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Echoes of Darkness

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Oh, you mean Orsaa is a major character in your fic? That will be nice...Well, another question, will Malak and Nihilus appear in your fic and will they be redeemed?


No, just makes a few appearances in Part I. And to answer your question (Since you are one of my biggest fans, unless anyone else tries to take over) I will answer them seperately, along with the question about Revan and a possible Prequel/Sequel to this, when I've done it. Also, I'll answer inspirations for this Fic.


Revan: Despite how everyone likes him, he won't appear in this Fic, but they're might be some references to him. Who knows at this present moment in time, since I don't at the moment. I prefer TSL, since the Exile I find is a better character, but Revan is just as good.


Malak: They'll be references to him. Possible cameo in the past, along with the DS Exile illusion.


Nihilus: I don't really like Nihilus to be honest. He just annoys me, compared to Traya and Sion.


Prequel/Sequel: In the Echoes of Darkness, my made up planet, Tramond XXV is like Malachor V, a planet damaged by war. This will either be a Fic or RP, depending if Echoes of Darkness is successful.


Inspirations: KOTOR and TSL obviously. The Plight of Darkness Fic by ForceFightWMe12 here on LF and several other great Fics on LF, way before my time. The Part system was inspired by the Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb game.




Off-Topic: I've never played UT (Whatever that stands for) and the picture has a cross in the middle, so I can't see it.

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No, just makes a few appearances in Part I. And to answer your question (Since you are one of my biggest fans, unless anyone else tries to take over) I will answer them seperately, along with the question about Revan and a possible Prequel/Sequel to this, when I've done it. Also, I'll answer inspirations for this Fic.


Revan: Despite how everyone likes him, he won't appear in this Fic, but they're might be some references to him. Who knows at this present moment in time, since I don't at the moment. I prefer TSL, since the Exile I find is a better character, but Revan is just as good.


Malak: They'll be references to him. Possible cameo in the past, along with the DS Exile illusion.


Nihilus: I don't really like Nihilus to be honest. He just annoys me, compared to Traya and Sion.


Prequel/Sequel: In the Echoes of Darkness, my made up planet, Tramond XXV is like Malachor V, a planet damaged by war. This will either be a Fic or RP, depending if Echoes of Darkness is successful.


Inspirations: KOTOR and TSL obviously. The Plight of Darkness Fic by ForceFightWMe12 here on LF and several other great Fics on LF, way before my time. The Part system was inspired by the Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb game.




Off-Topic: I've never played UT (Whatever that stands for) and the picture has a cross in the middle, so I can't see it.


Thanks for the info.


Off topic:Oh, UT stands for Unreal Tournaments, a famous computer FPS developed by Epic studios.


The Redeemer is the ultimate weapon in the game. It fires a nuclear rocket, when it explodes, it pulverizes all nearby things away, well, it can create a 10-miles hole in Coruscant.

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Wohoo! Did you just type that at skool?


No, at home. Thanks for the comments all and I'll PM Jae, asking her to change the Thread title to just, Echoes of Darkness, which will save me having to make another pointless Thread to post the same thing. I'll post the first Chapter in a minute.


Edit - Here it is. This first Part might be disappointing, but hopefully it will get better. I've tried to bring back the true KOTOR with HK's comical lines, Canderous' personality and later in the Fic after this part, romance. Also, the quote thing at the beginning of the Chapters were borrowed from igyman's Fics. I may also post Chapter II later too.






Chapter I - Gate to the Temple of Ancients

"This planet's like a technological graveyard."

- Canderous Ordo, Mandalore


Ouch! Sera Tana, the Jedi Exile thought, as she rubbed the spot where her head had hit the above bunk. She let a small groan escape her lips, before getting up out of her bunk. She reached for her grey robes and slipped them over her lighter grey tunic. After a quick stretch, Sera left the port dormitory to go to the cockpit. She needed to check how much further it was to Lehon.


When she reached the cockpit, the communications system in the room behind her rung. Sera immediately got up and answered the call. When Sera answered the message, a hologram of a small man appeared. It was from Canderous Ordo, the Mandalore of the Mandalorian clan, Ordo. He was dressed in his normal silver armour, but he had removed his helmet, showing a face with grey hair and a long black beard.


