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Korriban Rules


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I don't know if Dantooine should be in Kotor3,in Kotor1 was cool but in Kotor2 sucked.Korriban must be in Kotor3 the planet is full of mysteries,Sith relics,burried Sith Lords and many more.If you go on Korriban there should be more quests,find Sith relics,go in THE BIG TOMBS and find ghosts of the dead Sith Lords.

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while i agree there should be thigns outside of levels that should contribute to ur power e.t.c, if u love sum1 mayb u have a lower tendancy to gain light side as quickly? maybe as light side u can unlock things inside u or int ethe force e.t.c

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Andre - first off, if you want to add to a post, use the edit function instead of double-posting. It's cleaner and less annoying.


As for the 'if you dont like it, dont read it' - this forum is a place for discussion with everyones opinion just as valid as everyone else's. If people dont like it, they should feel free to say so.


I actually agree with you though that Korriban should be in KotOR3 - its at the boundries of the Sith Empire and would make a good starting point for investigating them.

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I can understand *why* some want to re-visit this planet. It's our connection to the sith legacy in this particular game. Quite a few stories begin here. Some end here as well.


My problem with this world is that we've already been here.




The reason Dantooine and Korriban aren't as exciting in TSL isn't because of the differences in Obsidian and Bio-ware, it isn't the difference between Revan and the Exile, it isn't because of your party members.


It's because it's no longer new. "Been there, done that..."


I loved when I first got to Dantooine, Cleansing the grove, practicing on Kathounds, raiding the Mandalorians, and ransacking the crystal caves.

Then the next time it was a Kinrath massacre and the same old dead plains.


Korriban was too sweet when I first arrived. Interaction in Dreshdae, a sith academy to explore, tombs to raid, and a sith lord to vanquish.

Not to mention some sweet artifacts and equipment (if playing DS).

Then we go back and, same thing. Roam around the academy then clear out a cave. The test cave was somewhat cool but ended confusingly.


If it's a sith world you want, so be it. But, does it have to be Korriban?

Can't it be some other sith world? I know there's many more.

I'm not tryin' to flame or be purposefully contradictory, I just feel we need new planets and companions to recapture the exitement of the experience that is KotOR.

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I loved the "face your past" quest on Korriban the second time. I think there are plenty of stories left on that world...


I'm sure there are plenty of stories. Every planet has a billion stories.

But, is there enough to make it fun the *third* time around.

I'm doubting it seriously at this time.

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I like the face your past quest too, but this is nothing compared to the Korriban in Kotor I.

I really think we should move on... there are so many interesting planets in the Sw universe, i dont want to explore planets, especially Korriban and Dantoine for a second/third time.

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Honestly, if there is a KOTOR III, I hope that we visit planets we've never seen before in the KOTOR series. One place I would like to see is Coruscant. We sort of saw it in TSL when the records of the Exile's trial was played, but we only saw the Jedi Council chambers.


Personally, I think Korriban made its use for both games. But that's just my opinion. I did enjoy going to the planet in both games. I also feel that way about Dantooine.

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Sorry for what I wroteback there.What new planets should be there,there are many in the Outer Ring.I say that Yavin4 should be a new planet in the game,the planet is in the Outer Rim and Exar's Kun soul is on the planet.About the party I don't know,but it would be cool to see all of them together.



I'm new to this,please someone explain me what to do.so in the futere I won't things up.


Welcome Lord_Andre, here is our Forum Rules thread, each forum has one around here some have additional rules. If you stick to those though you should be A-OK! ;) -RH

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I think they could make Korriban interesting, because it is where the original fallen Jedi go. Make it a stop to find out how "The True Sith" corrupted the Jedi originally. That could be incredibly valuable in figuring out how to defeat them. However, as I said in another thread, it has to be more than just the decrepit academy and one more tomb.

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Thanks for the understanding guys.If Yavin4 is to be put in the game ,is there a posability to visit the space station that was in Kotor1.What about Coruscant,shouldn't The Exile go there to se The Temple of 1000 Fountains to search for relics or holocrons.What about Taris?it would be cool to see the planet after the Sith bombardment.

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i do believe in somethings you say. (korriban) in the first game it was fun because all the missions and all the surprises just came right at u!! and when you have to fight to gain reputation and do other stuff to go to the tomb and find the map that u need to find the star forge. in the second game when you went to korriban it was creepyyy. there was not alot of missions to do :holosid:


in the first game for dantoine it was good. and again in the second game it was long and kinda boring with not enough mission's. so i can't really tell u the answer u need. they should put new world's in the the 3 game. ( but i have to admit those games rock!!!!! :mst3k:

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I can deal with Korriban (again) _if_ they do something besides the same darn thing as the first 2 games. The only thing different on Korriban in k2 was that one tomb. If you're going to reuse Korriban, at least do other tombs, and skip the shyrack cave and academy in favor of new places to explore. I also don't want it to be dead as a doornail like in K2. I got tired of planets where you run around without anyone to talk to in cantinas/stores/etc. Even if you don't talk to the characters inside cantinas or stores much, at least it's some interaction at times. Peragus was bad enough in that department, but at least it was a new place I hadn't seen before. I just don't want it to be the same old dead tomb planet all over again.

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