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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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As Zhane evaded the bunch of fans with ease, he decided to see how Kyle was doing.




The patrons of the cantina and Pazaak players gathered around Kyle, who had challenged the Rodian to a single match. The rounds where slow and boring, but it started to heat up. Both where tied, 2-2. Kyle had a 6 and got a 4, but the Rodian had already a 10 and got a 6. He was confident, way too confident, and Kyle first got a 1, he wasn't worried, but then he pulled the Force and got a 6, the match was over, Kyle had won and the Rodian left the cantina, not believing it, and Zhane passed through him and entered the cantina.


"I assume the Force has been with you Kyle?"


"No, pure luck. Come now, let's see if news travel quickly here in Anchorhead."


Hours had passed, and night was falling. They decided to do a little business trip to Erlong.


"Well, imagine you coming back. I know about your little swoop luck win and your Pazaak lucky win. But you'll never impress me. And excuse me, i need some sleep," He said, closing the door abruptly.


"All right kid, we need that journal, and we're going to do it the old spy way."


They waited a few more hours, and then striked. They started by climbing the mansion, and entered by a window, quietly. They avoided the night guards, and quietly snuck on to a sleepy Erlong's room. They started searching, and Kyle eventually found the datapad, but Zhane had his eyes put on other things.


"Hey kid, i got the journal, let's go," Kyle whispered, "Hey, kid, what's wrong?"


"Kyle, come over here," Zhane said as he showed him the datapad he had found.


"Well, more good news," Kyle said, sarcastically, for it said about a re-formation of the Imperial Remnant.


"We better get back this to Luke, he'll know what to do."


They got out of the mansion, and passed by Derek Rekk's mansion, and used the Force to conduct his journal to there. The Master and Padawan rushed to the port, entered the Raven's Claw, and flew away to Yavin IV.

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"No. I am not letting you do this," He slowly pushed Sara backwards, away from her half-sister. "Look, I know this is important to you, but this isn't the place, nor the time and believe me, you'll regret it." This happy family reunion reminded him of what happened to him a few years ago, when he and his sister fought each other. It didn't end well.

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Amol glared at Thrawn. "You," he spat, his face contorted in disgust. "So you've made Admiral now, huh? How many ideas did you have to claim credit for to get that position? Did you manage to get your slimey hands on Seth's weapon's systems, or did he manage to keep you away from them?"

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Va'ala grinned as she looked at Sara, and then Jethro. "You're right, nerfherder. She would regret it."


Va'ala glanced over her shoulder at her table. The waitress was taking her drink away. Va'ala sighed. "Great." She looked at Sara with loathing. "Just... go back to your perfect little life with your perfect little friend and leave me alone. Sister."


She pushed past Jethro, brushing shoulders with him as she started back out of the cantina.

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"Hey--!" the pilot called as Va'ala pushed passed them, frowning as she disappeared. She then wheeled on Jethro.


Sara narrowed her eyes as she looked up at him -- he was a good half a head taller than her -- a scowl forming on her lips.


"Look, I know you're a Jedi," she said, her tone low, "But maybe you could realise that it isn't as easy for us mortals to step back from their anger -- especially when someone says something like that about your father."


Even so, she could feel her anger mellowing. Whether it was a Jedi mindtrick or her own mind sub-conciously trying to push her away from this confrontation, she couldn't be sure. Even so, as she looked up at his calm green eyes, she felt the fight go out of her.


Setting her jaw to keep back the sigh the formed in her mouth, she turned around, grabbing the edge of his sleeve. "Let's just go, alright?"

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"Well kid, we'll be there in a hour or so. Better get comfy." Kyle told Zhane.


"Yeah, but, just one question. You once mentioned me to a Jan, where is she?"


"Jan? Oh kid, not even i know. And i'd wish i could. But sorry, i just don't feel like talking about it."


Zhane shrugged, crossed his arms and layed back to sleep. Hopefully, this would be sorted out without any bloodshed.

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Ex-Zar had been standing by, just watching and waiting, after he received his gear from the bar. The conversation had heated up, and he was a little anxious, until the man from earlier tryed to break the arguement up. Ex-Zar sighed as Va'ala decided to turn the other cheek, and sarted walking out of the bar, he slipped his helmet on and followed tooth-sweet.

