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Graphics on Dantooine KotOR 1


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I just bought an Nvidia 6800gs gfx card and I've never had a problem running dantooine on older cards, but o this one I can't hardly get through it without huge glitches, I even turned all my effects off and to minumum, no difference. I'm running the latest drivers from extreme-G. Any help?

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yours works because it requires the older drivers. I've turned EVERYTHING off and to the lowest and it doesn't work. It's gotta be the driver support. many say that the nvidia drivers 77.8 (something around there) work perfect, but anywhere above that, dantooine basically won't play. My gfx card only supports drivers 8xx and up. so I'm screwed until they fix this problem with the drivers. It's not the card, every other level works beautifully.

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Unfortunately, the only other alternative to the *.ini fix is to get a 512 Mb video card. The *.ini edit reduces the lag on Dantooine, but if your willing to shell out some cash you can get rid of it completely with a 512 Mb card.


I wish BioWare would patch this game again. Making players choose between an unplayable or near-unplayable level (that's also mandatory to play through without a modification to the game) or shelling out $105 minimum isn't quite what one would expect from a company like BioWare. [/rant]

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...Or the game has trouble rendering graphics with newer cards.


must be because I have the latest drive and have the hardest time playing KOTOR I with it


and mine is a Geforce 6200 256MB card.


it regesters in the config as not meeting the recomended specs O.o


I think it would require a new patch but bioware can make anymore

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must be because I have the latest drive and have the hardest time playing KOTOR I with it


and mine is a Geforce 6200 256MB card.


it regesters in the config as not meeting the recomended specs O.o


I think it would require a new patch but bioware can make anymore

KotOR II told me my 7800 GTX 512s didn't meet the recommended specs :xp:


But yeah, I've seen people use newer cards and older cards with the same driver version; the older cards get better performance, but the downside is that they can't run the game on it's highest settings and keep that level of performance :(

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well, after running some test with my new GF7800GS, i've, so far, been unable to duplicate the problem. i'm currently running the 84.43B FW's, and i've had no issues with running the game. if anything, the game runs a heck of a lot faster (i can now enable 8x AA and 16x AF simultaneously. :D)

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where did you get the 84.43b drivers? And have you tested on dantooine?



So far they work fine on my system.. though to be honest I only downloaded them for performance in Oblivion...


Probably couldn't hurt for Dantooine though.. again however the Dantooine lag was fixed for me using the ATI .ini hack with my nVidia card ("Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1")

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Yes but as I stated before, that .ini fix didn't work for me. I will try these new drivers at nzone when I get home tonight, time to go lay some tile! thanks for your help guys, lets hope this solves the problem cause when I'm happy. . .nothing else matters :-D.

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