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A New Idea

Darth Amenophis

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So working on the idea that the "True Sith" are stronger it would take a lot more power than you had the ability to use in KOTOR 1 or 2. So why not have two playable characters. The Exile and Reven are the two main characters from the first two games so why not just recreate them as your pc. This would add another dimension to the gameplay and possible storyine ideas. :lsduel:

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I dislike games that have more than one main character, in my opinion in most games I've played with two main characters it tends to hurt the story.


I think it's an awesome idea, because just look at halo 2 you can see the results of having two main characters there and it did very well, so I say the idea would be awesome, also maybe having ravan as you main again or even as a party character would be cool to!

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I think it's an awesome idea, because just look at halo 2 you can see the results of having two main characters there and it did very well, so I say the idea would be awesome, also maybe having ravan as you main again or even as a party character would be cool to!

Halo 2 is an RPG how? Just because something works in one type of game doesn't mean it will in all games. ;)


So why not have two playable characters. The Exile and Reven are the two main characters from the first two games so why not just recreate them as your pc.

Sorry but Revan and the Exile's stories are complete... despite all the arguments to the contrary.


'Pure' RPG's like the KotOR games will have us start with a new PC each time, it gives the writers the greatest amount of artistic freedom when writing the story. It also drives what gets 'cut' from previous games as well, to allow the ease in writing for a sequel.

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Unfortunately, RedHawke is correct. Revan and the Exile's stories could be considered complete, and though I would hate for that to be so, it would be the only way for KotOR III to have an RPG-like experience. :(


Though I would count Revan as one of my favorite SW characters, there is no way to have a game that focuses on him that is not solely action-oriented. If he's in the Unknown Regions killing off Sith and then commanding humungous fleets in a gigantic war, that would make for a good action game, but there are few opportunities in there for an RPG-like type of gameplay. The same goes for the Exile... the only difference is that she went into the Unknown Regions a few years later.


It's quite the dilemma. I'm sure many people would love an RPG that focuses on Revan, but it would be very difficult to sensibly include both those elements... I greatly hope that the developers of KotOR III will be able to prove RedHawke and I wrong, though it is unlikely... :(

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I think it's an awesome idea, because just look at halo 2 you can see the results of having two main characters there and it did very well, so I say the idea would be awesome, also maybe having ravan as you main again or even as a party character would be cool to!


1. As RedHawke said Halo 2 is not an RPG


2. I think Halo 2 and the Halo series in general is an overhyped shoot'em up game and as such doesn't have a real compeling story... oh no aliens are attacking, lets kill them hardly seems like a compeling story to me. I'm not saying that you shouldn't enjoy it or that others don't enjoy it, but it is bland to me and I stand by that statement. The only joy I get from the Halo series and FPS shooters in general is the multiplayer, and for that I go to BF2, because I believe there is much more depth to it.


Name me an RPG where there were multiple Player Characters and was highly succesful, because I can't think of one, not saying there isn't one, but I can't think of one.


Edit: @ FiEND_138

I've said it before I am heavily biased as anti-Halo, and I have played both of them completely through and as with all FPS games I've played, I thought they were fun, but they've never drawed me into their story nor did I see anything uniquely different as to separate it from other games of its' genre ;). I don't want to sidetrack the thread anymore than I have so I'll agree to disagree, besides I'm not on some crusade to change everyone's mind about it.

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Going to have to agree with Hawke.


shoot'em up game and as such doesn't have a real compeling story

I'm going to have to disagree with Mav on that. After having finally finished 2, I'd say it has one of the deeper stories in the gener <sp?>. With Halo 3 I'm excited most about the story & how it's going to end up. But rather than sidetrack the thread I suppose we'll just agree to disagree.

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I think it's an awesome idea, because just look at halo 2 you can see the results of having two main characters there and it did very well, so I say the idea would be awesome, also maybe having ravan as you main again or even as a party character would be cool to!




I disagree...additionally, Halo is a FPS, and doesn't rely on characters like Kotor does.


I'd say, you will be neither Revan nor the Exile, it will be years after the end of Kotor II, with a whole new story.

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While I haven't played FF6, I have played a few others, because I indeed think they are great games, and in the ones I have played, I have noticed that there is emphasis on the other characters, with really good fleshed out backrounds, but in genereal there is usually still a central character that is focused on. I haven't played FF6 however so you may be right :)

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Sorry but Revan and the Exile's stories are complete... despite all the arguments to the contrary.


Matter of perspective, not fact. Unless you declare yourself the final arbiter on the subject (which I would question even in that event).


