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Weird dreams and all that jazz

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Oh, thanks ElTee! And what you've said about being between sleep and awakendess(?) is called threshold consiousness. If properly utilized, you will get to experience some form of hypnogogia (which can be effin' sweet if ya know what is happening or effin' scary if ya dont) and can willingly enter a dream and be lucid. I've done it once. Since the threads death I've gone lucid 2/3 times. 'Splain later.

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Oh, thanks ElTee! And what you've said about being between sleep and awakendess(?) is called threshold consiousness. If properly utilized, you will get to experience some form of hypnogogia (which can be effin' sweet if ya know what is happening or effin' scary if ya dont) and can willingly enter a dream and be lucid. I've done it once. Since the threads death I've gone lucid 0 times. 'Splain later.

Solly but 'round these parts we round down.

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Oh, thanks ElTee! And what you've said about being between sleep and awakendess(?) is called threshold consiousness. If properly utilized, you will get to experience some form of hypnogogia (which can be effin' sweet if ya know what is happening or effin' scary if ya dont) and can willingly enter a dream and be lucid. I've done it once. Since the threads death I've gone lucid 0 times. 'Splain later.

****er that made me think of goatse.

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Jmac is correct, Salvinorin A (the hallucinogenic chemical in Salvia Divinorium) is the most potent naturally occuring hallucinogen. So, obviously, don't smoke Salvia unless you're old enough to make the decision sensibly :)


I don't want to get drawn into a "drugs are bad" debate; suffice it to say - some drugs are bad - some aren't, but have suffered from propaganda. Basically, the general official concensus is that:










Not so-bad drugs*




Psilocybin (Mushrooms)



* Non-addictive, relatively (or in the case of LSD, at least, for certain) non toxic. No-one has ever died of an overdose of cannabis, LSD, Psilocybin or Mescaline. Ecstasy is on the list because it's not addictive, and is only really dangerous if you're allergic to it (very low percentage chance) or if you take a really stupid amount of it all at once.


The distinction between 'hard drugs' and 'soft drugs' is often hard to define, but in Holland Psilocybin, Mescaline and obviously cannabis are all classified as 'soft drugs' mostly for the reasons I just listed.


But, like, don't do drugs. At least if you do, don't do it because of anything I've said. Research it for yourself!



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OMG I had a horrible nitemere last night. It was my stepdad killed my mom, and was gonna kill me, my bro, and sis, and nieces. He like made my cats run away and my dog, to lour us to our sunroom, and he had such a creepy look on his face towards me. We got our animals back suddenly, in my sis's car, and we tried to flee away, but then I woke up. The really scary part was he dug ten holes in the yard for us, and there was a coffin off to the side.


Nitemere: OR VISION?

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Heh, it's not like that I swear! I was talking about dreams, it was other people who started talking about drugs!


What Jmac says about Ecstasy at least is true - you never know what you're getting. LSD on the other hand, I may have to argue about - it's active at such small doses that even if you covered it in poison, you wouldn't get ill from it. I mean, you can trip off an amount of LSD that's much smaller than the size of a grain of salt - not many chemicals, good or bad, are active in those kinds of quantities.


Also, the thing about strychnine in LSD is a myth. Just look it up on wikipedia or Erowid.


But yeah, no more drug talk! Dreams!! Talk about Dreams!

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My third lucid dream just occured. I was in some cornfield with a lone highway, a guy in a red car drove up and stopped. I decided to go along and he tried to convince me to join in with him ins some sort of marketing ploy. I just nodded and went ahem to whatever he said. It sounded smart but I know it wasn't. I was smi-lucid at this point.


He dropped me off in some city place a mabobber (or I spun to change the environment, I dunno) expecting me to go along with his plan. Instead, I ran around kicking people and looting clothes, telling others they had no sense of fashion. The guy chased in after me to get harrased by 2 chicks I'd told off. I ran away through a back door, laughing. I ran around the block a bit, then I heard polic sirens. Laughing even harder I rushed into a house and took the family hostage. They were real nice. I ran around locking windows and doors, the woman wanting me to turn myself in becuz I was a bad influence on her newborn and that locking the windows and doors would do me no good since that's how I escaped last time(?). The sirens were wailing and I heard a chopper, and I didn't want to give up so I played around with some tap water Avatar style. Then I woke up. Still, that was long and awesome!

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The only drug that people should have to take is EQUATE. And it ain't even a drug homey. You can play that shiat up at any store that sellz it wit no I.D. or nuthin'!


I honestly don't understand the draw of drugs. Even alcohol. Actually especially alcohol. If you feel that you need some sort of possibly harmful substance to help you get through the day, or having it essential to having a good time, then you might want to really take a look at why.


I mean I can understand doing it from time to time, or to just experiment or something I guess. But I dunno. I might just have weird views on this stuff as opposed to others. Not entirely sure why. Everyone has their opinion, and that's just my 2 cents. Not ragging on anybody or anything.

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The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.

-Hunter S. Thompson


On a differant note I've been too ****ing antsy all day long. Mind wanted to sit and be good, body wanted to run out of the room screaming "AAAAHHH!!!!! SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!", like an Acid Freak.

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