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A KOTOR III Player-Created Mod?


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You all may send me into exile from the LucasForums for at least

a week for this, but here's what I propose: Let's create an Override

mod for either KOTOR or TSL that is a VERY unofficial version of KIII.


Of course, we all may kill each other trying to decide the following:


--The PC character for KOTOR III (Revan? The Exile? A new PC?)

--What gender Revan and the Exile are if they are NPC's in the game

--The storyline and title of KOTOR III

--What planets are included in the main quest line of KOTOR III

--Bosses, both final and not-so-final

--Whether Revan and the Exile are LS, DS, or Neutral characters

--Whether to have any of the characters from the first 2 games in it


And all the other stuff we've debated on LucasForums.


However, I believe that we can work together on this if we

put our minds to it. After all, everyone who wants KIII to be

made has one common goal: THEY WANT KIII TO BE MADE.


If we players band together and create a KIII mod, at least we

have the satisfaction of knowing we tried to create a good mod

for the third installment in the trilogy that most, if not all, could enjoy!


What do you think (and no profanity, please...*runs!*)


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Sorry, but it's not likely to happen. Making one high-quality planet takes a very large amount of work, and can take a whole team of people months to do. A whole new storyline would take even longer, and Obsidian could probably do it in less time than everyone at Holowan could. Then there's the problem of VOs, brand new locations (which can't yet be made), the need for new animations for the True Sith... It would be extremely difficult to do. It would be best to wait and see what LA plans.

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Go for it. If you ever manage to pull this off, I'd be happy to do some artwork. You need to organize it properly though. Make a post with a list of positions (eg. animation, voicovers crap like that) and as people take up the positions, edit the initial post (eg. animation - "darthvadersux123" or whatever the user is called).

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You all may send me into exile from the LucasForums for at least

a week for this, but here's what I propose: Let's create an Override

mod for either KOTOR or TSL that is a VERY unofficial version of KIII.


Of course, we all may kill each other trying to decide the following:


--The PC character for KOTOR III (Revan? The Exile? A new PC?)

--What gender Revan and the Exile are if they are NPC's in the game

--The storyline and title of KOTOR III

--What planets are included in the main quest line of KOTOR III

--Bosses, both final and not-so-final

--Whether Revan and the Exile are LS, DS, or Neutral characters

--Whether to have any of the characters from the first 2 games in it


And all the other stuff we've debated on LucasForums.


However, I believe that we can work together on this if we

put our minds to it. After all, everyone who wants KIII to be

made has one common goal: THEY WANT KIII TO BE MADE.


If we players band together and create a KIII mod, at least we

have the satisfaction of knowing we tried to create a good mod

for the third installment in the trilogy that most, if not all, could enjoy!


What do you think (and no profanity, please...*runs!*)



No thanks, I want KotOR III to be made by professional game developers (preferably Obsidian) if the game is ever made that is; not by non-professional voluntary fans who never have the best ideas.


Besides, the genders/alignments of Revan and the Exile should be entirely up to the player, not forced on you, KotOR III would suck if the game was based off a fixed Revan and a fixed Exile, because you'd be destroying the whole point of KotOR and KotOR II, role-playing!


Also, people can argue all they want, but if KotOR III is ever made, we will be going a new main character, whether you like it or not, so live with it (those who want Revan and/or the Exile as the main character/s in KotOR III). It's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!


It's likely that the only characters from KotOR and KotOR II that will become party members again in KotOR III for plot reasons are T3-M4 and HK-47. The rest, for continuity, complex or plot reasons will all be reduced to cameo appearences, mark my words, and some won't even be seen at all (such as Mission and Jolee), unless there is a valid enough reason to warrant a cameo from them, which in my opinion, is highly unlikely.


As far as the plot and planets go, well, everyone has there own 'vision' so to speak of KotOR III, but as a guideline, any plot where you go a new main character and you can select the genders/alignments of Revan and the Exile deserves to be at least read and reviewed if you ask me.