“Sera, it’s Canderous,” The message began, “Kelborn and I have been beginning to colonise our new base, since our first base on Dxun. We’ve gathered outside the Temple of Ancients. Unfortunately there isn’t enough room for the Ebon Hawk to land, so you’ll have to land on the nearby beach,” The hologram started becoming static before the hologram continued, “But beware. There are several bounty hunters, still after your blood.”


The hologram turned itself off and Sera sighed, pushing her short blonde hair backwards. If there were still bounty hunters after her, then the Exchange must still be around. Sera sighed out loud. Sera was about to leave the communications room, when the communications system rang again. Sera sighed and answered the second call. Once again, the hologram of Canderous appeared.


“Sorry to disturb you once again Sera,” Canderous began, “HK is becoming impatient with the lack of native Rancors to kill. Please take him with you, he has been annoying me, since we landed on Lehon.”


Once again, the hologram turned itself off. The white-coloured Utility Droid, T3-M4 beeped, which startled Sera.


“T3, you made me jump,” Sera told him, “We’re on our way to Lehon, to meet up with Canderous.”


T3 beeped several more times before leaving the communications room.




Several Mandalorian warriors were helping to build the base. Canderous thought it was a good choice to build the base near the Temple of Ancients. If anyone attacked the base, then the Mandalorians could always retreat into the temple. He had a feeling that this base was going to be a lot better than the old one on Dxun. Of course, Dxun would still be used from time to time, but the more planets clan Ordo had, the better Canderous felt.


“Query: Are there any Meatbags to kill, Mandalorian meatbag?” HK-47, the red-coloured Assassin Droid asked.


Canderous sighed for the one-hundredth time in one day.


“Listen Droid, I keep telling you, no!” Canderous shouted, causing several of the clan to look at him, “Your master is about to arrive, so why don’t you go and greet her?”


“Statement: I will gladly do that, Mandalorian meatbag,” HK told Canderous, storming off into the unknown.


“And don’t call me a meatbag Droid!” Canderous shouted after him.




The Ebon Hawk prepared to land on the beach, which according to Canderous, was nearby his new base. Sera noticed that there were several people waiting for her below and she knew that they weren’t Mandalorians. As the ship landed, Sera clutched onto her Lightsaber and walked out of the ship, along with T3. Several blaster rifles were aimed at her. Well this isn’t the greatest greeting I’ve had in my life, Sera thought as she clutched onto her Lightsaber even more. The leader of the group walked towards Sera.


“So this is the last of the Jedi?” The leader asked, “I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed.”


Sera sighed.


“You know that you’re the second person to tell me that,” Sera told the leader, “Why don’t you return to Nar Shaddaa and try and make some money?”


“Oh we would,” The leader told Sera, “But if we bring you to the Nar Shaddaa dead or alive, then you’re going to make us rich and we will never need to work again.”


Sera immediately grabbed her Lightsaber out of her belt and ignited it, causing a blue blade to appear. The gentle hum of her Lightsaber accompanied the blade.


“If you don’t wish any of your limbs to be separated, I suggest you leave now,” Sera warned the group.


The group took her advice and ran off. The leader didn’t budge.


“Lightsabers don’t intimidate me at all, Jedi,” The leader told Sera, “So surrender and I can spare your…”


Sera could hear the sound of a blaster rifle nearby and the shots killed the leader. Sera squinted and in the distance, she saw HK.


“HK, you know a Jedi like myself can handle bounty hunters like that,” Sera told HK.


“Statement: Master, the meatbags clearly caused you a lot of difficulty,” HK told Sera, “Besides the Mandalorian meatbag sent me to greet you.”


Sera bowed towards HK.


“And that is how I’ll greet you from now on,” Sera told HK, “Now, let’s get to Canderous.”


“Statement: One problem there, master,” HK warned Sera, “I noticed several other meatbags after you. It is best that both me and the short bag of bolts come with you.”


“I’d appreciate that HK,” Sera told him, “Now let’s get going.”

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Chapter II - The Rakatan Elders

"Long ago the Rakata ruled all the known Galaxy; all species bowed down to us."

- Keeper Orsaa


Sera, T3 and HK ran through the lush beach land of Lehon. Nobody had attacked them and Sera had began to doubt what HK had told her.


