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Things We Don't Want in K3


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Alright guys, time for a whole new spin. Instead of voicing what we want and expect, lets tell the people what we don't want! Here's my list on what I hope is not in K3.

1) A whole new cast of characters.. Um what would be the point in a role playing game if loose ends were never tied from the I and II? Also, K3 should be epic and what is more epic than fighting alongside your favorite characters from I and II that happened to save the galaxy already?

2) All of the planets that were on K1. Dantooine, I think it is time we moved up to bigger and better horizons.. such as Corsucant! Korriban because we are going to the Outer Rim where True Sith live. Going to Korriban would just seem redundant since I already have to be surrounded by tons of Sith! As for Manaan and Kashyyk, they just did not seem to make that much of an impact on me for me to really like them.

3) Less Dialouge options. I felt like I hardly got to know any of my characters with the limited selection! In fact, we need more.

4) Canderous. For goodness sake, let the man start up his Mandalorian clan. Good as a cameo, bad as a party member in my opinion.

5) Wookies. Their voice always seems like they are crying, it is depressing really. Also, they always have this sad story to tell about being slavers >.>

6) Bastila lecturing me if she happens to be a party member. Or Carth and his whining as well. I like them both, but they can have such awesome personalities if they just expanded their roles more. :)

7) Atton thinking he is no good. He needs to just tell the F Exile he loves her, and friggin be more Han Soloish. He was -thisclose- to being the best male character, don't screw it up for K3 please!^^

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1) A whole new cast of characters.. Um what would be the point in a role playing game if loose ends were never tied from the I and II? Also, K3 should be epic and what is more epic than fighting alongside your favorite characters from I and II that happened to save the galaxy already?


I half agree/disagree with this. Several of the characters from KOTOR and TSL should return. However several new characters wouldn't hurt would it?


2) All of the planets that were on K1. Dantooine, I think it is time we moved up to bigger and better horizons.. such as Corsucant! Korriban because we are going to the Outer Rim where True Sith live. Going to Korriban would just seem redundant since I already have to be surrounded by tons of Sith! As for Manaan and Kashyyk, they just did not seem to make that much of an impact on me for me to really like them.


Agreed. Courscant should replace Dantooine, Korriban should return if it had new tombs to go to, Kashyyyk could return if we wanted to see Zaalbar becoming the next Chieftain and Mannan would only be good if the Selkath weren't so sad to you.


3) Less Dialouge options. I felt like I hardly got to know any of my characters with the limited selection! In fact, we need more.


I not sure. It could be great to have more Dialouge options, but it might make the game a bit complex.


4) Canderous. For goodness sake, let the man start up his Mandalorian clan. Good as a cameo, bad as a party member in my opinion.


Well maybe he could be a temporary Party Member. Maybe he could die in a worthy battle or something.


5) Wookies. Their voice always seems like they are crying, it is depressing really. Also, they always have this sad story to tell about being slavers.


It's Wookiees. Disagree. Wookiees are a part of Star Wars and they need to be in it. They shouldn't be a Party Member and yeah for a change stop talking about them being Slavers.


6) Bastila lecturing me if she happens to be a party member. Or Carth and his whining as well. I like them both, but they can have such awesome personalities if they just expanded their roles more.


Maybe Bastila and Carth could grow up a bit now it's like five years later. And like you said, they have a lot of potential.


7) Atton thinking he is no good. He needs to just tell the F Exile he loves her, and friggin be more Han Soloish. He was -thisclose- to being the best male character, don't screw it up for K3 please!^^


Agreed. Maybe Atton can forget about his shady past and look to the future. I mean he is the next Han Solo after all. If he got together with Carth, think of the conversations they'd have or Atton trying to chat up Bastila. That would be great.

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4) Canderous. For goodness sake, let the man start up his Mandalorian clan. Good as a cameo, bad as a party member in my opinion.

Agreed. Although I won't be mad if they put him as a party member, seeing him with a full-fledged Mandalorian battle brigade at his back would be a much nicer sight. :twogun:

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1). Another weak ending. I was slightly dissappointed at the anti-climactic ending to TSL. Talk about a wound in the force, that was a wound to the series.


2). The same old planets. The refreshing thing about this whole series is the exploration and interaction in new enviroments. If we *have* to go back to Korriban, Dantooine or Tatooine, then at least make it severely different than the previous game(s).


3). Stagnant clothing. Robes and armour were upgraded from KotOR to TSL, but they need to go that one step further. I'd like to see a bit more options for in game armour and weapons modifications. I hope they fix the Jal-Shay and Zeison-Sha armoured robes as well. They were just too ugly to wear.

