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Posible worlds for Kotor III


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Which worlds we already know should be in Kotor III? and wich new worlds would you like to play in?

I´d like Telos, Tatooine and Onderoon to be again in the game.

It´s time for Coruscant, Naboo, Alderaan and Korellia to be in the next game

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First of all, Naboo was not colonised until 3900 BBY, and Kotor III will likely be set around 3949 BBY, but aside from that, I agree. I've wanted Coruscant to appear in all of them, since it would make the conflict feel a lot more serious, with Sith attacking the most important planet in the galaxy.

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New Planets:


Coruscant: Training area for you PC. I don't like Dantooine. Them Kinrath and Kath Hounds are annoying.


Mandalore Homeworld: See Canderous and Clan Ordo.


The rest should be in the Unknown Regions (If KOTOR III is going to be set in the Unknown Regions).


Possible Returning Planets (Whether it's in visions or from KOTOR/TSL):


Telos: A vision showing what it was like before the Sith destroyed it.


Nar Shaddaa: Maybe as a start Planet, before heading to Coruscant (aka Dark Forces II/Jedi Knight).


Onderon: Getting supplies for the journey into the Unknown Regions.


Korriban: Before heading out into the Unknown Regions, there should be a large underground tomb, you must go to for information on the Sith.

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I wouldn't mind:




Kuat Drive Yards

Ord Mantell



How about a return to Taris? Perhaps to search the ruins for something or someone.


It might be cool to adventure through a war torn, post-apocalyptic Taris, maybe even seeing a few places we use to know from before Malak's attack, war torn and ravaged, of course.


Perhaps even the return of some undercity apostles from the promised land, hellbent on some religious quest.

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Depending on how far 3 is set after 2, Taris could be 'redeveloped' (like Telos but on a larger scale). It is eventually, because you can visit it in Empire at War and all Star Wars games and everything else is ment to connected.


Coruscant should be the starting planet where you get your Jedi training and it should be the first planet in the End Game.


Also one of the end game planets should be Revan's home planet in the unknown regions.

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Hmmmm... here goes:


Coruscant - the starting planet, but long and interesting, kind of like Taris, but longer.

Dark Planet - this is just my name for it, I'm refering to the True Sith homeworld in the Unknown Regions.

Manaan - most of you hated it, but I found it refreshing and I'd like to see it again.

Sleheyron - it wasn't in the movies, or the previous games, so it would be interesting to see.

Korriban - with a completely new area and tombs to explore.

The Rakatan homeworld - it would be interesting to see what happened to the Rakata after KoTOR.


That's about it for me. I'd like some more planets, ofcourse, but I don't really care what they are as long as Dantooine isn't among them.

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It might be cool to adventure through a war torn, post-apocalyptic Taris, maybe even seeing a few places we use to know from before Malak's attack, war torn and ravaged, of course.


Perhaps even the return of some undercity apostles from the promised land, hellbent on some religious quest.


Not a bad idea. Though, you would have to find a way to get underground to be able to follow their trail.


Maybe Rukil has something you need, and you have to find something for him that is outside the Promised Land in order for him to give it to you. That would be a good Quest.


Depending on how far 3 is set after 2, Taris could be 'redeveloped' (like Telos but on a larger scale). It is eventually, because you can visit it in Empire at War and all Star Wars games and everything else is ment to connected.[/Quote]


Hmmm....That would mean that 3 would be set 3, 954 years after KOTOR 2. :drop2:


But we could still do something on taris.


I would like to travel to:

True Sith "homeworld"

Revan's homeworld

Jaguada (maybe?)

Jaguada's moon (which once was part of the Sith Empire and has Sith Temples)

An Inner Core World (such as Cato Nemodia)

Coruscaunt (but at the poles)


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i def think coruscant should be in, but i want to not be in a world where my order is on the brink of f*ckin destruction and im like, scrappin for crap. sure we can be in a huge war and its not going very well, but i dont want to be the last goddam hope for the galaxy, its good twice, but i want to be a member of a powerful and well-respected jedi order. and coruscant shouldnt be the intro or prologue world, it should be a major planet. id love to see onderon again, no more korriban, i dont think they should hav resurrected it for kotor 2, alderaan would be cool, i just want more populated places, less totally deserted and destroyed planets who hate the jedi.


anyone else feel like this?

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besides the fact that coruscant is the main planet, there would not really be to much to do all the jedi are gone from there no council nothing to do, i would like to look around.


i've got my list:

adega(ossus)- former jedi strong hold, and crystals, no dantooine


haruun kal(homeworld of mace windu)



csilla- one of the only known planets in the unknown region


they will probably make up some planets that are in the unknown region

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