"So....half-sister, huh?" He questioned Va'ala as he walked behind her.

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"Unfortunately," Va'ala said to Ex-Zar. "But, you know what they say. You can choose your friends, but you're inflicted with your family."


"You have a family?" Krell asked sarcastically.


"Most people do at some point in their lives, Krell," Va'ala retorted.


"So, how are they related to you?" Krell asked, looking over his shoulder at Sara and Jethro in the distance.


Va'ala glared at him. "'They' aren't. 'She' is. And that only by a lack of self-control by my mother and her father." She paused. "Her name is Sara Klint. She's my sister. Well, half-sister. Correction. 'Perfect,' pretty, successful, and comfortably well-off, half-sister," she added jealously.


"I think you're pretty, boss," Bob said.


"That's one reason why I keep you around, Bob."


"Comfortably well-off, you say?" Krell asked.


"I'd say 'comfortable', yeah," said Va'ala. "She got my father's shipping company when he died." She snorted and smiled wryly. "I got a bill for the flowers my mother decided to send to his funeral."


"So, you and your sister don't see eye-to-eye."


"Krell, we don't 'see' each other ever. That's the first time we met in person. And hopefully, the last," she added bitterly. She turned to Ex-Zar. "Say, you want to follow us to..." She frowned then. "Krell, did Zeedo say where these detonators were going?"


"Not that I recall, no."


Va'ala cringed. "Damn that Zeedo! Now we have to go and see that crazed Kat person after all."


Bob frowned. "Kat's a Cathar?" He chuckled. "Wow! I thought she was human. She sure fooled me!"


Va'ala gave Bob a deadpan look. "Doesn't take much, does it, Bob."

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Ex-Zar thought for a moment, 'Kat? Kat?....Ah must be the 'other' girl...goodness, the trouble....' his thoughts trailing off.


"Va'ala, if you want, I can be 'your' diplomat...to Kat, since, you know," he said, shrugging to indicate the earlier arguement. "Or you could talk to her yourself, which I know you'de probably regret doing, considering you're, angry and drunk, let alone you probably despise her at the moment," he said, glancing down at her from under his helmet, hoping she'd agree, or else he'd probably be dealing with another fight.

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As Va'ala, Krell, Bob, and Ex-Zar entered docking bay 23, it was easy for them to see which ship was Kat's. For one thing, Va'ala had seen it once before a few months back when Kat had attacked as a pirate hunter. For another, it really stood out from all the other ships. With its long, gracefully swept back wings, angular 'head', flared 'tail', and gleaming finish, the Eagle's Wing looked like an eagle in flight.


"Guess that's the one," Bob observed. "Looks like an eagle."


"Nothin' gets by you," Va'ala muttered. "Let's go. Looks like it's open for visitors."


They moved up the boarding ramp, which promptly sealed shut behind them.


"Welcome aboard, strangers," a pleasant voice called to them. It was not Kat.


"Who's talking?" Bob wondered, looking around as if hoping to see the speaker.


"I am Eagle," the voice answered. "I am the artificial intelligence responsible for the majority of duties aboard the Eagle's Wing. Who am I speaking to?"


"I'm Bob," the man answered cheerfully, still looking around. "Hey! What's this?"


"That, Bob, is the cargo bay," Eagle answered. "But I can't let you in there. Sorry, Kat's orders."


"Who's there?" Kat called from the cockpit. The door to the cockpit slid shut quickly.


"Ooh!" Eagle exclaimed to Kat, unheard by Va'ala and her companions. "Kat, you really ought to come out from under the pilot's station."


"What did you do that for?" Va'ala demanded. "I need to speak with her."


Reluctantly, Eagle opened the cockpit door and Va'ala, Krell, Ex-Zar and Bob entered.


"Where is she?" Krell wondered. Bob shook his head.


"Don't see her," he complained.


"Ach!" Kat grumbled, attracting their attention as she poked her head out from beneath the pilot's station. She glared at Bob. "So you're Bob... no wonder Va'ala said... stuff about you. You're head's full of..." She cocked her head slightly. "... stuff."