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3). Stagnant clothing. Robes and armour were upgraded from KotOR to TSL, but they need to go that one step further. I'd like to see a bit more options for in game armour and weapons modifications. I hope they fix the Jal-Shay and Zeison-Sha armoured robes as well. They were just too ugly to wear.


You hit that one on mark. The clothing could look a bit more varied on the like the ordinary citizens, they kind of look pasted on and the faces looked like manikins. The Jal-Shay armour could use a new look too.

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A whole new cast of characters

I would like the droids to return as party members. The others could come back as non-party members, except Canderous. I would like to see him return as a party member, so he could lead the Mandalorian clans in a suicide mission that would aid the pc in his battle against The True Sith. Let him go out in a blaze of glory, and let Kreia's prediction be damned!



Agreed. Move on to Coruscant and the real Jedi Temple.



I think there is still a lot of potential left for Korriban. After all, it is where the original fallen Jedi went. However, there needs to be more than just the decrepit Sith Academy and an extra tomb. There could be a lot to learn about the Sith still buried there.


My list of things to avoid:

1) Kreia in any form. If she hates The Force so much, why would she use it to come back as a Force Ghost?


2) Scenarios where the game automatically takes you somewhere.

I know in KOTOR, you had to go to the Unknown Planet and then to the Star Forge, but at least you directed the ship there. I hated when TSL whisked me away to Malachor V without my input. I also hated when the game automatically moved into the Nar Shaddaa warehouse mission with T3-M4.

Let me figure out where I need to go. That's part of the fun of the game.



Another weak ending.

'Nuff said.


4) Bald Jedi Masters with handlebar mustaches.

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Things I don't want in KOTORIII:


1. Pre-Made heads - Most games now allow you to make your own heads (So why can't KOTOR?). Most of the heads from TSL weren't very good. One looked like Sam of Lord Of The Rings and one head had a good potrait, which looked nothing like he did in 3D. It is time to make your own heads and customise their facial features.


2. No Side Quests - In KOTOR, Side Quests were great in KOTOR. There wasn't enough in TSL. Your Party Members should be intresting and have an intresting background.


3. An Unfinished Game - If Obsidian had finished TSL, they could have made it better than KOTOR. It would also make more sense. There is a clip on TSL called The Death Of The Ebon Hawk. It is all battered and then when it rescues you at the end, it is all new and clean. If Obsidian make the next game, here's some advice. It doesn't matter whether a game is released for Christmas, but if it released later. Take your time. You can spend a year on it if you want.

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@The_Mandalore That would be a nice sight, I would like to see Canderous in all his glory with a huge Mandalorian clan at his end. Perhaps when Kreia said it would die out, maybe it could die out honorably. You know like all of the Mandalorians die out during the war, and they finally get the honor and glory they deserve against some of the biggest badasses in the Outer Rim.

@Pottsie Let me rephrase :) I don't want all the characters in there from I and II, but the ones that people really enjoyed. In my opinion, Carth,Bastila, Atton, Visas, and the droids should be available party members. If you really want to break it down, it could be dependant on Revan or the Exile's gender. I want some new people, with awesome personalities.

Anyway.. to continue the list of things I don't want.

1) The turret game. At least if it is going to be in there, make it more interesting. Make me get points or experience or if I achieve a high enough score, get a piece of awesome armor.

2) Pre-made heads. Please don't! I get tired of seeing the same faces, but with make-up on ><. Let me at least pick their eye color or hair color >.>

3) A story where I don't know who I am. I want to start out as some regular person or some slave even. I want to know all my background, and it not be that great if I play a third person. I'm not asking for much, I at least want to know who my character is instead of finding out again and again. Like someone said on the Obsidian forums, it would be cool to start off as some Gizka scum to some mean slave guy.

4) A normal cast of characters. I want to have to go save the world with a Dark Jedi or Sith Lord that decided to join my party for the greater good even if I am all the way light. I want to see some controversy, and people coming together to fight the Real Sith out there. I also would not mind seeing a couple of different races in there again, like they did in the first Kotor.

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1.) Force Ghosts:

I dont know why but i dont want them.


2.) Wounds in the force, Sith'ari/Chose one:

Please nothing related to that. One of the things i hated in the Kotor II story line were that Exile creates "wound" or "leaks" in the force. IMO noone should be able to actually harm the force or even destroy it. You could as well give a Sith lord the ability "Force KIll": Instantly kills someone, and there is nothing u can do about it :rolleyes:


3.) Recylcing:

Except the droids i want new characters, i want new planets as well! Please please let us explore new interesting planets!


4.) The True Sith arrive as a totally superior race and only YOU!!!!111 can stop them. As it happens, you of course are an extremely powerful jedi/sith. Why you didnt interfere in the mandalorian and the jedi civil war or any other war then? Well... you prefered to be left alone..but now you will act!! :rolleyes:




and maybe: 5.) A soldier shouting: For the republic! XD

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Things I don't want in KoTOR 3:


A new main character - who needs a third one.


