Darth InSidious Posted November 4, 2006 Share Posted November 4, 2006 I think the remnants of the Order should come out of hiding and rebuild itself, with or without the Exile, TBH... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jonathan7 Posted November 5, 2006 Share Posted November 5, 2006 Hmmm, i think several things should happen, 1. if revans appears in game, that he/she is in the starforge robes (LS or DS depending on set alignment) and dont make any mention of gender, thus removing that problem, bastila what ever alignment went off in search of revan (i think certain variables should be removed, eg. the fact you could kill bastila in kotor 1, jus assume she lived instead) secondly there wouldnt be 2 many senior jedi, maybe quite a few padawans etc, the jedi temple wouldnt of been empty as the librarians and the vanguard, those who didnt make it would still be there - to me this means you could hve the jedi librarian from coruscant in there as well - i think a wookie librarian jedi would be cool! as for who would rebuild the jedi order - i think Jolee is a must, as he a senior member of the council... if the exile is set to lightside he/she stayed a few years to rebuild the order and set after revan, if set to d/s then just went straight onto the unknown regions to help revan.. meaning the few jedi left (jolee, vima + nomi sunrider) etc could rebuild the order... if kotor 2 set to LS a few of them could pop up in guest appearances, but generally all the exiles comapnions went of with him/her, if ds then none survived or went with the exile straight way, this removes any continiuty issues. i think you could have say master zhar or one of the other jedi masters appear with the following story; they were on their way to katar, but were held up because of an engine failure or whatever, and following the destruction went in search of the sith in the unknown regions only to find the exile had destroyed them and returned, this would also explain why vrook et al though they were dead as they were meant to be there, but werent and then went into hiding, vandar has to be dead due to all the variables, eg. dies at battle of darkside battle at kotor, or nihilus kills him (that would make a cool TSL mod, if sum1 could do a video of a fight between them) so far you could have Jolee, Vima and Nomi Sunrider, Master Zhar and i see no reason not to bring say arren kae into the fold, then the added jedi librarian as well who was from coruscant, i think having quite an empty jedi temple (with just vanguard and a few jedi) and seeing that room of 100 fountains would be cool! so there is the remaining jedi masters to carry on, or started rebuilding the order personally i hope lucas dont go with canon, as it defeats the point of playing the games your way, as its an rpg system, so id favour a system like in K2 where you kind of select what happens (with revan in robes you dont have to select gender or mayve even as far as if revan was lightside or darkside. the only facts are that revan left the known galaxy to fight the true sith) you could even meet revan later, where as the exile could have died in combat solving the problem of gender alignment if you never had to meet him her. hope everyone follows what i mean there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted November 5, 2006 Share Posted November 5, 2006 Quote ]Hmmm, i think several things should happen, 1. if revans appears in game, that he/she is in the starforge robes (LS or DS depending on set alignment) and dont make any mention of gender, thus removing that problem ... Erm. So, what do we call Revan? "It"? Nope, Gender has to be selectable, like LS and DS. Revan must be in his Star Forge Robes though, so that we do not have to select what face he has or anything. So, Revan is still our character. I see no problem with Gender. Revan is male, so Bastila is following him because he loves him. Revan is female, so Carth is following him because he loves him. Just some switches and replacing all instances of He with She. Repeat the same process with alignment. Then, use the same process on the Exile. It worked in K2. It should work in K3. It is a flaw The Exile does not have some suit or something that covers his/her face. Hopefully,they'll find some way of doing it. --- And, as for speculation, don't go too far. I don't know much about the speculation of K2, but I think I saw one guy stating, "I know what will happen...Vrook will reveal himself to be Darth Nihlious!" Turns out to be wrong. The only thing we should be speculating on is if K3 would come up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beast-Thrasher Posted November 5, 2006 Share Posted November 5, 2006 I think a good way to figure the head thing for the two previous charaters in the main game are simple. At the beginning of the game it should say Revan and then you can pick male or female, LS or DS and then you can pick heads from the first game to decide what they look like and you can do they exact same for the Exile except with heads from the second game. This of course is a simplier way to do it and it takes a stand that you've already played K1 and K2. If by chance you just start playing KOTOR on the third game this method would be