"Stuff?" Bob wondered. Then, he was distracted by a star chart. "Ooh! Stars!"


He reached for it, but Eagle didn't approve.


"Oh, no you don't!" he scolded. Suddenly, a long arm descended from the ceiling, grasping at Bob and thrusting him into a newly revealed opening in the side panels of the cockpit. The panel slammed shut, effectively sealing Bob inside, where he could be heard giggling.


"Hey, Shipvoice!" he called. "What's this thing?"


Eagle's 'sigh' echoed in the small compartment. "It's a mop imbecile. Now shut up."


Kat crawled fully out from beneath the pilot's station and stood.


"You've got a loyal head," she told Krell. "And you..."


"Are you reading our minds?" Va'ala demanded indignantly. "How insensitive!"


Kat grimaced. "Not like I can help it!" she protested. "Not like I want to hear all the crude remarks you can come up with... accusing me of insanity and whatnot."


Tears again flooded her eyes and she began speaking at length in a language neither Va'ala nor Krell could understand.


"Yup," Krell whispered to Va'ala. "Definitely..."


"I am not crazy!" Kat interrupted, reading his thoughts. Another few words in the other language and she finished with, "Naboo! Kriffin' hell! Naboo!"


With that, she fled the room, locking herself in her own quarters. Va'ala snickered. Then, she frowned.


"Where'd Bob go?" she wondered. At that moment, Bob was ejected from the little storage space in the wall, giggling like a madman. Startled by his sudden arrival, Va'ala and Krell spun to face him.


"So..." Va'ala muttered, staring at him. "Anything interesting in there?"


"A long pole!" Bob exclaimed, still giggling. "With little wormy things at the bottom."


Va'ala and Krell exchanged a puzzled look and Va'ala echoed, "A pole with wormy things?"


"Yeah!" Bob answered enthusiastically. "The shipvoice said it's called a mop!"


"A mop?" Krell wondered incredulously. To Va'ala he muttered, "He's getting excited over a mop?"


"We don't keep him around for his intelligence," Va'ala whispered back. "Let's go before he starts laughing at a bucket!"


- - - - - - -


"Eagle?" Kat murmured, her head buried in her pillow. "Are they gone? No, don't answer. I know they just left."


"You want Crystal's guidance now?" Eagle asked. Sighing, Kat pulled her head out of the pillow.


"Play her recording," she ordered.




((Edited to include Ex-Zar in the Eagle's Wing boarding party.))

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As the Raven's Claw reached Yavin IV's orbit, Kyle guided his ship to the hangar of the Jedi Praxeum. Master and apprentice, Zhane and Kyle got out of the ship and quickly ran thowards Luke's Chambers.


"Well, i'm glad your here," Kyle said, relieved by seeing Luke, "We solved that situation, but found something more worse that you should know."


Zhane nodded to Kyle and threw the datapad he found to Luke, who catched it. Now, to wait for reactions.

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Amol glared at Thrawn. "You," he spat, his face contorted in disgust. "So you've made Admiral now, huh? How many ideas did you have to claim credit for to get that position? Did you manage to get your slimey hands on Seth's weapon's systems, or did he manage to keep you away from them?"

''You forget whose clone I am, 'Amol'. I don't need to claim credit for anything, I have enough intellect to earn this position.'' Thrawn II replied calmly, but with a hint of arrogance as well. ''It has been a while since I last saw you. How interesting that I should run into you now and find you in a ship of that unique class, no less.''

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"Alright," he answered, smiling faintly as she pulled his sleeve. They left the cantina, walking side-by-side, and started heading back to the ship. After each minute that passed, Jethro could feel himself drawn to her more and more. He caught himself watching her when she wasn't looking, not being able to get his eyes off her when he did. Everything was clear to him now, it was what he feared, and at the same time what he longed for.


Ever since the first time he met Sara, he knew that something about her affected him. He wasn’t sure why he felt so drawn to her, but now he finally realised it. He had fallen in love with her. Whenever she talked to him and each time their eyes met, his heart went mad of emotion, nearly beating beyond control. He was able to hide his thoughts from her so far, but every minute that passed he found it harder to do so. It was impossible for him to keep his feelings hidden forever, and at one point, when she turned to look at him once more and their eyes met, he gave up.


