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When do u think K3 should start


When should K3 start  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. When should K3 start

    • after K2
    • Between K1 and K2
    • Befor K1
    • Dont care

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I would actually fancy a large time span between TSL and KotORIII. At least 10 years or more.


I would like the tales of Revan and the Exile to be faint stories in the past as we encounter a new set of plot points and conflicts.

This game will be quite a while before it comes out (if at all), so I don't want to try to go back and re-hash the whole storyline all over again.


I wouldn't mind crossing paths with past characters or engage in a few sub-plots that fill in some of the questions from the first two games, however, this game will need a fresh, new story with remnants from the others, but all new settings, planets and characters.

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I wouldn't mind a KotOR III that took place about 15 years after KotOR II. I would embrace a new story with slight references to Exile and Revan. Maybe they could cover their conclusion in the Jedi archives or something. It could be time to move onto another Jedi story, which takes place in Jedi antiquty.

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Maybe the aftermath to what had occured is what KotOR III would be about. You get to visit the same locations that Revan and Exile took off to. During your travels, you will learn about your part in the story. You never know, they could have placed everything into position, so 'you' the newer pc could take over or save the galaxy.


It maybe revealed that you are one of Revan's teachers, and he/she (Revan) betrayed you in the past. Revan became so powerful that he/she ripped the Force out of you. Except a smal kernal, which will grow durring your travels.


This will allow 15 years to pass. The PC could come out of being unconscious. Having the Force ripped out of you could be an even more tramatic experience, which leaves the Force user in a coma like state. One of your companions could have been searching the galaxy to find you, for they themselves were betrayed by Revan or Exile. You could be an instrument used to conflict revenge on Revan or to save the galaxy. (Sounds kind of like the Kreia story.)

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I think KotOR III should definately take place after KotOR II and act as a 'trilogy wrapper upper' game which brings closure to the stories of Revan and the Exile.


We should definately play as a new main character in KotOR III, in fact we will be; however the genders and alignments of Revan and the Exile should be for the player to decide, it should not be forced upon the player!


The focus of the plot should be on the 'True Sith', it should answer questions such as...


1. Who are the 'True Sith'? What exactly are the 'True Sith'?

2. How long have they been in the unknown regions for? Why are they in the unknown regions?

3. If the 'True Sith' Empire is so great, then why didn't they attack the Republic/Jedi/Sith/Mandalorians after the Jedi Civil War when they were all in a clearly weak, vulnerable state?

4. If Revan still lives, what has he/she been doing in the unknown regions all of this time? Revan has been gone for four years, he/she has gone to 'fight them (the 'True Sith' in his/her own' way as Kreia puts it) but not even the likes of Revan can take on an entire Empire on their own, so what is Revan doing?

5. If the 'True Sith' were behind the Mandalorian Wars then how/when did they get the Mandalorians to launch an assault upon the Old Republic?

6. What did Revan discover in the unknown regions? How did Revan find out about the 'True Sith'? Who else apart from Revan, the Exile and Kreia knows/knew about the 'True Sith'?


There are many other unresolved questions like these too but you get the theme. Now as far as when exactly should KotOR III take place, to me it does not matter, it depends on how the devs handle things, as long as these type of questions are answered, then for me, KotOR III could take place anywhere between 3-25 years after KotOR II, that's the way I see it...

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I'd say anywhere between at least a couple of months to at most a couple of years after TSL. If KotOR3 is going to be to TSL what "Return of the Jedi" was to "Empire Strikes Back" - as I both think and prefer it to be for essentially the same reasons that The Architect has mentioned - then that would seem to be the timeframe for me.


"Return of the Jedi" took place just one year after "Empire Strikes Back", and yet Luke had to grow more powerful in the force and the Empire build a new death star. All you need for KotOR3 is really for the Exile to find his way to the Unknown Regions and meet up with Revan, which could be as lilttle as a month or so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One possibility would be to set it 15-20 yrs in future, with your character being sent to look for the Exile and/or Revan or at least info about whatever became of them. In this way you could bring in Brianna/Disciple and Carth, Bastila, etc...to be the ones sending you out on this mission of discovery. As these characters all stayed behind to rebuild the Republic/Jedi order while the Exile went in search of Revan and the mystery of the true Sith. Perhaps you're the "love child" of Revan and Carth/Bastila, thus adding a slight twist to the story and an urgency to your quest.


However, don't think it's necessary to have K3 follow right on the footsteps of K2. A minimum of 5 years would be a decent interval. But anything beyond 20 might be a bit much.

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  • 4 weeks later...
i think it should start befor the end of K2 but not to long befor the end


what do u think


OK, my twisted idea: It should be Revans journeys in search of the evil in the unknown regions starting maybe a year after the end of K1 and end in a victory that yeilds a dark mysterious question, and then KOTOR 4 should be the Exile's Journey into the Unknown following Revan's footsteps after K2 WITH CARTH !!!! (who just couldn't stay behind, and somewhere along the journey he realizes he is sensitive to the Force and goes completely Jedi) And then KOTOR 5 would take place in the forgotten realms of the ancient Sith where Exile finds Revan as Revan is attempting to infiltrate the heirarchy of evil to get close to the ULTIMATE Sith Lord who is only seen physically by his closest Sith servants.....and KOTOR 6.....


