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Awesomely Random RPG!!!

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Logan stood there, doing nothing really, just filling up space to claim the 200th post on this thread. "Take that, fourth wall!" Logan said defiantly, the realizing he was a little bit late, made a Zoidberg noise. "Oooh..."

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"So then I say to the waitress 'there's a hair in my soup!' She says, 'No sir, that's just the entree!' HarHarHar!" Guffawed Lizardman (who had used the gauntlet to shapeshift into a robust Italian chief chef), as he told jokes to anyone unfortunate enough to be within listening distance.

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"I'm done mixing drinks for a while. Go ask someone else." Kate said, cuddling with her drunk boyfriend.


"Mmm, you're sexy Alli."her boyfriend said/


"WHO THE F*** IS ALLI???" Kate yelled "DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE?? OH FINE, GO BE WITH YOUR ALLI F***** MANWHORE!" Kate then poofed off crying, leaving everyone else in the 4th demension, with no way of getting out.

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Kate sat in her white room, cried, and watched a movie. It was Stand by Me. She loved that movie, more than she loved her drunk boyfriend. She thought he could have just made the mistake. She would poof back to the 4th dimension to get everyone out, but after the movie was over. She had a thing for River Phoenix

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Logan sat in the fourth dimension contemplating the great mysteries of life. "There is no way they're gonna have Spore out in time, it looks good but it's too big a project to be done by the end of the year..."

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Lizardman was tired of using the gauntlet to transform into various stereotypes, so he now used it to transform into his fellow partygoers. "Emma! Hey, Emma! hehe..." said Emma/Lizardman to Emma who was still breakdancing.

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Kate poofed back to the 4th dimension. She went up to her sleeping boyfriend and said "I'm sorry I yelled at you. You're just drunk." Kate smacked the back of his head. "I would have came sooner, but Stand by Me was on TV, and Mmmmmmmmm, River Phoenix....." Kate sat there daydreaming while her boyfriend went to take some Klianol.

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