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No more cheesey sith.


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Two of my few problems with the kotor series is the fact that the sith are so lame and childish and there are very few times to be cunning as the sith. I mean you cant be a cunning sith like kreia, palpatine and dooku, you can only be a brute like Anakin, Maul and Sion. There should be more dialouge options for using force persuade to manipulate people to do your dirty work, give you somthing and turn them to the dark side. This would realy cut down on the corney factor of the game and give a real sense of true evil. No more of this i dont like you. DIE!!. No more of these lame sith dudes walking around killing people for fun, like mekel and that lame ex-sith teacher in kotor1. QUOTE I do enjoy torturing these wanna be recruits, its great fun. I think ill go for some dinner, it'll be fun to think of them while im gorging my self. END QUOTE. Crap like that is realy common in kotor, do you realy think any real bad guys act like that? its almost like he knows hes evil. Evil people dont think their evil they think their good. Stuff like that realy needs to be fixed for the next game.

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I agree that some of the DS PC's lines are cheesy, and there could be some more manipulative dialogue options. But some cheese I found to be fine, especially with Mekel etc. I mean they're arrogant, cocky young Sith students so it would seem perfectly fine for them to act evil and know it.


Though I gotta say the cheesiest bit of villainy in KOTOR is Malak's pantomime hand-on-belly-laugh. If he could still grow one I'm sure he'd be twiddling his mustache.

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I agree that some of the DS PC's lines are cheesy, and there could be some more manipulative dialogue options. But some cheese I found to be fine, especially with Mekel etc. I mean they're arrogant, cocky young Sith students so it would seem perfectly fine for them to act evil and know it.


Though I gotta say the cheesiest bit of villainy in KOTOR is Malak's pantomime hand-on-belly-laugh. If he could still grow one I'm sure he'd be twiddling his mustache.


Yeah mekel's ok but hes still a little on the retarded side but that ex-sithteacher, omg he gave me a friggin headake. The sith arn't supposed to think their evil, they can be cocky and arrogant but nobody joins an organisation because they want to be evil, its just stupid.

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I agree that some of the sith were a bit cheesy, there should be some of the good old

"Mwahahah, Now I shall kill you" but there should be some sith that just attack you, without talking like "Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you had escaped Taris alive" but just turn on saber, attempt to kill him, screw the talking.

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There's a good point there about Malak's lackies Dark Jedi, at least give those ones seperate lines instead of both of them saying "Lord Malak was most displeased... yadda yadda yadda" and I think Sith should see themselves more as powerful warriors cleasning the galaxy of the weak(even though that seems like Yuuzhan Vong idealogy) than the evil guys.

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Two of my few problems with the kotor series is the fact that the sith are so lame and childish and there are very few times to be cunning as the sith. I mean you cant be a cunning sith like kreia, palpatine and dooku, you can only be a brute like Anakin, Maul and Sion. There should be more dialouge options for using force persuade to manipulate people to do your dirty work, give you somthing and turn them to the dark side. This would realy cut down on the corney factor of the game and give a real sense of true evil. No more of this i dont like you. DIE!!. No more of these lame sith dudes walking around killing people for fun, like mekel and that lame ex-sith teacher in kotor1. QUOTE I do enjoy torturing these wanna be recruits, its great fun. I think ill go for some dinner, it'll be fun to think of them while im gorging my self. END QUOTE. Crap like that is realy common in kotor, do you realy think any real bad guys act like that? its almost like he knows hes evil. Evil people dont think their evil they think their good. Stuff like that realy needs to be fixed for the next game.


I fully agree.

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While I definitely would like a better option to go DS than


"Hand over the credits and you won't get hurt."


"Just kidding! Hahaha!"


I hope they keep options like this for the unimportant parts, because how manipulative do you have to be if you want a guys credits?