Jedi Robes TSL look - although the TSL robes looked nice, the story is NOT happening in Yoda's, Obi-Wan's and Luke Skywalker's time, it's happening 4000 - 5000 years before, so Jedi robes should look more like the ones from KoTOR 1, it really improves the atmosphere in the game and makes you feel like you are really in that age (I mean, do you really think the Jedi wore the same type of robes for over 4000 years?).


Ebon Hawk - unless you were playing as Revan again (what I strongly support), the excuse for a third character getting the Hawk would really ruin the game.


A Wookie party member - We've had them in the first two parts, although in TSL you could choose between Hanharr and Mira (LS/DS alignment), a Wookie in your party for the third time is too much, the devs should be more original.


Planets from the first two parts - except for maybe Korriban, Manaan and/or the Rakatan planet.


The old characters not making any kind of appearance - some of the old characters (especially HK-47) should even join your party for the third time, but not more than three of them, the rest of your party should be composed of completely new characters. As for those who don't get to be in your party, you should at least meet them on the planets you're visiting and complete quests for them.


Bugs that can ruin the storyline - TSL had quite a few of them (for example there was an option in your conversation with the Jedi Masters at the rebuilt Jedi Enclave which would instantly end the conversation and kill the masters, making you to have go talk to Kreia to finish the enclave scene).


Well, that's all for now.

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I don't want:


1. A new PC-There is no room for a new one. The only protagonists now are Revan and the Exile.

2. No apperances of old party members-They are essential also.

3. Small areas-Really, please.

4. Heads like in TSL-I just didn't like them, that's all.

5. Influence system whose end goal is to make your party members become Jedi-I didn't like it because the characters didn't end up very well.


That's it for now.

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I don't want:


A new PC - Rather Revan or The Exile

The Ebon Hawk - Out dated now, time for a new ship I think

Crappy Alien speak - They have about two sentences regardless of what they say. It is so repetitive, this really needs sorting

So much armour - There's far too much pointless armour for me.

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Things I don't want....


A changed combat system. IE; molesting it into an FPS real time hack 'n slash.


Playing as Revan or the Exile. New PC all the way.


A team made up of nothing but returning characters. The droids & maybe Candalore are fine, but no one else.


Former party members who could have died earlier in the series returning. They should atleast have a dialog option to say who survived & who didn't (I'm mostly talking about Bastila's optional beheading in K1).




Force ghosts. The same as a poster above, I don't know why it's just something I really don't want to see.


A new ship. I really like the Hawk. Should they replace it, hopefully you don't get stuck with some huge cruiser where you spend 10 minutes trying to track down a party member just to learn backstory.


Back alley thug - give me all of your credits or die - representation of the Sith. I'd rather be more cunning, manipulative. Atleast this was improved some in tSL compared to K1.


A single time in the turret mini game. That kind of pissed me off with tSL that you only get one shot at it, (well 2 if you count Peargus but I usually let them all on board to farm XP anyway) though that may be the shooter part of me talking. ;) Hopefully they bring back the random encounters, leave them optional but atleast bring them back.


@ Hawke.... Just doin my job. :D

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Things I don't want....


A changed combat system. IE; molesting it into an FPS real time hack 'n slash.


Playing as Revan or the Exile. New PC all the way.


A team made up of nothing but returning characters. The droids & maybe Candalore are fine, but no one else.


Former party members who could have died earlier in the series returning. They should atleast have a dialog option to say who survived & who didn't (I'm mostly talking about Bastila's optional beheading in K1).

Quoted for emphasis! ;)(Also to save my fingers from extra wear and tear) :xp:

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I don't want ...

1)Playing as just Revan or the Exile. A new pc to spark things up with a few new characters and a lot of the returning characters would be ideal for me.

2)Plotholes. I want every nook and cranny of this storyline finished by the end of K3. I don't care how many people want Bastila and not Carth, etc. The people that have made a strong impact in the storyline should deserve their fair ending, not just tossed aside.

3) Always having to walk around on foot. Let us have landspeeders :)

4) Quests that are mainly composed of killing. I liked doing side-quests that had different stuff to do, such as the murder trial in k1.

5) Always starting out as a Jedi. Let the people that love to be evil start out as Sith or an apprentice to the Sith^^. I would also like the option of actually being trained at a Sith Academy instead of the usual Jedi Academy.

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For me it's all about if...then


1) If they really bring back the Ebon Hawk, then I want a *really* good excuse, in TSL a good excuse would have been sufficient... How did it happen, that it was the Exile's ship all of a sudden?