a meh way to do it in my state of thinking, so we could just do the same thing with the Exile and Atton about Revan's past and we could just bring that in K3 and someone gives you a quiz or something on what did they do? Were they a man or woman? blah blah blah. I think Zhar and Dorak should be dead and not come back, but vandar I want him to come back, its easy he wouldn't be there if Revan went DS and that's it. If people say he died on Katarr its just speculation since all the masters assumed Atris went and died as well, big ne ne there. As for other characters I would like to see Jolee sitting on the council, Juhani, Vandar, Quatra and then the rest I want to be new people. perhaps a master that switched of the lightsaber during the time of K2 and was like screw this, oh oh were not in that much danger? Oh ok, it's shebaam time! I wouldn't mind seeing the others characters you have on your team from K2 being instructors at the temple on Coruscant. Atton Mira Are instructors for Jedi who are semi interested in taking on the role as a sentinel and then if you become a sentinel you get further training from Bastila and Visas. Same goes for others Bao-Dur Dustil Onasi(Story telling to get him in here; only if Revan went LS. if not then he's uh well dead so some new person can be there) Can be instructors for the Guardian aspect and if you further your training in that area you get further training from Juhani and Brianna (Story telling to get her in the main story if your exile is female) If you want to train and get a taste of what it's like from a consular then you get training from: New person The Disciple and if you go on as a Consular then you get Someone new Jolee Bindo Atris I would like to think that if the Exile was LS she/he let her live. Atris Exiled herself and then you meet up with her in your game. Another thing if I may. I noticed that you get Bastila on your team in K1 and she takes on the role as teacher; she's a sentinel. In K2 Kreia takes on the role as teacher; she's a consular. In K3 if it were to happen I would like Quatra to be your teacher character that joins your team. (Quatra is mentioned in K1 as Juhani's Master) I imagine Quatra as a vandar type alien, just to keep the role of woman teacher going from the first two games and maybe be a Guardian. If they made a K4, K5 or K6 then maybe have a male jedi taking on the teacher role. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mivoci1 Posted November 10, 2006 Share Posted November 10, 2006 We don't need Jedi in Kotor 3 (do we)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedHawke Posted November 11, 2006 Share Posted November 11, 2006 mivoci1 said: We don't need Jedi in Kotor 3 (do we)? Let me refresh your memory on the idea behind KotOR... Knights Of The Old Republic Knights mean Jedi Knights. So yes, Jedi will need to play a role in a potential KotOR III, or else it isn't KotOR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calavera Posted November 11, 2006 Share Posted November 11, 2006 RedHawke said: Let me refresh your memory on the idea behind KotOR... Knights Of The Old Republic Knights mean Jedi Knights. So yes, Jedi will need to play a role in a potential KotOR III, or else it isn't KotOR. Exactly. If there is no Jedi Knights in Kotor, it should be called " The Old Republic " instead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jediphile Posted November 11, 2006 Share Posted November 11, 2006 Beast-Thrasher said: I think a good way to figure the head thing for the two previous charaters in the main game are simple. At the beginning of the game it should say Revan and then you can pick male or female, LS or DS and then you can pick heads from the first game to decide what they look like and you can do they exact same for the Exile except with heads from the second game. This of course is a simplier way to do it and it takes a stand that you've already played K1 and K2. If by chance you just start playing KOTOR on the third game this method would be a meh way to do it in my state of thinking, so we could just do the same thing with the Exile and Atton about Revan's past and we could just bring that in K3 and someone gives you a quiz or something on what did they do? Were they a man or woman? blah blah blah. I've thought that if we begin as a jedi student on Coruscant, then it should just open with a class session on jedi history where you do a quiz on Revan and the Exile. Very obvious, perhaps, but simply and very quick to get through. Beast-Thrasher said: I think Zhar and Dorak should be dead and not come back, but vandar I want him to come back, its easy he wouldn't be there if Revan went DS and that's it. If people say he died on Katarr its just speculation since all the masters assumed Atris went and died as well, big ne ne there. There are important differences, though. Not least since it was Atris who staged the whole thing, so obviously she would not stay to die there herself. I don't recall if it's actually mentioned in the game, but it's certainly in the cut content that she let it slip that there would be a huge meeting on Katarr in order to draw out the sith stalking the jedi. It worked too, though on a rather larger scale than she had imagined