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[TSL] Darth Talon (WIP)


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I'm currently working on making Darth Talon playable in Kotor 2: TSL. ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Talon ) This is the first time I've attempted any modding on TSL, and it's turning out to be quite the experience. I have to commend you guys for your work!


It seems I'm having a bit of trouble getting some things to work... Getting the head to work was easy -- Thanks to Darkkender's tutorial. It looks like this:


(I'll be going back and putting the sith tatoos on soon. I plan on buying a wacom tomorrow, and that will make this whole process much easier!)


As you can see, the underwear model isn't quite working... Right now I have a few placeholder textures named what I think they should be, but they're not showing.


Could anyone explain to me the process for getting a specific set of clothes setup for this character? I have a feeling it's quite complicated. So far, I've set up dedicated underwear, standard clothing, and dancer outfits. These are the three major types of clothing that allow skin to be seen, which makes it extremely important that I get RED skin showing, not the default caucasian.


Going back and thinking about how I've set this up, I've based it on one of the twi-lek models included in the holowan plugin, and that's proving to be quite a difficulty. I think I might start over with an entry in appearances.2da named P_FEM_TALON or something like that... Assuming that would work?


What am I doing wrong here?




Alright -- Still no replies... maybe I should clear things up a bit.


I can't seem to get my new clothing textures to work. Appearance.2da is setup like so:



First, the model column points to PFBAM, while the texture column points to TwiLethFBAM. The label is P_TwiLethF_*size*_*number*, which is irrelevant, right?


From what I observed in several character mods, this should work... But all i get is this:



Appropriately named files have been placed in the override folder and nothing should be conflicting with what I have going on, to my understanding. I've checked out a few different mods that change default clothing looks for characters and they all look exactly like or similar to what I have going here. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Not sure if this will help but are your .tga files labeled TwiLethFBAM01? and TwiLethFBAMd01? What I mean is, do they have the numbers 01 at the end so the game can chose them as the default? I hope what ever the problem is that you figure it out because it looks like its going to be really cool!

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I have the halowan plugin installed, so I think that would be the edited model for the standard clothing (yours, RH?) - edit - Now that I think about it, that has to be it... and this wouldn't work on someone else's game unless they had the plugin installed as well, so I suppose i'll have to change that to a default model or get permission and include that one in order for this to be compatible....


So yeah, about the clothing textures... stupid mistake. Didn't have numbers after the filenames. I figured since I only had one variant for each texture I wouldn't need numbers.


Darkside transitions are entirely completed -- now onto the clothing.

I'm also planning on making some different armors... Going to get real creative with this one.



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Oh, yes, they were quite time consuming... Can't wait to do them for the body! :rolleyes:


Working on that custom underwear... Her "armor", i guess you'd call it, is nothing but some really high boots, a slave-dancer like skirt, and a strapless bra. Following logic, I have to make sure her underwear would be hidden. Besides... She's sexy; seductive. Good qualities for a sith assassin. Gotta bring that out, right?



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I'll finish this one first, then I'll think about porting it to K1. As for the body tat's, yes. I'm working on them right now... The only problem is, I can't get them to appear. From what I understand, "texaevil" should be the dark side transition textures for the body? I have "TwiLethFBAMd01.tga" in override and appearance.2da points to it... But it's not showing. Do I have to do something differently or is what I'm trying to do even possible?




Well, got it fixed. Kotor Tool wasn't saving appearance.2da correctly, leaving out the d in the filename it was calling for... the only entry that i've added that it did that for. Oh well.

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are you going to use the TSL Patcher for it?


Definitely, if I can figure it out when the time comes. Baby steps right now :rolleyes:


Thanks for the approval, everybody. I don't know when I can get it done, but I'm trying to work on it as much as possible.


Progress so far:



body tatoos are hard to make look good. I reskinned the head and body to match color better.

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It's extremely difficult to translate all these textures between models. Taking the tattoos from the underwear model to the clothing mdoel was quite difficult. But, because I didn't like how any of the models looked, I just applied the underwear model to the clothing model and added to the textures:



Making the slave outfit work will be a lot of hard work, as well as the heavy armor I'm going to try making...

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Does anybody know a good way to take screenshots of a character's head for use in portraits?


I usually do it by going into solo mode and positioning the character to be "photographed" in some suitable location with proper lighting and background. Then I take another party member (not Visas, Kreia or droids) and use them as "camera" by moving them into position and then activating first person mode (caps lock) to get a close up without the user interface panels.

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This is one of the coolest looking mods and I can't wait to download it! The only thing

that I noticed that might be off are the leg tattoos....From the pictures I've seen of Darth Talon her leg tattoos are more on the sides and work there way up along her torso twisting towards her back. But I still gotta say this is one heck of an undertaking and your work is awesome! All those tattoos can't be easy even though you make it look like it is.

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