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Rumor has it SLJ took the part after reading only the title, however since Snakes on a Plane was only a working title it was later changed to Pacific Air Flight 121, however SLJ objected to this as the title was what originally what lured him in. Later it was called S.O.A.P.(Snakes On A Plane) however a week later it was reverted back to Snakes on a Plane, entirely.

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"This movie is really gorey" "Yeah, but that is one cute pig" "I hope he wins some kind of cute pig award"-Steff, Cosgrove, and Freakazoid


I assume SOAP will have similar reactions, but some sort of... awesome award. This movie the equivalent of some kind of Ninja/Pirate truce. So awesome yet so... absurd.

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My avatar isn't scary if you know anything about the Lobe.


"You aren't going to make a crack about me buying a hat are you?"

"What kinda hat?"

"Oh so you knew I was buying a hat!?"

"You brought it up Lobe, last I heard you were in Kansas inventing some kind of fiendish dust machine."

"I was, but I came back to buy a hat!"

"They sell hats in Kansas."

"Not in my size they don't!"-The Lobe & Freakazoid

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Don't speak that was about


Andrae' the little lamb.


Besides, Andrae' is one of the three gay men in history who will go to heaven.


Daniel Vosovic, Andrae', and Freddie Murcury all bought their tickets on that stairway to heaven(led Zepplin'd)

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  • 3 months later...

Hell yes.


And they know it. The ad said (something like) "Other movies may have... elaborate codes... fantastic superheroes... creepy houses... amazing animation... but there's one thing we guarantee they don't have... SNAKES, ON A PLANE!"

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