“HK, are you sure there are bounty hunters around here?” Sera asked.


“Answer: Of course I’m sure, you stupid meatbag… I mean master!” HK answered, a bit ruder than his programming had expected.


Suddenly, both HK and T3 stopped right in their spots. They had been disabled, but not destroyed. Sera wondered who had disabled them. She thought that they were alone, but by the looks of it, it was obvious she weren’t. Perhaps HK was right. There might be some bounty hunters around.


“Is anyone there?” Sera asked.


Sera suddenly felt a twinge in her body, causing her incapable of moving. All she could do was listen to the environment around her. It made her feel uneasy. Despite being unable to move, Sera felt herself fall asleep.




When Sera awoke, she noticed several Rakatans were in front of her. One had medical equipment.


“Where am I?” Sera asked, feeling a sharp pain in her forehead.


We are the Elders,” One of the Rakatan told Sera, “I’m Keeper Orsaa, one of the main leaders of the Elder tribe. We encountered you and your two Droids on the planet and we believed you to be a threat.”


“Why?” Sera asked, “I’m no threat, I came here to meet up with a Mandalorian clan.”


Mandalorian clan?” Keeper Orsaa pondered, “We had no knowledge of a clan on Lehon, but I doubt they would prove a threat to us. They don’t, but anyway, it’s best we tell you why we’re here,” He cleared his throat before beginning, “The ship you arrived on, the Ebon Hawk has been on this planet before. This planet once belonged to no one, other than us, but when Revan destroyed our Star Forge…”


“Revan?” Sera asked, “Revan was here?”


Don’t interrupt young one, but yes, Revan was here,” Keeper Orsaa told her, “Now where was I? Oh yes, I remember, when the Star Forge was destroyed, the Republic took this planet as their own and didn’t care about us and now the Mandalorians have arrived, Lehon isn’t as secret as before.”


“Clan Ordo will protect you,” Sera told Keeper Orsaa, “I can assure you.”


Don’t interrupt, I keep telling you,” Keeper Orsaa warned Sera, “Today, some of our tribe noticed you running through the beach and we believed you to be intruders. So we disabled your Droids and paralysed you and took you to our home, making sure you aren’t a threat.”


After that, both Sera and Keeper Orsaa remained quiet. In the distance, Sera noticed both HK and T3 being repaired.


“I hope my Droids will work again, after this confrontation,” Sera warned Keeper Orsaa.


Oh they will,” Keeper Orsaa told Sera, “Now why are you here?”


Sera sighed.


“I already told you, I’m on my way to visit clan Ordo,” Sera told Keeper Orsaa, “Although I also wanted to enter the Temple of Ancients.”


Nobody has been in that temple, since Revan was here,” Keeper Orsaa told Sera, “We assumed all of the Dark Jedi who had supported Revan and Malak, during the Mandalorian Wars had been wiped out. But if you want to see the temple still, I can escort you and your Droids to the temple.”


“I’d appreciate that,” Sera told him, “How are my Droids?”


Good as new,” Keeper Orsaa told her, “Let’s go.”


Sera stood up and followed Keeper Orsaa. Behind her, HK and T3 followed them. Sera didn’t want to cause any panic for the Rakatans, but she could sense a dark force in the Temple of Ancients.

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Great two chapters, really nice to see the Rakatans in this. Also, as a PS, are you considering any Star Wars Christmas Specials? I am gonna do one, and i'd like to know if you will do as well.


Keep up the good work though!


I think that will be a shortie, right? Looking forward to see your shortie. Well, although this question is not directed to me, but I'll answer anyway: Yes, CSI vs. CSI: Pilot Episode will be Christmas Special.


But I don't know if Pottsie has.

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In the FAQ about this Fic, I did mention a KOTOR Christmas Carol starring:


Vrook Lamar - Scrooge

Revan - Bob Cratchit

Bastila Shan - Mrs Cratchit

Vrook's Padawan - Ghost of Christmas Past

HK-47 - Ghost of Christmas Present

Ajunta Pall - Ghost of Christmas Future


However, I'm not sure if I'm going to do this or not.Thanks for comments all.

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These remaining three Chapters are very short, so I can understand if they're disappointing.


Chapter III - The Temple of Ancients

"What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them."