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It won't happen, but,


-You can use all of the default Animation, models, and some of the dialogue from the original Kotor, like TSL did


-You can reskin and link together different modules that are already ingame, like ord madell (which is almost as good as whole new planets)


- Storyline won't be hard, judging by the ammount of fan fiction etc here


-The only thing that needs to be custom are a couple of models (players, heads), Dialogue (but then again aliens don't need new dialogue), textures (for planets and items) and there is already a million skinners at the holowan labs, and most importantly planets (that have already been created, and I believe if thnere is a big enough mod team should be a lot easier)

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I say go for it.


I have similar reservations as those mentioned by The Architect, but don't let that stop you. If you can do it, then more power to you. Whatever floats your boat. It'll be a mammoth project, though. It looks both daunting and menacing in the extreme, but if you're dedicated, then don't let anybody tell you you can't do it.


Also, people can argue all they want, but if KotOR III is ever made, we will be going a new main character, whether you like it or not, so live with it (those who want Revan and/or the Exile as the main character/s in KotOR III). It's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Unless, of course, you make the main character amnesic... again! :mad:



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Um, no, LA did nothing of the sort to the RP.


I believe what you refer to, Davin, is this part of the FAQ:


Q: Won't LucasArts shut down your project faster than you can blink?

A: As the copyright holder to the Knights of the Old Republic franchise, LucasArts can shut us down if they want to. However, we hope they realize that our project will benefit both their game and their customers.

There is strong evidence to suggest that LucasArts will not shut us down. In this press release, LucasArts states that they support the development and release of fan mods for their Star Wars games. Moreover, their officially sanctioned fan mod distribution website specifically indicates that Knights of the Old Republic II mods are welcome for submission.


Finally, our project is not like The Phantom Edit. We are not distributing an alternative, standalone product; We are not using this project to portray LucasArts or Obsidian Entertainment in a negative manner (and we also ask that our supporters respect this policy by refraining from using our project to portray LA or OE in a negative manner


Also, your estimate is a little OTT. Assuming work started at the beginning of 2007, we could expect a 2008 release if the game was pushed. If we assume that OE were to do the sequel, we can probably assume that they might follow the maxim "once bitten, twice shy" in this instance ;)

If not, most major developers will set realisting goals.


I'd guess that KotOR III is probably going to have a late 2008/2009 release date.


On the subject of the mod:


Some careful reskinning of areas might make it possible. But you'd need a team of about ten IMO, and it would take about a year's solid work with that many to complete most of the stuff needed, excluding BIK sequences et al.


Also, you would never have final agreement on the plot, and people have their own projects they're working on which will take time enough ;).

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The storyline stuff of this will need to be ridiculously complex or it will disappoint. I think you'll need at least three writers EXCLUSIVELY working on a coherant story just to get some balance of opinions on the matter. Since story is basically what most people are looking for in this, this should be mostly a storyteller's mod.

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I think it's my bad luck that I came up with this idea, and yet I know

absolutely ZILCH about creating mods. I know how to download and

install them, but not make new ones. The only thing I really know

how to do is tell stories and make up good dialogue, and that's

about it. Sorry, folks! *lol*

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I think it's my bad luck that I came up with this idea, and yet I know

absolutely ZILCH about creating mods. I know how to download and

install them, but not make new ones. The only thing I really know

how to do is tell stories and make up good dialogue, and that's

about it. Sorry, folks! *lol*


Join the club m8 :(

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This is an awesome idea, and it would be ever more better, if we could actually get this thing underway. Im no good at Mod creating, but i do like to write, so if you want whenever the time comes, ill take part in writing the storyline/dialouge for this. And as Ambrose said, it would be good if there about 3 - 4 writers working on it.


So yeah, whatever you decide, im here for writing :D, just give me a yell (or pm, or email lol) and ill be there :D:D:D

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Seems to me that when you consider the resources (people, time, money...) necessary to create something along this line, it would probably be to impractical to attempt it. And judging from the differences of opinion, whose vision takes precedence (w/o a mutiny derailing the process)? If the dedicated resources were there, I'd say give it a shot. Though I bet the final product would be a bear to download (how many gigs?) unless you had a super high speed net connection. I'd basically have to side w/Ambrose 'n Architect here. Would probably better be left to people who do this for a living, not a hobby (remember, resources are critical). Still, let's hope that the marketing dept doesn't force a rushed job like TSL.

