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Veridian Echo Mod part 1


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Torthane here, I am announcing the upcoming release of the first part of my Veridian Echo mod. The purpose of this mod will be to make KOTOR II look and sound a little prettier and to improve the gameplay without drastically changing the story. I am nearly done with the first pack which will change the face textures for the Handmaiden, Atton, the Desciple, Visas, and Mira. This mod will also change the equipment loadouts of the afformentioned characters with some new goodies like a deadly accurate sniper rifle, bladed gloves for the handmaiden, and an advanced medical computer for the Disciple. Also included will be some new clothing/underclothing skins. The mod will also change the combat to be more fast-paced and challenging. More info on the way with some screenshots.

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Update: Here's another one of Mira. Glad you guys liked the new Atton look. As for the dangerous horney teenage look, sure. Check this out.



Hmm, is just my screen's brightness too low, or does she have solid black eyes? She looks rather alien-like in some eerie way. :)


Other than that it looks pretty good so far.

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Update: Still fixing that bug, but here's a comparison of the old handmaiden (on the left) to my new handmaiden skin (on the right). Hope you like the new skin, and as always criticize it as much as you want. I'm always open to suggestions.




PS: new one of Mira coming soon, and I should have new underclothes skins up soon too.

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Hmm, this looks interesting. I'm not sure about the marks on Atton's face but on the whole... wow :). How extensive is this mod to be? Are we talking about area reskins, or just NPCs (Which is a massive task in itself)? This will likely be one of my must-haves :).

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how did you get the facial hair to look real?


It took a long time,but I'm glad you think it looks real. And to respond to Pavlos's questions this first realease will change some of the NPC's textures and will also change all of the weapons to be more powerful. The enemies will also get a boost but not to harcore mod standards. It will also add some exclusive weapons and equipment for some of the party members.

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Hope you like the new skin, and as always criticize it as much as you want. I'm always open to suggestions.




Overall it looks pretty good and is an improvement. Maybe it's just my monitor brightness that's wrong again, or does she have a solid black iris and pupil in her eyes?


There's something in that skin that also makes her look more like a teenage boy than a young woman for some reason, but I can't quite put a finger on what. But maybe that was intentional? :)

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There's something in that skin that also makes her look more like a teenage boy than a young woman for some reason, but I can't quite put a finger on what. But maybe that was intentional? :)


That's actually really scary. Ever since you said that, I can see it too - which is annoying.


Nice improvements for Atton, Torthane :).

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Update: Here's another shot at Mira. As usual the pic on the left is the unmodified Mira while the one on the right is the one I did.


PS: I know what you mean about the Handmaiden looking rather like a teenaged boy. I'll have to work on her some more. Kudos to everyone for all of the feedback, sometimes I just don't notice these things on my own.


PPS: Underclothes on the way! (What, you're not overjoyed? What's wrong with you.)


Here's the Mira pic (hopefully I didn't go too overboard with the freckles):


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Wow .. Just wow. Awsome work man!


I think that so far you've got Atton right on (awsome beard - must have taken forever to make it look so realistic. Its almost like the next gen facial hair developers create for all the new games coming out) so keep him that way.


Onto Mira : the latest skin is very very nice, the eyes in perticular are just amaizing (same with Atton eyes). The previous Mira eyes were just a bit too darkish purple and really had no dimension kinda like too dark blobs of ink. Also about the freckles its more of a personal taste type of thing so 50% are going to say: great/realistic/revolutionary and 50% will say: umm cut em by about 30-40% cuz its going overboard/ wtf pimples!! / smallpox? . So since adding 2 skins would be impractical because then the darkside transitions would have to have 2 skins each aswell for greater realism, the best solution would be to leave her as she is or host a poll or something. Maybe it would be in the best interest of all fans to cut back on freckles about 20% (since some might hate and others love it), but I wouldn't mind her being like this since she is a redhead and the freckles suit her (this is IMO however). The other characters however I dont think should have freckles (or at least to that extent).


And... Handmaiden : Maybe if you revert eye color back to original she might keep that feminine look in her face , and spread out the freckles a bit to take out that redness around her nose. Or just take them out entirely. But then again its your work so maybe its best to suprise us with something cool just like new atton and mira.


It would proly be best if u tried to do something different with each of the characters (beard, no beard /or long beard, short beard type of thing for Atton and Disciple and freckles/ no frecles for Mira and Handmaiden) so they have an individual look just like their individual personalities.


Lastly Disciple : It'd be great if you can get rid of that redness around nose area and either give him an Atton-style beard or Mira-style freckles (perhaps not to that extent). And most imporant thing IMO would be to change his blue eyes into the same blue for the rim of/outer the pupil and a lighter blue on the inside (somewhat like original Handmaiden eyes).


Well srry about the long post but you did say you welcome all feedback (especially constuctive critisism). So I posted this here instead of PMing you ideas so that others can see my thoughts aswell and improve on them. Well I have to say Briliant work so far! Cant wait to see how it turns out so take your time and dont rush! :clap2:

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