a half-million times worse. Maybe more...


Wow...that's an impressive amount of angst and self-loathing.

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Tell me about it... and I have to live with it.


Trust me... I am doing you all a gargantuan favor in sparing you all from reading perhaps the most epic display of pathos yet conceived in human history.


My early holiday present to everyone. You can all thank me later.



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Hell no, I'm like the dude in My Fair Lady and he's all I AM CONFIRMED OLD BACHELOR HARUMPH! Even though he's got this hot chick right there. Except I'm more like Pygmalion than My Fair Lady because I'm not getting the girl in the end.


I will say this though: there's this girl that I'm pretty sure I'd be dating right now, except that for a variety of reasons she doesn't want to date anyone. And that's not me being guillible or anything. I've known her for like 18 months now and her reasons are 100% true and accurate.


For like a week now, I've been really regretting not selling my cello and getting a bass guitar six years ago.

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Hey ed, you could pull a Colin Firth a la Love Actually. Take some quick and dirty late night Portuguese courses, then show up at her venue of work and sweep her off her feet with your broken and comically illiterate attempt at her native tongue. Hey, it worked for him, so why not?


Or you could always take the girl that's all but confessed that she loves me, but to whom I can't reciprocate feelings because I have none for her because I want her roommate instead. She's not Portuguese, but she is chocolate and speaks French. Interested?

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Send 'em my way, Nine.


BTW, Nine, we still have to meet up if you are still in state.


ANYWAY..... Yeah, I'm pretty down, but work is keeping my mind busy with things other than my failure at relationships.


Like today, was Basic Shift Management class day 1. For those of you not "in" in McD lingo, BSM is pretty much a overview of how not to piss off your employee's working for you. They also go over all applicable laws reguarding minors, wage and hours, Discrimination, harrassment, ect. Having fun, the teacher is a blast.


And day 2 is an instore day, which funny, thing, is the store I work at. The class size is so small they couldn't afford to get another store to send me to, so I have to sit there as my fellow managers rip my home store a new one.


Fun. :rolleyes:

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Or you could always take the girl that's all but confessed that she loves me, but to whom I can't reciprocate feelings because I have none for her because I want her roommate instead. She's not Portuguese, but she is chocolate and speaks French. Interested?

Hmmm... tempting. However, recent events have left a sour taste in my mouth over all things emotional, and I have decided to undergo an emergency emotion-bypass surgery (A.K.A.: Vulcan-oscopy.)


I'm afraid I won't feel much after that.


Well... maybe once every 7 years or so...


Ray: I have also come to see the accidental wisdom in Zoomie's assessment of the situation. Truer words have never been spoken. Written. Whatever...


I'm half inclined to suggest we re-name the XWA Community Center to something involving the words: Lonely Hearts Club. :dozey:


The thought of just what 2007 might have in store for us all is beginning to fill me with a nameless, unspeakable dread.



One of the guys I spent all that time on the John Lennon Bus thing is coming into town this week. (He did most of the piano playing, and "But then this little bunny rabbit comes out from the ground..." was one his lines in the jam.)

Should be fun to see him again. If we manage to jam together at all this week, I'll be sure to get it on tape. :D

Says he has some Dennis P. songs in his posession that I haven't heard yet. Genius! I'll send copies your way as soon as I can get my grubby little hands on them!

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Well, that was fun. Just got home from the instore portion of Basic Shift Management Class. Holy Crap.


I know other stores in our franchise are very envious of my home store, and I can understand the ire and the prejudgment coming in, and the light in their faces as they saw things that we didn't do. However, nitpicking on the tiniest things were completley uncalled for. We did have some issues, but man, they were MEAN.


Except the people from the McD' Corp. Owned/Operated stores. They were in awe, because apparently, thier stores suck ass.

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Work sucks. Sometimes. Right now it is sucking hard. Sucking harder than Monica Lewinsky on her knees in the Oval Office.

(Yes,.. that is a horribly out of date blowjob joke I went for. Oh yes,.. I really went there. Deal with it beeyaches.)


I'm really looking forward to a bit of a break. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from this year of my job. Especially this last semester. Burnt out beyond belief.