'Pure' RPG's like the KotOR games will have us start with a new PC each time, it gives the writers the greatest amount of artistic freedom when writing the story. It also drives what gets 'cut' from previous games as well, to allow the ease in writing for a sequel.


There we agree. I certainly wouldn't want to play another amnesic jedi (semi or otherwise) who conveniently lost his/her connection to the force and has to rebuild it. Been there, done that. Twice...


But you cannot begin the game at level 20 or whatever, which means a new character, and preferably one that really is young and new and wasn't this great warhero before with a mammoth backhistory. Let us just play and young, new jedi who begins on his or her rise to power.


Having Revan and Exile as companions later in the game, when the main character begins to reach a comparable level, would both cool and appropriate, though. KotOR2 left little doubt that Revan was still out there with some unfinished quest, and the Exile ended following Revan with their quest unresolved. Definitely not the last page in that saga.

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Well my point with the halo 2 comment was not to identify the kotor series with halo (because kotor is definatly not a halo game in any way), the actual reason for that comment was to give an example of how well they did with halo 2 when it had two main pc's. I guess the exile's and revan's stories are pretty complete, so that brings up another question who would be the main character for the K3 game?

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I have to agree with RedHawke on this one. The stories of Revan and the Exile were complete with TSL. I also believe IF KOTOR 3 is ever made (that is a big if) it does not even have to deal with the true Sith or the unknown region. We already know that the Jedi won that battle; we just do not know how they won the war. How do we know the Jedi won? The opening moments of “The Phantom Menace” when we read the scroll we know the Jedi survived. I would like the game (if it is ever made) to deal with the true Sith, but I’d be just as happy if it deal with rebuilding the Jedi order or anything else Lucas Arts and the developer comes up with. I just want another sequel to these amazing games.

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In order to end the story of both original main characters we need to add more main characters? If we get a new young Jedi character who will train them?


There are many options. In my own plot I had a new teacher for the main character who was killed early in the plot. Then Bastila would be your new master because circumstances forced it.


We already know that the Jedi won that battle; we just do not know how they won the war. How do we know the Jedi won? The opening moments of “The Phantom Menace” when we read the scroll we know the Jedi survived.


You're right, of course. My problem with that argument is that it is just as valid an argument for not making Episode III at all. Why do we need to see Palpatine become the emperor, Anakin become Vader and the jedi order be killed? We don't, because we already know from the original trilogy that it is so. We don't know how, of course, but as you put it yourself, we don't really need to or what?


But yes, rebuilding the jedi order will definitely be of major importance. The real problem is that only a LS character would do that, and your character gets to decide between DS and LS. That said, my own plot was also based on a jedi order struggling to revive itself... This does not preclude us from going into the fates of Revan or Exile, however. Indeed, I could see either of them ending up being instrumental in the revival of the jedi order, if they are LS.

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Revan and the Exile will have to come back in some way, if not meeting them in person, than maybe some other way. Reven plays a role similar to Darth Vader (as much as I HATE comparing the movies to the games), in that too much already revolves around him and what has done. It doesnt matter if you want nothing to do with Revan. He has to have some impact on the game we hope to play because of what impact he had on the galaxy.

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Matter of perspective, not fact. Unless you declare yourself the final arbiter on the subject (which I would question even in that event).

The ending of KotOR was the end of Revan's story. Likewise, the end of TSL is definitely the end of the Exile's story.


While Revan was mentioned in TSL, it is possible to play the whole game and hear very little about Revan. What mattered in TSL was how the first game ended, thusly the end of Revan's story. What happened to Revan afterward is best left as they did in TSL. Revan hung around for a while then went off alone, while it would be nice to find out Revan's actual fate it isn't really necessary to the game.


The end of TSL left the Exile going off in search of Revan, or staying at the Trayus Academy. It will be a sure bet that the story points about the Exile in a potential KotOR III will be just as obscure to the fate of the Exile as Revan's was in TSL.

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This would add another dimension to the gameplay and possible storyine ideas. :lsduel:
Actually, it does the opposite. It removes most of the possible story ideas and forces devs to shoehorn old story branches into a new game.


In a word: Yuck.

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The ending of KotOR was the end of Revan's story. Likewise, the end of TSL is definitely the end of the Exile's story.


Well, to me it was just the opposite. The Exile's fate is pretty much the same whether LS or DS, while at the same time a major subplot of K2 is to reconcile Revan so that he ends up in the same place whether LS or DS. To me the entire point of that was to set the stage for these characters in K3. Basically an end similar in some ways to Episode II, where it ends with a big war, only against the true Sith instead of against Dooku's separatists. What, we're just supposed the skip the war over? Why didn't the movies do that with Episode III then? I *want* to play that war.