2) I have no problem with most of the old party members (except Disciple, Goto, Hanharr) if they are interesting! I.e. Visas is pretty cool, but you can speak with her a single time, then she told you pretty much everything she had to tell at all. That's boring. The party members are meant to be persons, so there has to be a lot of stuff to know about them. And I want them to make comments all the time like in Kotor1 - the more the better. Nothing is worse than NPCs that act like mindless zombies, no matter how you call them. And the dialogues in TSL were too serious.

If there is a Wookie in the party, then make him like Wookies should be: Hugging you, whenever you do something he likes. Or make it a female Wookie for a change.


3) For the planets it's almost the same thing. In Kotor1 Korriban was great, in TSL it was just ugly. Every planet's got to have a lot of story and I wouldn't mind if there were "real" quests which can't be solved on a single planet. There should be some new planets (Corruscant!) anyhow.


4) The faces... In Kotor1 I used exactly one female and one male head, in TSL one male and two female heads. I wouldn't mind if Kotor3 was a bit more like Kotor meets Sims2 with "customizable" heads and different parts of clothing. A RPG goes over hours and hours and I don't want the PC and party members to wear the same clothes all the time. Personally I think it would be great fun to have a noble Princess Amidala-type aboard, with different clothes and hairstyle everytime you meet her.


5) Revan and the Exile. I don't want to meet them. MacLeodCorp makes a very good point in the "KOTOR 3 Storyline"-Thread: If they are converted to NPCs, they stop being *your* Revan or Exile and become something else. Either they are mentioned but not met or you actually play as them (both). I don't want the "true sith"-story to be continued anyhow.


Things, I don't want without if/then:


5) real time combat

6) the psychotic sith-type. I want them to be real smart next time.

7) NPCs split up into desperate/good and threatening/evil

8) straight forward story - I want a major change which leads to a major change of tactics

9) stupid NPC behaviour: I give you what you want, if you give me...

10) Kotor3 being the last of the series...

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^ I think that the True Sith can't be avoided. They push it so much in TSL that they have to have it or the story won't follow on properly.


If Kotor3 is about the true sith - and I pretty much count on it even though I don't like the idea - there will be a whole lot of problems to make the story believable. In my eyes Kotor1 had a consistent and closed story and TSL reopened it in a clumsy and unnecessary way and left to many barriers for a proper sequel.


What place are the unknown regions supposed to be? Revan and the Exile have to leave all party members behind, so it seems to be a pretty dangerous place for the "spirit" and somehow Revan didn't need the Ebon Hawk there. The unknown regions are like a rollercoaster with a big sign: "Extraordinary Jedi or Sith only, no civilized places beyond this point, companions need to be left outside or expect your mind to be ripped out of your stupid skull!"


1) If it consists of a pretty normal bunch of planets, then TSL was lying.

2) If you start as a weakling and become a powerful Jedi/Sith during the game, like it's supposed to be in a StarWars RPG, then TSL was lying.

3) If you have a party, TSL was lying.

4) If you play as either Revan or the Exile, they would have to be weak to make it a RPG - see 2)

and so on...


A Kotor3 about the true sith that properly addresses the story of TSL is impossible at any rate, so I think it would be best to leave the matter be...

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@ Buzz: I agree with you on most of the points :)

Of course some cool party members need to return. Maybe fighting alongside Bastilla and Handmaiden?


You are also right about the planets. Since K3 is about the True Sith and the (almost) certain fall of the Republic, the PC should visit Coruscant and other Republic cities.


I agree with the Candarous-thing too. He should start his own clan, and give him the honor of being the coolest cameo of all time in K3. (Or something like that :p )


What i personally don't like to see:

-Frickin small 'side' levels like Paragus and so: Make a cool intro like in the movies

-Gaining a lightsaber at the end of a (too long) quest: Let us enter the action from the start!

-An arrogant teacher: Bastilla and Kreia just didn't feel right in my opinion: Maybe a more Jolee-like person, that just guides you instead of lecturing to death.

-Dantooine: With the possibilities of the X-Box 360, they can do a whole lot better: Coruscant, as suggested, could be cool.

-G0-t0: Everyne who likes to use a droid will take HK, everyone who likes to have a technician along will take a Bao-Dur. Useless!

-No customise options: I think custom robes/sabers are a must.


Good thread by the way :)

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Well,- I don't want all new party members, there should be a mix.

-I don't really want a lot of the same planets again, but Korriban is neccesary.

-I don't want a short game, if it comes out for the 360, I would suggest concentrating on length rather than graphics.

-This seems to be a hot topic around here, but I DON'T, under any circumstances want the new PC to be new. It has to be Revan or Exile.

-Lastly I don't want irrelevant party members like GO-TO and PLEASE no more wookies.

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