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When is bonus stuff becoming available for PC??


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It is possible to reduce lag through the game's code. As SWBF1 was updated again again and again, the game seemed to run smoother and smoother until they released their perpetual beta 1.3 as Kurgan so eloquently noted. I've also noticed that in SWBF2, lag seems to be more of a general idea of how difficult it is for someone to play than a defining number.

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Perhaps they could help eleviate the lag problem if they were to release a linux dedicted server for people to use. This would encourage companies to offer servers for this game like other popular FPS games, and that would in turn mean less lag and more servers to join. Everybody wins...


Though microsoft might be a little more unhappy... but c'mon, they're just pissing off their customers by not offering options!

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i dont see why people think how much better the xbox release is when its nothing compared to the mod tools for PC which allow endless possiblities. im sure chris fusco (lead modeler for pandemic) would probably release the asajj and kit models eventually. if not then someone could always make them, i have the skeleton but im not that great at modeling humanoids but since neomarz is my buddy i could maybe get his asajj model, i have the skeleton fully set up and i have everything i need to do it. i cant beleive that one person that i talked to actually didnt think it was possible to add new units and animations into the game when ive already seen it done and have been playing with it myself. if you guys go to gametoast.com 2 of the guys from pandemic post there and one is a moderator, after lookin around you wont be so jeleous of the models that xbox gets especially when you can make anything you want for the game while that update is as much as theyll probably ever get.

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  Kurgan said:
I'm not sure what people mean when they say the game is too fast. It feels just as fast as SWBF1. But then maybe I need to fire that game up again to compare. I remember it being the same though. Ditto for the graphics. Other than shifting some things around, the graphics pretty much look just as good (or bad) in SWBF2 as in SWBF1, at least to me.


Well, the editors of SWBFII decided that they didn't like the way the CPs in SWBF were set up so they dicided to mess with them (I don't know why, they're perfectly fine). Whatever they did to change them, they now are captured much more easily. It seems impossible to keep any of the command posts that you aren't currently posted at and protecting. They don't even really matter that much anymore, because there is less activity and you can't hold onto them anyway. Sinse the command posts go by twice as fast, it also seems as though the game flies by.

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  Fate said:
Well' date=' the editors of SWBFII decided that they didn't like the way the CPs in SWBF were set up so they dicided to mess with them (I don't know why, they're perfectly fine). Whatever they did to change them, they now are captured much more easily. It seems impossible to keep any of the command posts that you aren't currently posted at and protecting. They don't even really matter that much anymore, because there is less activity and you can't hold onto them anyway. Sinse the command posts go by twice as fast, it also seems as though the game flies by.[/quote']



Just out of curiosity, are you talking about Multiplayer against humans? Becuase that's primarily what I was thinking of. I will admit that most of my online games with SWBF1 were plagued by lag and as a result, virtually unplayable. SWBF2 on the other hand was much better, and I felt the AI was significantly improved. I agree that the smaller maps do go by fast in Conquest Mode, but I thought people were talking about actual MOVEMENT SPEED in combat, which I didn't notice having changed (except with regards to sprinting, but also keep in mind they removed air support from virtually all the ground maps and slowed down some vehicle movement).


Not to sound like I'm attacking you or anything, but what exactly is the problem with losing command posts that you're not defending? Why should it be hard to capture undefended command points? I don't understand why this is a valid criticism of the game...

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  minilogoguy18 said:
i dont see why people think how much better the xbox release is when its nothing compared to the mod tools for PC which allow endless possiblities. im sure chris fusco (lead modeler for pandemic) would probably release the asajj and kit models eventually.


I guess from one point of view you could say that as a console port, it's going to be somehow "optimized" for consoles. One could look at the release of the meager bonus material on the Xbox as a "bonus" since currently mods for the PC version are officially forbidden (though that may change, hopefully with the release of official tools in a few days/weeks).


But honestly, yes, there is no reason to say the console version is actually "better" because the PC has the capability of better graphics (simply because you can increase the res beyond TV capable resolutions and with better hardware get higher framerate). You have your choice of controllers (rather than being stuck with Xbox controllers for example), and can take screen caps. The PC version will also go down in price, whereas the console version will stay at regular price for a much longer period, simply because console gamers are used to this sort of thing. Console games only go down in price after a long time, if the game's popularity has plunged, or when a new, better system comes out and people start selling off their old collections to buy the new one (ie: Xbox 360). Patches, if they ever come, will be much easier to implement on the PC, since you don't have to pay a fee for an extra external service (since, correct me if I'm wrong, you have to pay for Xbox Live! AND for online service with the Xbox) to download a patch, and patches are rarer for console games anyway since anything significantly large would require harddrive space being taken up. But yes, all things being equal, the PC version is clearly superior, or at least has the potential to be.


What works against the SWBF series on the PC is that other competing products exist that are of higher quality. So relatively speaking, it doesn't seem as good. On the console there are fewer, better substitutes, perhaps, making it seem more attractive. But comparing the two, I don't see why you'd go with the lower budget version...


if not then someone could always make them, i have the skeleton but im not that great at modeling humanoids but since neomarz is my buddy i could maybe get his asajj model, i have the skeleton fully set up and i have everything i need to do it.


Right, but that's never a given. Lots of times a game has come out and people have said "oh well, modders will do this and that" and often those kinds of things are simply not taken up by modders to make. None of the things suggested by the Xbox update sound too difficult relatively speaking, but we have no idea the quality of the tools that will be released. After all, were quality model creation tools available for SWBF1? You'd need to create new models, animations, etc, not just textures, and reskinning an existing model wouldn't be quite as good. If there is some legal restriction on porting the exact models somehow from the Xbox to PC that would be another obstacle, since people are assuming a "quick fix" exists. My bet is that if they don't release the Xbox content also for the PC officially it won't happen for a long time, if ever, even if PC mod tools are released. There's simply far more interesting things to create than Asajj Ventress and Kit Fisto. Porting over the SWBF1 maps (if allowed) would be something a lot more people would probably like to see though. Still, I could see sites like PCgamemods balking at something like this, considering how they've reacted to for example, Jedi Outcast maps playable on Jedi Academy, or KOTOR models ported to other Star Wars games.



i cant beleive that one person that i talked to actually didnt think it was possible to add new units and animations into the game when ive already seen it done and have been playing with it myself.


Oh it's possible. It's probably that some have heard the "it's not legally allowed" and misunderstood it to mean "it's not possible." Making mods for the Xbox version would be much more difficult of course (I doubt it will happen, period). Hex editing the stats and making NPC's playable was something done early on with SWBF1 and I can see happening with SWBF2. It's the actual release of new usable models that will take some doing, which requires proper tools as well as official allowance of modding (after all, what good are mods if no sites will put them up for download for fear of legal threat from LucasArts?).


I agree, there's little reason for us to be jealous of Xbox users. It's really the principle of the thing. I'd be much happier to get a decent patch (or more) and modding tools, and linux dedicated server (the last item they have NOT promised and perhaps may never happen, but I think the game sorely needs it).

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New patch info: http://forums.lucasarts.com/thread.jspa?threadID=99431&tstart=0


"Just wanted to give everyone an update since we are at the end of the month and yes, we do not yet have the patch to release. As the team has been making changes to the Mod Tools, we've had to sync up the game code to better support what the Mod Tools create. As a result, we've had to hold-off on the PC patch until we are fairly confident no other Mod Tool changes will affect the core game. We apologize for the delay but want to insure that when the Mod Tools are released, it works completely with the current version of the game. Our best estimate for release is likely the middle of next week.


Thanks again for your continual support of Star Wars Battlefront II


The Star Wars Battlefront II team "

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