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Why didn't the movies do that with Episode III then? I *want* to play that war.


I believe you answered you own question here. Movies unlike RPG are easily continued with the same characters. When two people watched Episode II even if they were from different places, at different times, different ages, different genders they still saw the same thing (example Anakin is minus a hand). No matter how many times or where you watch the movie Anakin will always lose his hand (unless GL does another special addition). With an RPG the same two people could have vastly different experiences even if they are playing a similar character because of all the different variables. To have Revan or the Exile in the game the developer would have to account for all of these different variables.


I believe none of us are saying we wouldn’t want to find out what happen to Revan and/or the Exile, but within the restrictions of a RPG game, I believe their stories have been told to completion. They may be mentioned within the confines of KOTOR III (if it is ever made), but it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to included them as PC or NPC.


In a word: Yuck.

Prime can sum everything up in very few words.

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I believe you answered you own question here. Movies unlike RPG are easily continued with the same characters. When two people watched Episode II even if they were from different places, at different times, different ages, different genders they still saw the same thing (example Anakin is minus a hand). No matter how many times or where you watch the movie Anakin will always lose his hand (unless GL does another special addition). With an RPG the same two people could have vastly different experiences even if they are playing a similar character because of all the different variables.


Only in some areas. Some are always fixed. In KotOR2, for example:


- you always end up fighting Kreia on Malachor V

- Kreia always dies

- you always kill Nihilus

- you always kill Sion

- Visas always joins your party after you defeat her

- the jedi masters always end up dead

- Revan always goes to the unknown regions to fight the true Sith

- Mandalore always joins you so that he can reunite the scattered clans


I've played KotOR2 several times, and these are always the same. Oddly they are also the events that matter the most. Plots are plots, whether in movies, books, video games or whatever. In video you can do these other odd things to add interactivity, yet the variables are frequently rather secondary. Unlike, say, Morrowind, the plots in KotOR games are always the same on the major points, and the alternatives are pretty secondary. And more so in KotOR2 than in KotOR1.


To have Revan or the Exile in the game the developer would have to account for all of these different variables.


Sure, but it doesn't seem like a big problem to me. If people among the fans (including myself) could reconcile those in one plot, then whoever does the KotOR3 plot (assume the game will ever be made) can do so as well. If they can't, then why are they plot-writers?


I believe none of us are saying we wouldn’t want to find out what happen to Revan and/or the Exile, but within the restrictions of a RPG game, I believe their stories have been told to completion. They may be mentioned within the confines of KOTOR III (if it is ever made), but it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to included them as PC or NPC.


That depends on several factors. For example, who is Revan now? Sure, you left him or her one way or another back in KotOR1, but that was five years ago when KotOR2 begins, and he has left to fight the true Sith in the meantime. A lot of stuff can happen in five years. Heck, Revan already went from being the savior of the Republic to being the dark lord of the Sith and scourge of the Republic in less than four. He's more powerful now, and five years have passed plus however long after KotOR2 that KotOR3 takes place. Revan could be anything by the time KotOR3 begins.


And the Exile? Well, the Exile ends up in pretty much the same position either way. He either gets to follow in Revan's footsteps and go to help him fight the true Sith in the unknown regions (LS) or he gets to wait around on Malachor V until he can decide whether he wants to stay there or follow in Revan's footsteps (DS)...


If the two characters can change that much by the time you meet them again, then there is no reason you couldn't meet and interact with them, even have them join the group. I do agree that neither should be the main character, though. Not because it's impossible or implausible plotwise, but simply because I'll go raving mad if I have to build either of them from level AGAIN!!!


I can hear it now...


Revan: "Whooops, I had a freak accident with the force and lost all my powers... again."


Exile: "Oh shoot! I *hate* it when that happens to me... AGAIN!"

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If the two characters can change that much by the time you meet them again, then there is no reason you couldn't meet and interact with them, even have them join the group.

While I do very much agree with your acessments about how lame it would be to have them level 1 again (Oh darn! Revan slipped on a bar of soap in the shower, hit his/her head and is level 1 again! :lol: )


I do disagree that there is no 'reason' that they couldn't appear in a potential KotOR III. Their appearance is a big one.


Now don't get me wrong I liked the character of Revan, quite a bit, but knowing how these kinds of games work we will not likely see either of our PC's ever again. Hear about them, yes. See them, unlikely.

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