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Kalith Tyer

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i'd definetly have to say Visas marr. hot AND sith, now theres an uncommon combination.


How about Darth Talon then? Hot + Sith + Lethan Twi'Lek + Tattoos !!

But Yeah Visas Rocks, just make sure she got her blindfold covered.


Leia is hot in certain scenes, when she is not trying to look like a prud princess.

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At least we're not having this type of discussion in nothing but the Klingon language like the Star Trek freaks. Or Elvish like the Rings fans.



at your request: ghaH vam [nerdy] yap

Klingon! whoever translates it first gets two cookies with whipped cream.

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I'll tell you exactly what it means. It means that you're way past due for an @$$ whippin'.

*grabs aluminum baseball bat*

You got till I count to 10. So you better start running...

1. 2. 10.

*starts running after venom*




Then i shall eat the cookies whilst flying away from you. none for you. ;)

and to add fuel to the nicely burning fire: ghobe' [cookies] vaD SoH

see? i even give you a fewwords as waypoints...:p

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You know you like Klingon women and you know it. There's no shame in it. I happen to love Vulcan. Borg ladies are nice but doin' it with them is a bit mechanical.:p


Crap, first I translate Klingon now I'm making Star Trek jokes. Somebody shoot me now.:eek


Not too into trekkie things. But yeah Vulcan women are kinda boring. What? sex once every SEVEN fappin' years. No Wai!


If you like those pointy ears though, I would kindly suggest those elves from LotR series. You get to study the beautiful quenya language, run around rencons, possably make your own (somewhat) functional weapon, plus there are more hot irl chicks to boot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam wonderful wonderful spaaaaaam.


Or not. Back on topic, how come Padme wasn't in Battlefront? I'd play the game a little more if she was.

Leia was alright because she was actually at a couple of the places that they put her in (albeit wearing her ANH clothes). But Padme, she was in the first 10 minutes of the first battle of the Clone Wars, I guess that didn't stop them putting Jango in.

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