- Bastila Shan


Why are you stopping?” Keeper Orsaa asked, looking behind him, noticing that Sera had stopped, panting for breath.


“Statement: Yes master, why, we’re near the Temple of Ancients,” HK continued.


Sera rubbed her head, feeling a headache.


“Nothing,” Sera told them both, “A precognition in the Force. Nothing more.”


Nobody said anything else and soon Sera, HK, T3 and Keeper Orsaa arrived at the Temple of Ancients and clan Ordo’s new base. Despite it being an old temple, Sera admired its appearance. It’s walls were pearly white, with a shade of grey. But inside, Sera knew there was a dark force in there. Canderous approached Sera and bowed to her. Sera bowed back.


“I’m sorry I’m late Canderous,” Sera told him, “I got a little… sidetracked.”


“No need to worry,” Canderous assured her, “Our new base has nearly been completed,” He continued, admiring his base as he spoke, “Who is this?”


My name is Keeper Orsaa, Mandalorian,” Keeper Orsaa told Canderous, “I’m here to help Sera enter the Temple of Ancients.”


Canderous sighed under his breath, muttering, “Great, first Revan and after he has left, now her.”


Sera didn’t hear what Canderous had said and Keeper Orsaa sat on the grassy floor, opposite the entrance of the Temple of Ancients. Sera noticed that there was a force field in front of the temple entrance. By the looks of it, Sera was glad that Keeper Orsaa was here. Only the Rakatans knew how to open the temple. Keeper Orsaa began speaking several words and while Sera was waiting, HK spoke his opinion.


“Observation: It looks like someone doesn’t want any meatbags or the master to enter this temple,” HK told T3.


T3 beeped his opinion.


“Statement: Your quite right my short friend,” HK told T3, “I don’t know why a meatbag such as the master wants to enter this temple.”


Keeper Orsaa stood up.


The temple has been opened,” He told Sera, “You may go in. In the past, only one person can enter the temple, but when Revan came here, two people escorted him. Perhaps we can also make this an exception and let you take your two Droids.”


“No, I’ll be fine thanks,” Sera told Keeper Orsaa, “Thanks for your help.”

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Chapter IV - The Lord of Pain

"Yes… of pain he has learned much. Of knowledge, of teaching, he knows nothing."

- Kreia


A Sith Lord, who had survived the events of Malachor V, meditated alone on top of the Temple of Ancients. His good eye was closed, blocking his view from the temple, but his white eye remained open, due to his incapability of the eye. He could feel his power flowing through his disfigured appearance, the signals of his pain, which increased his ever-growing power and his hatred towards the Jedi and his second master, also increased his power. Through every crack, wound and scar, his blood boiled, causing him to think about the one woman he had been trying to stop, since her arrival on Peragus. The Jedi Exile. Yet despite his hatred for her, he never knew her true name. His thoughts drifted away from his unstoppable power, onto the thoughts of his past.




He remembered the endless days of when his disappointed master kept her watchful eyes on him. Despite every chance he had tried to please his master, she always told him that nobody could please her more than Revan. Revan. He loathed that name. Because of Revan, he knew that his master wouldn’t think about him. If he ever met Revan, he knew that he would kill him and all that were either loyal to him or those who loved him. His master would be extremely upset, when he brought Revan’s body to her. He loathed both his master and Revan.




Once more, his thoughts drifted to the day when both him and another Sith Lord attacked their master. She sat, meditating in the Trayus Core, inside the Trayus Academy, unaware that both of her only apprentices were there to cast her out of the Sith Order. Both of them walked up to her and their master had sensed their presence. She immediately stood up, confused at why they both standing in front of her. None of them said nothing and the other Sith Lord used the Force to push their master into a nearby pillar. She crumpled to the floor, unable to use the Force to pull her Lightsaber towards her. The Sith Lord walked up to her and grabbed her face. He pulled her up towards his face and pushed her into the wall. He then punched her in the stomach several times and let her fall flat on her face. She was cast down, stripped of her power. Exiled. She suffered indignities. And was cast into the darkness.




He stood up, sensing a disturbance in the Force. She was here. The Jedi Exile was here. He smiled, as he put his robe on, to hide his appearance and announced.


“She is here.”