it. Besides, Jedi have a way of feeling each other through the force, and they would have felt Vandar and the others die, just as Vodo-Siosk Baas felt Exar Kun's fall to the dark side or Yoda and Windu felt Anakin's anger in Episode II. They would not have noticed Atris, however, since she had already turned to the dark side, just as Kaah though Lonna Vash had died, when he turned to the dark side in the cut content for M4-78 in TSL. Beast-Thrasher said: As for other characters I would like to see Jolee sitting on the council, Juhani, Vandar, Quatra and then the rest I want to be new people. perhaps a master that switched of the lightsaber during the time of K2 and was like screw this, oh oh were not in that much danger? Oh ok, it's shebaam time! I'd like that too, but I think it should be a goal to establish during the plot of K3 rather than just being in place when the plot begins. To put Jolee on the council without showing how he arrives at that decision is a longshot in any event. I'd like to see him there, but I do think we need to see the events that would lead him to make that choice. Beast-Thrasher said: Atris I would like to think that if the Exile was LS she/he let her live. Atris Exiled herself and then you meet up with her in your game. The trouble with Atris is that you can kill her whether LS or DS, and even if you let her live, she has to give up the force to banish the DS within her. As Kreia says, her corrupted teachings could not be allowed to continue. So even if alive, Atris should go on a self-imposed exile to redeem herself. Beast-Thrasher said: Another thing if I may. I noticed that you get Bastila on your team in K1 and she takes on the role as teacher; she's a sentinel. In K2 Kreia takes on the role as teacher; she's a consular. In K3 if it were to happen I would like Quatra to be your teacher character that joins your team. (Quatra is mentioned in K1 as Juhani's Master) I imagine Quatra as a vandar type alien, just to keep the role of woman teacher going from the first two games and maybe be a Guardian. If they made a K4, K5 or K6 then maybe have a male jedi taking on the teacher role. Isn't Jolee as much of a teacher in K1 as Bastila was? Sure, Bastila sees herself as such, but she quickly comes to realise the mistake, and I certainly learned more from Jolee than I did from her. mivoci1 said: We don't need Jedi in Kotor 3 (do we)? Sure we do. The game is called "KNIGHTS of the Old Republic". It's pretty clear who those knights are, since Star Wars has knights only among the jedi. Besides, we need the optioni to play the good guys. You may go for the Sith, but I wouldn't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Architect Posted November 13, 2006 Share Posted November 13, 2006 Jediphile said: I'd like that too, but I think it should be a goal to establish during the plot of K3 rather than just being in place when the plot begins. To put Jolee on the council without showing how he arrives at that decision is a longshot in any event. I'd like to see him there, but I do think we need to see the events that would lead him to make that choice. I agree. It adds more to the drama that way and makes it more interesting to see how it happens, rather than just hearing about how it happened. But I still think any attempt from any Jedi to convince Jolee to return to the Jedi Order (in the LS Revan scenario) should fail. I still personally think that no one (not even LS Revan) could convince him to return, but that's just my opinion. It depends on what is said to Jolee. Jediphile said: The trouble with Atris is that you can kill her whether LS or DS, and even if you let her live, she has to give up the force to banish the DS within her. As Kreia says, her corrupted teachings could not be allowed to continue. So even if alive, Atris should go on a self-imposed exile to redeem herself. Exactly. If the Exile spared Atris, you could also assume that the holocrons killed her, since they do not abide failure. Either way, characters who's fates are not determined by the alignment of Revan and the Exile should stay the hell away from KotOR III. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mivoci1 Posted November 13, 2006 Share Posted November 13, 2006 You're right who will i kill if there is not Jedi killing or hurting civilians isn't much of a challenge when i remember fightning Master Vrook in Kotor 2...that was some fight! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FerroKnight Posted December 1, 2006 Share Posted December 1, 2006 igyman said: I think the Jedi Order should be reestablished in K3. Just because some masters were killed in TSL doesn't mean that the Jedi were wiped out, there were plenty more of them in hiding. There's definitely some truth to that. The Jedi were also "wiped out" by the Empire, but we later learned that there were some survivors. And if any Jedi survived, that's all that would be needed to find other Force-sensitives and start re-establishing the order. That said, I don't think that should be the main point of the game. I'd rather it be a by-product and something mentioned in a cutscene at the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Architect Posted December 1, 2006 Share Posted December 1, 