“Sara, hold on a minute.” Jethro grabbed her hand and pulled her back gently. “There’s…..there’s something I need to tell you.” He said hesitantly, drawing her even closer.

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((Lol :xp: Don't worry, I won't...))


"Yes?" she asked, turning to look at him as he caught her hand. His expression was unreadable...but the look in his eyes gave her a strange feeling. That, and how close he was getting. "What is it?"




Luke peered down at the datapad in his hands, skimming through the already broken encoding to the surface of the documents recorded there. The news was disturbing -- and there was still more data stored on the device that was still protected by heavy encryptions. The Master's face grew grim, his jaw set.


"Where did you find this?" he asked the Jedi before him, not looking up.

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"We..."broke in" on Erlong's house, and when searching for Derek Rekk's journal, i stumbled across this," The Padawan said to the Grand Master, worried. He knew about the Empire, and the Remnant, but never suffered anything about them or like it. Something was wrong.


"Kyle, Master Skywalker, i believe i'm sensing a disturbance in the Force," Zhane told them.


"Great, my apprentice will always sense a disturbance in the Force, just like Luke," Kyle joked, "Sorry, old habits."

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Luke had little reaction to Kyle's prodding. Instead, he looked up them, his eyes stern.


"You have done well finding this and bringing it to my attention. However, you know very well that as Jedi you must follow each and every law, setting an example for the rest of the galaxy. 'Breaking in' does not constitute as a good example." the Master scolded, before looking back at the datapad.


"What do you sense, Zhane?"

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"Well Luke, it was either that or we would still be catching flys on that desert planet," Kyle said, trying to protect his Padawan, although Zhane feeled bad. He was startled a bit, for wasn't paying attention.


"Well, i sense something bad is going to happen, real soon."


"Say, Luke, did you send someone else besides us on a mission?"

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"I can't tell you that at the moment, Kyle." Luke sighed, still looking over the contents of the datapad. After a second, his heart froze, his stomach knotting.


"I'll speak to you later, the both of you are dismissed." he said hurriedly, moving to the computer terminal in the back of the room. "If you can, let the codebreakers know that I must see them as soon as possible."

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Kyle and Zhane left the chambers, and wandering through the Academy.


"Well, unfortunately, we can't find the codebreakers. Say, did you see any ships that day?"


"Well, there were many, and many people, so, it was kinda hard to tell," Zhane answered.


"Great, just what we needed," Kyle muttered, "Only if she...but no."

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As Va’ala, Krell, Ex-Zar and Bob were walking to the empty docking bay where they expected Wabacca to dock the Reiver to load up the permacrete detonators, her comlink bleeped.


“What is it this time?” she snapped into the link.


Excited growls and grunts echoed from the comlink, to which Va’ala responded by rolling her eyes and handing it to Krell for interpretation. “I cannot understand him when my ears slur his words,” she grumbled. It had been several hours since she had had any spice and she was getting irritable.


Krell listened to the comlink. “He says the thrusters aren’t responding correctly.” Then he grinned, holding back a laugh. “He says that they will only fire when someone flushes the fresher.”


“Ooh!” said Bob with alarm. "Wabacca won’t be able to see where he’s going if he has to pilot the ship from the fresher!”


Va’ala slowly gave Bob a deadpan look. “He could leave the door open.”


Bob frowned. “I guess. But that’s really impolite.”


Krell rolled his eyes this time. “Wabacca,” he said into the com. “We’ll have the dock hands take the cargo to you then.”


“No, we won’t!” said Va’ala. She leaned closer to Krell. “I’m not having Bob even touch those dets!” She looked back at the Eagle’s Wing. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Krell and Ex-Zar.


“Va’ala?” Krell asked in a concerned voice. “Where are you going?”


But Va’ala was already walking back up the ramp to Kat’s ship. She banged hard on the door with her fist. “Open up you rotten Pirate-Hunting Ship-Sabotaging scum! I’ve still got a bone to pick with you!”

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