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Look, if this KotOR III 'mod' is made, it will have to at least have a decent storyline, characters and dialogue, otherwise it will suck and be a big waste of time.


So, if this mod is ever going to get made, when are the people who will work on this mod going to get started? The reason why I ask this, is because I'm interested in working with other writers in developing a KotOR III storyline, because writing is my forte and I'm a fan of the KotOR series.


However, I'll be very busy over the next '6-8' weeks, so I won't have the time to do any writing for this KotOR III player-created mod. But at around about mid-October, I will have more time to help work with accouple of other skilled writers on a KotOR III storyline for a fan made mod.


I know loads of other people want to help work on the storyline for this mod, but how many of them can actually write? Trust me, although I'm not a professional writer (I'm still at High School) you will not regret letting me help work on the storyline for this mod, because I've already given a potential KotOR III storyline a lot of thought in the past and I thoroughly understand what can and cannot be done in a potential KotOR III game, as well as what the fans what.


But look, if it ends up being that I'm not apart of the KotOR III writing team for this mod, then I strongly advise the writers to consider the following in regards to a KotOR III storyline...


1. Make sure that there is a new main character in this story. Revan and/or the Exile cannot be the main character/s in this story, for a number of different reasons, some minor and some complex. Trust me, their 'power-levels' are only one of the many problems, surely I don't have to explain why they will not be the main character/s, the KotOR games are CRPG's afterall...


2. The player should be allowed to select the genders and alignments of Revan and the Exile in this story, so do not base the storyline off a fixed Revan and a fixed Exile in terms of gender/alignment...


3. What role is the Old Republic going to have in this story? What have they done (in between the events of KotOR II and the beginning of the events of KotOR III) to try and recover/rebuild from the destruction that the past few decades of war has brought upon them? What position/role will they have in this plot?


4. What role does the Mandalorians have in this story? Did the Exile give Mandalore any orders/requests in particular before he/she ventured fourth into the unknown regions alone? What are the plans/goals/intentions of the Mandalorians in this plot?


5. What role does the known Sith (Darth Malak's remnants from KotOR and Traya's cult from KotOR II) have in this story? These known Sith would be in a very weak state, but what purpose (if any) could they serve in this plot?


6. The Jedi, as well as the Sith, should be in an extremely weak state, due to the previous decades of war, they should both be very small in numbers, going through rebuilding phases. However, if a New Jedi Order is to emerge in KotOR III, who will lead the rebuilding phase and train the young new force-sensitives? What role/purpose will they serve in the plot?


7. What of the new main character? If he/she is affiliated from a major galactic group and is forced to begin at (say for example) a new Jedi/Sith academy from the start, then why? Did the player have any say in the matter? If not, how come?


8. There has to be a reason why the new main character becomes important in the plot and grows strong in the force so quickly, without ever having used the force before. We really shouldn't be someone who lost their connection to the force and regains it throughout the game (we've been there, done that, in KotOR and KotOR II) but yet again, if the new main character becomes so powerful so quickly without ever having used the force before and is powerful enough to challenge the main villain/s in the game, then how? Even the likes of Anakin and Yoda took years to become strong in the force; considering the way these games work, the events of KotOR III (whatever they may be) will surely not span over many years. It would be very odd/farfetched if the new main character becomes so powerful in a matter of weeks/months in the plot...


9. There has to be valid reasons in your plot as to why the new main character visits the planets you choose in your plot, the new main character has to also be dragged into the events of KotOR III in a careful, not so forced manner, in other words, try and be as open-ended as possible...


10. In regards to the 'True Sith', who are they? What exactly are they? If they are so great/powerful/strong, then why didn't they attack the Republic/Jedi after the Jedi Civil War when their enemies were in a clearly weak, vulnerable state? What have they been doing in the unknown regions all of this time? What are the goals/plans/intentions of the 'True Sith' in this plot? What are their strengths/weaknesses? What role/actions (if any) did they have in regards to the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War and the Shadow War?