2006 Lets have a few bullet points in a scenario here: -You go a new main character in K3 -You are not affiliated with any major faction at the start of the game -You didn't fight as a Jedi/Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War -You are just an average joe So, if you start of as just a simple force sensitive, at level one, and over the course of a few weeks, months or a year (however long the story spans across) you become just as powerful as Revan and the Exile, basically powerful enough to take on the 'major villains', the 'big guns' of K3. Now the question is, taking my points into consideration, why do you have a rapid increase in your Force connection for? Has anyone got any ideas? Apart from the 'ex-Dark Lord amnesia trick' and the 'exiled Jedi wound in the Force' trick, which has been done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sayoko Posted December 1, 2006 Share Posted December 1, 2006 My wishlist for Kotor III -Ýou should start on Coruscant in the JediTemple (which should be really huge and your "homebase" for the entire Game). -Rebuilding the Order should be part of the story -You might start as a young padawan and have to fullfill some missions together with -your jedi-master (maybe some character from K1 / TSL) -At the end of this part you become a regular jedi-knight -You are then send off to some solo missions where you get to know some new characters and the new main enemie (whoever that is) - These missions end with some rather difficult incident and by succeeding the council grants you the rank of a Jedi-Master (prestige-class or sth) Now since you took notice of this new evil enemie you are sent by the council to investigate and ofc they give you some random padawan you have to deal with,( could be totaly selfmade character, random youngling from the temple, character met on previous missions) Well the "new enemie" should ofc be some sith or at least sith alike since we all want some really nice saberfights and killing of droids or merc´s who shoot with blasters or wield vibro blades aint a real challenge for a Jedi-Master. SaberCombat in KotorIII should be an eyecatcher, the fights should take long and show a lot of arstistic moves and saberform´s. You shouldnt be able to just strike down 20 sith in a blink of an eye. A fight against another force sensitive should take quite a while and be really challenging. I found that the saberfights in KotOR I & II looked allways the same, u were basically using flurry all the time and there werent much parry´s or real fighting. The fights should be more movielike and longer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vaelastraz Posted December 1, 2006 Share Posted December 1, 2006 The Architect said: Lets have a few bullet points in a scenario here: -You go a new main character in K3 -You are not affiliated with any major faction at the start of the game -You didn't fight as a Jedi/Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War -You are just an average joe So, if you start of as just a simple force sensitive, at level one, and over the course of a few weeks, months or a year (however long the story spans across) you become just as powerful as Revan and the Exile, basically powerful enough to take on the 'major villains', the 'big guns' of K3. Now the question is, taking my points into consideration, why do you have a rapid increase in your Force connection for? Has anyone got any ideas? Apart from the 'ex-Dark Lord amnesia trick' and the 'exiled Jedi wound in the Force' trick, which has been done. The Valley of the Jedi... or something similar. You kida stumble into that thing right in the beginning, and voila, problem solved, from that moment on you can progress the way the Exile and Revan did... May be lame, but Kotor II and even Kotor I had same lame aspects too... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sayoko Posted December 1, 2006 Share Posted December 1, 2006 The Valley of the Jedi was the site of the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, the last battle of the New Sith Wars a thousand years before the Battle of Naboo. There, Lord Kaan's thought bomb trapped the souls of over one-hundred Jedi and Sith until they were finally freed by Kyle Katarn. So it doesnt exist at the time of KotOR http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Valley_of_the_Jedi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arátoeldar Posted December 2, 2006 Share Posted December 2, 2006 I would love to see the very beginning steps of rebuilding the Jedi Order. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted December 2, 2006 Share Posted December 2, 2006 Quote Now the question is, taking my points into consideration, why do you have a rapid increase in your Force connection for? Has anyone got any ideas? Apart from the 'ex-Dark Lord amnesia trick' and the 'exiled Jedi wound in the Force' trick, which has been done. Prehaps your culture helps you out. Maybe you found an aritifact that infuse in your Force. Or, you could be one of the procheised heroes, which the Force has ordained will send you to complete your destinty...prehaps another Chossen One, or the Sith'rai. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xaris Vynn Posted December 2, 2006 Share Posted December 2, 2006 I agree with Lightsider. It should be about rebuilding or re-establishing the Order, possibly by some of the followers of both Revan and the Exile, Possibly have it be part of the background story. I am not saying that they were the Jedi Masters, by any means of the imagination, but that they get the Masters back together and begin the search for Force Sensitve Beings to become Jedi, and bring them back to Coruscant. As a matter a fact maybe that could be the new Character, a Student at the end of his/her training and Bastilia or another character (let's say Atton or a totally new Master/Knight) takes you on as a Padawan to search for Revan and the Exile. (IMO) I would prefer Bastilia since she has been a Jedi far longer than any character in K2. As far as Jolee is concerned he would have heve to go through some sort of life changing revelation to go back to The Jedi Order. As for quickly becoming powerful in the Force, You could somehow end up going to the Valley of the Jedi. We shall see what thye come up with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kotorfan84 Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 The Architect said: Sure, Revan and the Exile may be LS in canon according to the EU, but what they are in the video games should be entirely up to the individual player. So what's the point of doing a canon ending? I understand they include this stuff in star wars books, but why not just leave it out. It's nice to wish they would include every vairable into a Kotor 3, but they won't. We are either going to get a game that gives us a canon ending for kotor 1 and 2, and lets us decide the destiny of this character, or a game that vaugely ties in characters from previous games, with few direct references. The Architect said: If KotOR III takes place in such a timeline where Revan and the Exile's genders and alignments become relevant (and it should) then we must be allowed to choose them. If not, then don't make KotOR III. I don't understand this. No matter how bad/good kotor 3 will be, it won't affect how fun the previous games were. Kotor 1 was fun, but Revan isn't our character anymore. Kotor 2 was fun, but the exile isn't ours anymore. I honestly doubt anyone who enjoyed the first 2 games will boycott a well made kotor 3 just because Revan and the exile were given canon endings, when they aren't going to be the playable character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jediphile Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 kotorfan84 said: So what's the point of doing a canon ending? I understand they include this stuff in star wars books, but why not just leave it out. They usually do. The decision is made so that, if for some reason, these characters must be mentioned elsewhere, the writers will know how to refer to them. Where have we seen or even heard of Revan and Exile elsewhere in Star Wars? Nowhere, except where the gender and alignment were still obscured. kotorfan84 said: It's nice to wish they would include every vairable into a Kotor 3, but they won't. They did in KotOR2. Revan's alignment and gender was completely optional, set by the player in the conversation with Atton. So while canon may dictate one thing in the rest of EU, the choices are apparently still counted as valid enough to preserve in the KotOR games themselves. kotorfan84 said: We are either going to get a game that gives us a canon ending for kotor 1 and 2, and lets us decide the destiny of this character, or a game that vaugely ties in characters from previous games, with few direct references. Personally, I think it'll be just like TSL, except now you get to set gender and alignment for Exile as well as Revan. I'd like it if we get to set their classes, voices, and appearances too, which isn't really too much of a problem. Besides, we already know what Revan's voice sounds like from K1. kotorfan84 said: I don't understand this. No matter how bad/good kotor 3 will be, it won't affect how fun the previous games were. Kotor 1 was fun, but Revan isn't our character anymore. Kotor 2 was fun, but the exile isn't ours anymore. I honestly doubt anyone who enjoyed the first 2 games will boycott a well made kotor 3 just because Revan and the exile were given canon endings, when they aren't going to be the playable character. We may not play Revan or Exile anymore, but we still defined who they were in our own games. People will accept that they may have changed some since they played them, but not if the plot contradicts facts you established about them such as gender, alignment, or class. For example, to me the Exile is LS male, because I always played him as such. Revan was too. So I don't have a problem with LSM Revan, because that's how I played Revan, but I will object to a LSF Exile, because that's not the character I defined, and in TSL I had the option to make Revan whatever alignment and gender I wanted to, even if it conflicted with canon. I'll be really disappointed if I get to set Revan's gender and alignment in TSL, but neither Revan's nor Exile's in KotOR3. People who liked a DSF Revan got to hold onto that in TSL despite canon, so I want my LSM Exile in