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Getting rid of HK-47


Keep or destroy HK-47  

206 members have voted

  1. 1. Keep or destroy HK-47

    • Keep!!!! :)
    • Destroy. :(

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he should defintley be kept in the game along with t3 i know some of you dont like t3 but i really like him especially since he and bao daour have just finshed out fitting all my lighsabers with:

Expert fencing emitters +3 energy and +2 defense

Ultimate diatium energy cells +5 energy

Ponite lenses +2-12 energy

And Attons mandalorian heavy pistols with:

Accuracy scopes mark 3 +3 to hit

Pure rylith powe cells +2-20 energy

And mandalorian chambers mark 3 attack +1 and energy +2-12


so i think its safe to say that i want hk and t3 to stay in the game because hk is exellent for repair related workbench creatble items it takes time to do this what ive done with my weapons but trust me its worth it you will take down anything that moves.

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I can't believe anyone would want HK destroyed. I thought he was the funniest thing in both KoTOR games. Other than annoying Bastila!

"Expletive: Damnit, master! I am an assassin droid not a dictionary!"

*tells HK to find and terminate the foolish meatbags that voted him destroyed!*

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  • 2 weeks later...
I shall smote them.


I think you mean "smite".


You shall smite them.


I think i may be wrong.....


I'm actually looking for someone to say that they just can't stand HK-47.[/Quote]




*clears throat*


"I just can't stand HK-47."


There! You happy? ;)


(I voted to keep HK, by the way. Don't kill me! :halo2: )

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how can u not stand HK 47 he s hillarious..and funny and the best droid ever......?????? :eyepop


If you were directing that question at me, then let me answer it:


Shem was looking for someone to say "i just cant stand HK-47. So i said: "I just cant stand HK-47" He was looking, so i said it. :)


Personally, i think that if the developer for KOTOR 3 doesnt put HK-47 in, that developer is crazy, and all of the meatbags involved with KOTOR 3 should be thrown into a pit of terantateks with only a severed lekku as a weapon.

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I seriously can't stand Hk-47. Why? He's an annoying droid with the worst fake accent i've ever heard in my life. To add insult to injury, his skill with a rifle is horrible, but pistols are alright. I never use him, hence never building him in TSL and keeping him in the 'Hawk in the first KOTOR. I voted to destroy him, because it's been done. Two droids who constantly fight each other.. it's been done three times, actually four if you count KOTOR 1. I'll probably be yelled at by all the HK lover fanboys and girls but this is my opinion. At least I have the gonads to speak it. :D

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Keep him, undoubtably. In case people haven't noticed, no matter what, the droids are always what ties star wars together- C-3PO and R2-D2 for the movies, and R2-D2 is the one who tells the Whills about everything that happened regarding the movies. Despite what anyone wants to say, the droids will be kept, simply because they are the center point of Star Wars.

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hahahahahaha..............man.............you re the fist person i know that hates hk :drop2: and thinks that hk has false accent.....c mon what bout his mockery s on party members and his jumour (dark ofcourse) game would be booring without hk.....man i love that droid i wanna build one hahaha :devsmoke:

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yea get rid of HK keeping him around would be like playing the exile or revan again in kotor 3. hes getting old anyway hes been in kotor 1 and 2 come up with something new. maybe a new droid idk


You obviously don't understand Star Wars. The droids are always what ties the story together. Having a game without T3 and/or HK would be so lame and disappointing... I would also be disappointed if they got rid of Canderous.

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You obviously don't understand Star Wars. The droids are always what ties the story together. Having a game without T3 and/or HK would be so lame and disappointing... I would also be disappointed if they got rid of Canderous.




u would have to take out important characters the kotor storyline to make it disappointing not having Hk or T3 would not make the game boring there just droids anyway i agree Hk is ok hes funny in some parts but having the same character in 3 games is stupied espically in an rpg that jumps around if u think removing hk would make the game "lame and disappointing" u like hk to much

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He needs updating, but he's cool.


Pimp my HK-47.


Also, sort of in the same topic, I think whe you upgrade droid's armour in KOTOR3 it should like you have.Like custom lightsaber hilts, only custom droids.

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i think keep hk 47 he is a huge crack up he is a great laugh even with his meatbag expression i think keep him he will keep us laughing till we cant laugh no more .


also after a day shooting and killing i allways like haveing a laugh at hk 47 and if you ever drunk about 4 or five bottles with friends its a crack up to bring up what he says

i think keep him least till kotor 19

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been said but deserves saying 1 million more times. Keep HK and T3 both. For that matter keep Candi. Primary reason for the droids well because it screams true SW storyplot. Why keep Candi well because next to HK he is the only Recruit who doesn't give a Rats arse what you think when it comes down to it. If your a wimp and acting like one he'll tell you so. This is the dynamic of the Kotor games don't break what's not broken.

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