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Romance Options for Kotor 3


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I think that the dialouge should be the top priority for the next one, after all it IS an RPG and so many plot holes were introduced at the end of Kotor 2.

In Kotor I, Carth and Bastila were kinda left behind as Revan went into the Outer Rim. I do think there should be re-united to end their misery :(. Some complaints about the romantic dialouge was it seemed like it was never going to come and then BOOM, Revan and Carth/Bastila were madly in love.

In Kotor II, I only played through once so far but concerning Atton..He was very flirtatious and talkative at the beginning, and just holed up toward the end. He had one of the most surprising stories and unforunately, only hinted at liking your character to other npc's and never coming out and saying it like Carth or Bastila.

So I would like some more flirtatious elements, maybe you and that special someone takes a day off admist all the war and enjoys a day out on the town with no interruptions, just pure rp. And I would also like more dialouge choices to ones that are labeled love interests (perhaps once every level), and it having a definite end to perhaps all 3 couples. It doesn't have to be horribly mushy, but definitely it needs some closure.

Thoughts anyone?

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I think romance could he neutral ending (oh pleeeease make neutral ending) Lol i dunno, but well remember Jolee, he was neutral and said that luv is ok. so i think if you would be neutral, you could beat the boss, than say "Screw u, galaxy" And go live peacefull life with ur love. Cammon it'd be great i think, on other hand that could be a bit of waste of developing time, so yeah i just hope that they just make it good.

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You know love is not a bad idea. Passion which can lead to rage and fear can be learned to be controlled. Love itself in the end will save you. While the fear of loss is a path to the dark side and possession can lead to jealousy, love is one of those emotions that has its good and bad affects. If we did not have love, we could embrace cruelty but on the other hand love can bring about jealousy. It can also give a certain strength like something worth fighting for. Anakin had the right idea, he just let his fear and jealousy and hatred dictate his actions and ended up killing that which he loved.

Romance in the game is ok in my book. I personally thought it had a flair of Star Wars in it considering the films had romance and love. I often thought of what happened to Revan and the love for Bastilla or Carth.

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Well I was just thinking of that idea from FFVII. Maybe you could win prizes by completing different mini-games with your love interest. I still think that Kotor I and II romances should be final though. They are still so left up in the air. Will Carth/Bastila ever see Revan again? I mean it could be at the end and have a nice reunion. What about the exile and their love interest? If it is continous and the characters from I and II are connected (both Exile and Revan had to go to the Outer Rim) so it would only be rational to gain some closure from their relationships with each other. Doesn't have to be too heavy, but I would like to see Revan and Carth/Bastila definitely be together as well as the Exile/love interest.

It could only take up a few cutscenes since you would have your own character and love interest to have.

Being in love on a RPG can produce many elements as well. What if two Jedis fell in love with you? Lust leads to love, love leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to hatred, hatred leads to the dark side. It does not have to be mushy like I noted before, but being in love with another NPC can bring up so many different elements that would make it exciting. I mean, what if the two jedis fought over you and one npc permanently killed the other npc?

Any more thoughts concerning this subject?

@MachineCult Lmao I know. I would like to play a good amount of the game having your love interest and your character have already declared their love for each other. Perhaps later conversations could deal with what you wanted to do after all this, not sure.

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I think it's a must for K3.

In SW episode 3, the story was about relationships. In Kotor 1, it was about relationships. And K2 didn't have it, so it felt kind of...empty.

If they want to reach the sell records of part 1, they have create better NPC-conversations.

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i for 1 don't mind a bit of romance in the game, i mean it certainly added something to Kotor1 that was lacking in 2. Not sure it has to be as full on as some have suggested maybe just a sidequest, and definitely think they need to tie up the lose ends from 1 and 2, but that will hopefully come when it ties up all the other questions. I think K3 needs better NPC conversation options than K2 anyway. But a bit of romance is a given for 3 in my opinion

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I see. Love was a non essential in the movies but they put it in anyway and it fit. Yes too much makes it look silly but a little with feelings gradually revealled, now that is a good romance. It could also affect the crew, the preference of one crew member and the others can have their say.

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I was thinking of an idea that concerned the entire crew. That your relationship with them could affect the outcome of the story. Who falls to the dark side and who makes what kind of a decision, depending on the personality. Romances should be included.

I would love this, it would be a great step for the Kotor series, it would give you an even more selection on what you get to do, maybe even be able to select your crew, that would be cool 2! I cant wait

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Are you talking to me?


If so, don't get me wrong, I just think that in a game like KOTOR there are more important things - I don't want it to be a "top priority" like the thread starter said.


Yeah I was. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that romance should have the shotgun seat, that goes to a completed storyline. What I was trying to get at is that is could be a little bit of a flair, a nice little extra; one of Darth InSidious' "doohickeys"

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I say that a (good) romance plot would be the best for this one. Of course, Exile, and Revan would have to come back and reunite with Mical/Atton/Briana/Visas and Revan would have to com back for Bastila/Carth. I think that there should be more than one romance option, as in KotOR II, but it would have to have much more...effect on the game, as in KotOR I. And it would have to be written well, like in KotOR I...

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Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that romance should have the shotgun seat, that goes to a completed storyline. What I was trying to get at is that is could be a little bit of a flair, a nice little extra; one of Darth InSidious' "doohickeys"


I know, I don't have a problem with what you are suggesting. My main point in my earlier post was agreeing with Prime on the fact that I don't want KOTOR to get heavily involved in that kind of stuff. I don't really have a problem with the romance stuff itself.

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