KotOR3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Quote I don't understand this. No matter how bad/good kotor 3 will be, it won't affect how fun the previous games were. Kotor 1 was fun, but Revan isn't our character anymore. Kotor 2 was fun, but the exile isn't ours anymore. I honestly doubt anyone who enjoyed the first 2 games will boycott a well made kotor 3 just because Revan and the exile were given canon endings, when they aren't going to be the playable character. I would. Since I am usually a Dark Sided player, I would like to see the ramifications of what my DSM Revan and DSM Exile did to the galaxy, what harms and evils they inflicted. If you make it canon, then all the work I did in K1 and K2 was...erased. Like it meant nothing. If they hadn't made gender and alignment selectable in K2, then okay, I might have been fine and not missed what I never encountered. (It was a great feature that Obsidan put it in for us, allowing us to dictate our own histories) But since they made gender and alignment selectable, they should do the same for K3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beast-Thrasher Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Jediphile said: There are important differences, though. Not least since it was Atris who staged the whole thing, so obviously she would not stay to die there herself. I don't recall if it's actually mentioned in the game, but it's certainly in the cut content that she let it slip that there would be a huge meeting on Katarr in order to draw out the sith stalking the jedi. It worked too, though on a rather larger scale than she had imagined it. Besides, Jedi have a way of feeling each other through the force, and they would have felt Vandar and the others die, just as Vodo-Siosk Baas felt Exar Kun's fall to the dark side or Yoda and Windu felt Anakin's anger in Episode II. They would not have noticed Atris, however, since she had already turned to the dark side, just as Kaah though Lonna Vash had died, when he turned to the dark side in the cut content for M4-78 in TSL. If you go to the official K2 site, it says what Atris did in the Chronicles part. I believe it's in the last section. Jediphile said: I'd like that too, but I think it should be a goal to establish during the plot of K3 rather than just being in place when the plot begins. To put Jolee on the council without showing how he arrives at that decision is a longshot in any event. I'd like to see him there, but I do think we need to see the events that would lead him to make that choice. Well like the other two games you find out how they came to be through conversing with them, so with Jolee hey guess what same thing. Or another way may be through a cut scene with someone else and not your character, either way you might find out. Jediphile said: The trouble with Atris is that you can kill her whether LS or DS, and even if you let her live, she has to give up the force to banish the DS within her. As Kreia says, her corrupted teachings could not be allowed to continue. So even if alive, Atris should go on a self-imposed exile to redeem herself. It's never said by anyone she has to banish to force just her teachings, she just had to be made to see truth what she was, that doesn't mean complete abandonment. It would be nice if she helped your character in K3 and in that way she helped redeem herself not in everyone elses eyes but in her own. Jediphile said: Isn't Jolee as much of a teacher in K1 as Bastila was? Sure, Bastila sees herself as such, but she quickly comes to realise the mistake, and I certainly learned more from Jolee than I did from her. I would like to think of Jolee more as a guide, he gives you possibilities but then again that's just another way to teach. I based this on how you get Bastila near the beginning of the game where as Jolee if you to to Kashyyyk last; like I did the first time. You might not get to know him extremely well as you would if you went to Kashyyyk right after Dantooine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Quote It's never said by anyone she has to banish to force just her teachings, she just had to be made to see truth what she was, that doesn't mean complete abandonment. Kreia states that Atris is something unresolved from the past, that she must be dealt with. During the first time in the Telos Academy, if you state that you want to kill Atris, Kreia note that Atris is a distraction to the Exile, and that is reason enough that she must die. She boasted that she corrupted Atris so that you could destroy her, in the Traya Academcy. I interpert that to mean that even if you spare Atris, she abandons her teachings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vaelastraz Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Yeah, but anyway, who would spare Atris? To hell with her, she's better off being dead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jediphile Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Vaelastraz said: Yeah, but anyway, who would spare Atris? To hell with her, she's better off being dead. I did... When I played the dark side version was the only time I ever killed her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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