11. How are you going to handle all the complications of Revan and the Exile in KotOR III? There are so many things you can do, what will you do in your plot? What are they going to do in your plot (if you don't kill them off that is)? If you bring them back, how will you bring them back? How and when did Revan find out about the 'True Sith'? Explore deeply into the past and Revan's actions before/during the Mandalorian Wars, link it to any significance it has with these mysterious 'True Sith', expand more on Revan's motives/plans/ideas, it is necessary for plot development (I'm not talking about what Revan did during the events of KotOR (the Jedi Civil War) I'm talking about what Revan did/found/planned before/during the Mandalorian Wars...


12. If Revan still lives, then what has he/she been doing in the unknown regions all of this time? How the hell can you fight an entire Empire on your own? Explore Revan's plans/actions in the unknown regions and why he/she had to go alone into the unknown regions for, as the Exile did too (apart from the whole unnecessarily endangering friends/companions weakass bulldust). Why did Revan lock the navi-computer? Why didn't Revan want anyone to know where he/she was going? What is T3-M4 hiding about Revan? Why did he zap HK-47 for?


13. Last of all, depending on how you set the genders/alignments of Revan and the Exile, what has happened to their companions? What role/relevance will they have in this plot? Obviously, any former companion of Revan and the Exile that could of been killed in KotOR or KotOR II cannot be party members in KotOR III, but if someone like Mira (if you set the Exile as LS) or Mission (if you set Revan as LS) is to make a cameo appearence in KotOR III, they can't just make a cameo for the hell of it, there has to be a reason, make them useful or important to the side-quest/main-quest of the main character, but don't make characters such as Jolee or the Disciple party members...


That's all I can think of at this rate...

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1. Make sure that there is a new main character in this story. Revan and/or the Exile cannot be the main character/s in this story, for a number of different reasons, some minor and some complex. Trust me, their 'power-levels' are only one of the many problems, surely I don't have to explain why they will not be the main character/s, the KotOR games are CRPG's afterall...


2. The player should be allowed to select the genders and alignments of Revan and the Exile in this story, so do not base the storyline off a fixed Revan and a fixed Exile in terms of gender/alignment...




= Most important points, it must be a mod for ALL SWKotOR Fans.


anyway, I don't believe that this project will come to an end. Lots of Mods were been developed, but most projects havent been finished.


and, I don't think Lucasarts will shut down the project. Why don't we have the right to create our own additional features, we won't sell it...

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I agree, and Architect, your questions are very in-depth and well-thought-out.

In a way, I also agree that the OFFICIAL KOTOR III should be left up to

LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment, but who knows if and when they

are developing it? None of us do, so maybe...


Maybe OUR mod, if we make it, could take place at a sort of halfway

point between KOTOR II and III. After all, I'm sure the Star Wars

universe did not "go to sleep" in between all of the movies.


I'd love to have you on the writing team for this mod, Architect.

You would be an enormous help fleshing out the storyline and

allowing the player to have power, importance and choices while

still keeping a sense of story balance. As for your other points,

I agree on all of them. Maybe we can't produce an official

KOTOR III, but at least maybe we can make a decent 2.5! :)

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*calls the jedi to strip you of the force!* Hehe. Anyway, if you would like, I could help do a story or somthing. (the whole over arching story, not so much though, but a planet story, or a psecific person is good for me!)



:sprobe: May the Maker Watch Over You. :sprobe:



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ok, new idea:


all the SWKotOR Fans can introduce their own character (for example), gender, species, age, profession, personality and perhaps his story etc. if they want to, and then the story-editors of the mod will choose the best of them and add it to the story. I think it would be a greater story if many people are working on it.

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I could say that it is a good idea if you do it right. Maybe a lot of us would like to become a voice actor for this project?

Now we all know that we are not great actors or so, but anyone can simply speak lines into a microfone. Maybe setup skype or messenger sections, I don't know.

And if you are completed in maybe 2 years, we will see if Lucasarts still don't want to make a new game?


So, I can volunteer for a position as a story writer and maybe voice actor. Although the latter might put some of because English is my second language, not my first.

Anyone a problem with a dutch accent?

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