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Darth Nihilus Confusion...(a few spoilers)


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Has anybody else noticed that Darth Nihilus didn't turn out to be what was expected? Sure, he was a difficult opponent, but he was made out to be so powerful, I figured he was the final opponent of the game. In KOTOR 1, it was Difficulty Level #1: Calo, #2: Bandon, #3: Malak. Considering Nihilus was practically talked about like he was a god, and he is all over the game case, Prima guide, and splash screen...why was he only the first opponent you faced on Malachor? I thought he would be the last and hardest...

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Has anybody else noticed that Darth Nihilus didn't turn out to be what was expected? Sure, he was a difficult opponent, but he was made out to be so powerful, I figured he was the final opponent of the game.


Considering Nihilus was practically talked about like he was a god


He was the most powerful of the Sith Lords, but the Exile was his one weakness, the only one who could possibly defeat him, thanks to her "condition". Thus the end boss used the Exile to get rid of Nihilus.


If it wasn't for the Exile's "condition", the battle would have been over before it began, as Nihilus would have drained her dry of the force/life (during the cutscene where he tries to do just that). I believe this is the reason why you can't choose to bring any other Force User than Visas Marr to the Harbinger (who he can't/won't drain since he has a force bond with her). Mandalore wasn't force sensitive, and thus not Nihilus first choice for a snack.


I was pretty satisfied with the end boss, actually. It's kind of refreshing with a final antagonist who isn't really a villain, and who's not just brawn but a fair bit of brain and manipulation as well. I got my fill of brutish, powerful thugs to last for the rest of the KotOR-series from Malak. :)



and he is all over the game case, Prima guide, and splash screen...why was he only the first opponent you faced [before you arrived] on Malachor? I thought he would be the last and hardest...


This was a good thing, in my opinion. I like it when you have to figure out things as you play and aren't served everything on the cover of the box. In KotOR1 you know who the final battle would be against before you even installed the game, TSL was a bit more subtle in that respect. :)

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**Possible Spoilers**


Yes, Nihilus was the most powerful of the four.


Had Kreia confronted Nihilus directly, even she would have been drained completely dry of the Force. That is why she manipulated events in such a manner as to have the PC confront Nihilus. Because of the exile's condition, Nihilus mortally wounded himself in trying to feed off the void that only the exile could traverse.


And stoffe -mkb- makes a great point about Visas. Because Nihilus had a strong master/apprentice bond with her, he was not going to feed off of her either because then he would knowingly be injuring himself. But she handled this when she severed the link from her end.


With Nihilus being wounded from his trying to feed on the exile, and the severing of his bond by his former apprentice, he had grown too weak to be a formidable apponent for the three attackers. And they dealt with him in time to keep him from feedin on the rest of Telos...if he had the strength left to even do that.

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This was a good thing, in my opinion. I like it when you have to figure out things as you play and aren't served everything on the cover of the box. In KotOR1 you know who the final battle would be against before you even installed the game, TSL was a bit more subtle in that respect. :)

Quoted for emphasis. ;)

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I bought that "Ultimate Visual Guide" for star wars with Darth Vader on the front. Well it says he was defeated by Brianna. Then for Brianna it shows a picture of Atris. You can't even take Handmaiden with you on the Ravager I think. They messed up i guess.


Eh? Kotor 2 is in the ultimate visual guide?

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There's about one page on it. And the book includes a timeline, and the timeline mentions the mandalorian wars and jedi civil war. But clearly the book fracked up a bit. It shows Atris fighting Nihilus (hair, face, robe designs) not handmaiden. Then it says handmaiden killed nihilus. You cant even take her with you on the ship.

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Is it different for PC and Xbox? Because i faced him on his ship the Ravager.

No it's the same. I've played the game on both X-Box and PC.


!! WARNING: SPOILER ALERT !!He was the most powerful of the Sith Lords, but the Exile was his one weakness, the only one who could possibly defeat him, thanks to her "condition". Thus the end boss used the Exile to get rid of Nihilus.

Hey Stoffe, you don't need your spoiler alert since the title of the thread has the word spoilers in it ;)


But what you said brings up another point for others to think about that I have wondered about. If you choose Light Side, and unite the Jedi on Dantooine, you would think that the Jedi would be smart enough to know that the Exile is the only one who could defeat the Sith. I figured this out after I played the game for the first time. They knew the Exile was a breach in the Force. I guess Kreia was right when she said they were fools. Anyway, I think it was mostly because of Master Vrook. He has such a huge grudge against the Exile that taking away his/her power would give him great satisfaction. And he was the one who suggested it and the only one who wasn't glad to see your PC (if Light Side). What an idiot.

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But he was arguably not even a major guy...


i also thought his concept was overpowered...


But i guess Nihilus is not really Sith Lord so much as a dead Jedi inhabited by some disturbance in the force. Well thats the only way i was able to rationalize it.


Yeah, yeah, that's it. This is a better way to rephrase my post. This is how I felt about him too.

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Me too but hey. I was ready for an epic battle for the ages. I got an epic battle for 15 seconds. :smash:

Nice and I could do it in 12 seconds. Really the big boss battles weren't that much trouble in KOTOR and TSL though I admit that Malak was tougher in that his power attacks could take a huge chunk out of vitality.

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