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Out of the 4 siths we've had Malak was the only good Sith. We knew nothing of Nihilus, Kreia's sudden change to the dark side was completely un called for, and Sion (I think he goes without saying). Malak had a background and an agenda which the whole game was based on, while TSL's game story had nothing what so every to do with the story, at all. What we need is a single Sith (not two or more), whose agenda is related to the player's agenda (common goal that is directly related), and has a mysteryous relation to the character.

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Out of the 4 siths we've had Malak was the only good Sith. We knew nothing of Nihilus, Kreia's sudden change to the dark side was completely un called for, and Sion (I think he goes without saying). Malak had a background and an agenda which the whole game was based on, while TSL's game story had nothing what so every to do with the story, at all. What we need is a single Sith (not two or more), whose agenda is related to the player's agenda (common goal that is directly related), and has a mysteryous relation to the character.


I definatley agree.

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well malak had the best story but was a pushover, Trayer dropped to many hints and was weak(FORCE CRUSH!) Sion just wouldent die and Nihilus had no sence,but like Malak they do need a bit m0ore of a back bone if u know what i mean Nihilus should have ruled the galaxy if he wasnt so hungry for like souls(so y not take down the whole galaxy there like 200000000 more out there) they all need more story but a sith who twists the whole galaxy round his finger would be cool like revan did in a way by the mandalorian wars.

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the thing is that nihilus was the coolest Sith in KOTOR II but he was seldom in it. the only scenes he was in were:


the betrayal scene

the scene when he tells visas to kill the Exile

and the final scene where you kill him


he had the potential to be the coolest sith in the game if they had tied him into the plot. but then again... what was the plot in KOTOR II??

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bah i dont agree.


i like "the way of the sith" , they realy should make a book with that title :p


anyway i love the way maul is . i Read the comic's

SW darth maul 1 to 4 . you learn lots more about him .


Hes ruthless , and he have a hunger wiout limit . i love him.

Anyway you said you like manipulator's then you should



Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith #0 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith #1 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith #2 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith #3 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith #4 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith #5 (of 5)


Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of the Sith Empire #1 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of the Sith Empire #2 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of the Sith Empire #3 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of the Sith Empire #4 (of 5)

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of the Sith Empire #5 (of 5)


its about Naga Sadow , he was a pure Sith ( species )

he was the stronger of all sith.

and yeah he hes manipulting.

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Two of my few problems with the kotor series is the fact that the sith are so lame and childish and there are very few times to be cunning as the sith. I mean you cant be a cunning sith like kreia, palpatine and dooku, you can only be a brute like Anakin, Maul and Sion. There should be more dialouge options for using force persuade to manipulate people to do your dirty work, give you somthing and turn them to the dark side. This would realy cut down on the corney factor of the game and give a real sense of true evil. No more of this i dont like you. DIE!!. No more of these lame sith dudes walking around killing people for fun, like mekel and that lame ex-sith teacher in kotor1. QUOTE I do enjoy torturing these wanna be recruits, its great fun. I think ill go for some dinner, it'll be fun to think of them while im gorging my self. END QUOTE. Crap like that is realy common in kotor, do you realy think any real bad guys act like that? its almost like he knows hes evil. Evil people dont think their evil they think their good. Stuff like that realy needs to be fixed for the next game.
You said every single wrongs about sith in the game. Totally agree.
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The Sith Lords did have their own agenda, IMO. You just have to dig deep.


Regarding the "cheesy sith": The Sith were indeed "brutes" in K1. Malak is a good example. Of the 2, Revan and Malak, Malak was the rash one, Revan was the cunning and intelligent one. (it is mentioned, in K1, that it was Revan's superior tactics that led to victory against the mandalorians.) You want the games to have more "Revans" and less "Malaks"?

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While I definitely would like a better option to go DS than


"Hand over the credits and you won't get hurt."


"Just kidding! Hahaha!"


I hope they keep options like this for the unimportant parts, because how manipulative do you have to be if you want a guys credits?

Amen to that


I agree. The Sith master who is so clever and skilled to become so powerful should act like it.


I liked Nihilus at first. Looked really important and dangerous... 'til I killed him in a heartbeat.


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