A sequel means it follows something. If KotOR III were to happen at any point other than after KotOR II, it wouldn't be a sequel, and therefore shouldn't be KotOR III.


I hadn't heard that the next chapter was definately going to be a "Sequel" perhaps it's a Prequel or a demiquel, a hemiquel, a susquiquel, a spheriquel, a midiquel, a quasiquel, or just another loosely related story. I think though that the term Sequel as used in the preceeding statements relates entirely to the release order and not to the story order. I believe I correctly understood the inference and the general themeology of the posted idea in that it was intended to signify the order in which the titles were offered, and in that was stated correctly as "Sequel". Once the title is released the Author of the fiction will determine which of the qualifiers will be used, so for the sake of being precisely specific, KOTOR 3 will most likely be released at a time after KOTOR 2's release (unless we make some astounding scientific advances) qualifying it for now as a "Sequel" in terms of or synonomous with "the following" release. Yes, I am a wise-@$$, or more precisely.....


Anyway, I'm a fan of jumping back and forth in time, so I would like to see the next release take place with Revan as the PC shortly after K1. I still think KOTOR3 would be more appropriate than KOTOR 1.2 in this circumstance, but that's a matter of opinion. I'm just chomping at the bit to find out what happened to Revan, and it would be really cool to take a ship out into the unknown regions to explore the dangers that lurk therein.

Hey, it worked in Pulp Fiction :o)

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  • 6 months later...

TSL left everyone hanging. Because firstly you see the Ebon Hawk fly through space and then the game ends. All the speculation is that the Exile goes into the forbidden regions. But what happens to the Ebon Hawk and the rest of her crew? Did the Exile leave them on some planet just like Revan or take them along?


But I would like something like KOTOR1's storyline. Where you play as someone who had their memory wiped and was actually a jedi or sith.


But I would really want to see what Kreia said was "True sith" and hope that they include the forbidden regions in the next game.


Also if they are going to give Revan and the Exile actual genders they should do what they did in KOTOR 2 and have someone talk about them. Then correct them when they think they are male or female.

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Which means customizing "your" Revan and Exile. Whether that be:


LSM REvan / LSM Exile

LSM Revan / DSM Exile

LSM Revan / LSF Exile

LSM Revan / DSF Exile (this is My Revan and Exile choice)

LSF Revan / LSM Exile

LSF Revan / DSM Exile

LSF Revan / LSF Exile

LSF Revan / DSF Exile

DSM Revan / LSM Exile

DSM Revan / DSM Exile

DSM Revan / LSF Exile

DSM Revan / DSF Exile

DSF Revan / LSM Exile

DSF Revan / DSM Exile

DSF Revan / LSF Exile

DSF Revan / DSF Exile


Yeah 16 choices. So? From a storyline perspective, it isn't that hard. And for showing their faces? Not hard either. Remember where you could choose "your" lightsaber color in Kotor II. That was a value you could set. If Kotor III shows you a selection of faces, you can set "a value" as well. And if the programmer didn't make a mistake you should have the face of "Your" Revan / Exile appear.

It might this time show DS faces if you want one of your characters to have this alignment off course. Very simple :redbounc:

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After TSL. Long enough for some of the Order to get rebuilt a bit so that there are a few masters to chat with. I don't want to feel like I'm the only Jedi in the galaxy, either.



If you make it too long after TSL there wouldn't be much believability in finding any trace of Revan and/or the Exile.

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Yeah 16 choices. So? From a storyline perspective, it isn't that hard.

The difficulties that can arise from implementing this kind of feature are quite 'hard'.


And for showing their faces? Not hard either.

This would be quite difficult to pull off, and almost impossible to implement in the game without it being instantly realised by the players of the previous games for what it is.


I have stated several times before about this kind of feature... How do you go about this without having a pre-game quiz, or having to look at mug shots sometime in the game. Both are not very good options and are very transparent. You don't want this kind of detracting 'feature' in a game.


Remember where you could choose "your" lightsaber color in Kotor II. That was a value you could set. If Kotor III shows you a selection of faces, you can set "a value" as well.

Comparing the TSL lightsaber selection (which is limited by the way to only colors and the in-game limited hilt styles) to having to select a 'face' for Revan and the Exile is not even remotely equal, they are two different things and implementation would be drastically different.


And if the programmer didn't make a mistake you should have the face of "Your" Revan / Exile appear.

It might this time show DS faces if you want one of your characters to have this alignment off course. Very simple :redbounc:

Not "Very simple" as you put it, to implement 'Revan and the Exile's faces' in a potential K3 would be a lot more difficult that you think.

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