I really do like the people I work with,.. but good lord, I'm more than ready to spend some time not seeing their faces everyday.

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I'm getting a new mountain bike (mongoose x200 21 speed) tomorrow w/walmart's 20% holiday discount to employees...hope the snow doesn't show up this year. it says its like $164 so i'll be getting it for about $140 bucks with tax included. I haven't been on a bike in forever and need to get back in shape (weighed myself other day and im like 187 compared to what i was when i got back from basic which was 145....) ...



last night watched 2 movies


You, Me, and Dupree....pretty funny movie, lots of parts made me laugh.



Then i forced myself to watch 'devil wears prada' that movie made like......no sense at all? it wasn't even remotely funny and just dragged i'm so glad i didn't go to the theatre to see that one, and i pity any guys that took their gf's to the theatre to see it.

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I used to have a Mongoose BMX. Nice bike.


Last time I rode it I was probably 16 or 17. Got rid of it shortly thereafter. That was probably the last time I was ever on a bike. Never really enjoyed bike riding all that much. Now that I live in the city I just don't see that I would ever have much use for one... other than just being a great way to get maimed or killed in traffic.


If I ever move out to somewhere more suburban or rural I might pick one up. Until then I'll just walk if I need exercise.

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heh decided to go and get the next one up, the 250...just gotta get the seat to where it's comfortable and i'll take it for a spin. mwahahaha daddys got a brrrrrrlland new set of wheeeeeeeeeeels!!!!!11


well almost had an incident, was pumping the tire and think it popped cause the air went out and well i was gonna replace my old bike's tire to the new bike but figured before i do that pump it up again and it worked so glad i dont gotta do that...or return it meh dont wanna return it......so anyways i risked a short ride on route 652 where people drive like there's no speed limit and the bike rode quite well, so i'm pretty impressed, and worn out..damn i haven't rode a bike in ages, it's been well over a year. :( hopefully snow holds off til january so i can enjoy biking...there are tons of places to bike ride up here, especially right by the delaware river and over at the game lands.


I rememeber learning how to ride a bike...took the training wheels off, got on a small hill and forced myself to learn, only took like 5 times down the hill and i was set. i would ride my bike to work but i'd have trouble getting home at night.

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Pittsburgh sounds nice?!?? Hmm... we truly are existing on different planes of existence...


Changed the avi, sig and custom user title. For the first time (I believe) in my history here, they all match in the sense they are all from the same source materiel.


Funny that it took me this long to get around to the Tap...


In celebration of this stunning achievement: Ümläüts för everyöne!




Also: you may have noticed of late that I'm making a half-hearted attempt to try to POST MORE!

I want this thread to go out on some sort of a bang. We won't come near breaking last year's thread post total... but it would be nice to try to,.. I dunno... break 700 or something this time,...




Not a big deal if we don't though...


Any thoughts about making plans for dragging this concept into next year for another round; or has the whole thing just outlived it's welcome and usefulness?


Yea? Nay?

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Ray: I have also come to see the accidental wisdom in Zoomie's assessment of the situation. Truer words have never been spoken. Written. Whatever...
Let's face it: a new religion is born. XD


I'm half inclined to suggest we re-name the XWA Community Center to something involving the words: Lonely Hearts Club. :dozey:
Nah. That would be like giving in to "fate". Merry Fistmas Men's Club - Girls Willcome surely is something even Keyan will tattoo to his chest. Heck, I swear, he wants to be member number ONE.


The thought of just what 2007 might have in store for us all is beginning to fill me with a nameless, unspeakable dread.
I am not afraid anymore. What more can happen? I seriously doubt a camel will give birth to a rhino on my bed. :p
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I think she's off at the spa, getting her body waxed, her nails done, and a full-face dermabrasion. Wants to look her best for your temptation, of course...


However; these Fates are getting a bit up there in years, y'know. Takes a lot more work these days to just maintain.


I believe she has you penciled in for sometime late next year though...

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I hope she doesnt come see me soon, she visited a friend from HS while he was on his R6 last weekend, and I am going to the visitation tonight :(


its sad, dead at 24, but when one zooms around town oft way over the posted limit sans helmet and other gear, it happens.....still sad to be going to the funeral of someone younger than me though

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