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Yeah you but also the christmas hat idea came from someone who had a pic of a royale guard and put a hat on him for christmas.


EDIT: Also I just had time to read the chaps... THEY WERE GOOD. Anyway whens the next chap going to be posted?


I don't know that member. Anyway, the next Chapters will hopefully be posted later tonight. I'm still trying to write the second Chapter on Coruscant.

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Chapter V - An Encounter with a Sith

"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful... the strong... the weak... the innocent... the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally."

- Darth Maul


Inside the Temple of Ancients, Sera felt cold. She believed that the temple was tainted with the dark side, similar to the dark taint, she had sensed inside the Shyrack caves and the Sith Academy on Korriban. Only this time, it was different. The dark side felt stronger here, like there was no way to calm its taint. It was strange how nobody had attacked Sera at all. On Korriban, Sith Assassins and Hssiss, who were also known as the dark side dragons, had attacked Sera on Korriban. Sera decided not to think about the dark side, as she arrived at the top of the temple.




It was her, he thought, I hate you because you are so beautiful to me and in that weakness lies death. He ignited his Lightsaber and a crimson blade appeared. His opponent, the Jedi Exile also ignited her Lightsaber, causing a blue blade to appear.


“Who are you?” The Jedi Exile asked, pointing her Lightsaber at him.


He said nothing as he leapt towards the Jedi Exile and she parried his attacks.




As Sera and her new opponent were fighting, she felt as if she had fought her opponent before. But she had fought many Sith in the past and as one person had told her, faces tend to blend together over time. Or in this case, battle styles tend to blend together over time. Her opponent used the Force to push her backwards, knocking her into the wall. Just before Sera went unconscious, she noticed her hidden opponent sped off.




Inside the now destroyed Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Twi’lek Jedi Master, Nauk Grelan looked at the thousands of the rotting, decaying bodies. He knew all of those Jedi. He had once taught them all how to use their Lightsaber well. Now all that training seemed to have gone to waste, after the attack on the Jedi Temple. He remembered that day well. Prior to the destruction of the Republic cruiser, the Endar Spire, a legion of Sith Soldiers had attacked. Nobody had an idea that it would case this much damage. Nauk was the only survivor. Perhaps many more Jedi would’ve survived, if the other Jedi Masters were at the temple. But would it make a difference? Nauk sighed as he sat down on the floor and once again, meditated.




Sera woke up. Another dream. It was about the same Jedi Master she had seen in her previous dreams. Sera decided to leave the temple. She knew where she had to go.




Sera left the temple and was greeted by Canderous.


“How did it go?” He asked.


“The dark side has returned,” Sera told Canderous, her face paler than normal, “I fought a disciple of the Sith at the top of the temple. He is a very powerful foe indeed. I don’t think it is suitable for you to have your base here, Canderous.”


“Don’t you worry,” Canderous reassured her, “Clan Ordo can handle any foe, whether it is a Jedi or a Sith, they’ll be killed straight away.”


Sera walked away from Canderous and looked up at the clear blue sky. She noticed a ship flying away in the distance. That is him, Sera thought, he is retreating from Lehon. I must stop him. Sera clutched onto her Lightsaber, which was in her pocket, before letting it go. The Sith had left and Sera knew that she had to follow, but she would need some help. From the Jedi Master on Coruscant.


“Good luck Canderous,” Sera told Canderous, “You can handle yourself here. I must defeat the dark side, before it is too late.”


Both HK and T3 followed her back to the Ebon Hawk and the ship left the planet, on the way to Coruscant.

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Nice three chapters. I like them. Well, do you have any spoilers to reveal who the disciple of Sith is? Is that Darth Nihilus or Reborn Darth Revan or what?


Thanks for the comment CSI. Well, as I said before, Revan won't appear in this Fic, so there is no way it could be him. Nihilus won't appear, since I find him the worst Sith in the KOTOR series, in my opinion, so that leaves:



Sion, who is part of the new Sith Triumvirate, which means a Sith Order of three Sith Lords. The last Sith Triumvirate was Kreia, Sion and Nihilus. Read about it here.



Edit: I've noticed that RevanSithMaster already knew who it was. It must've been too obvious.

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Upcoming Spoiler on the Party Members of Echoes of Darkness:



Sera Tana (Human Female)

HK-47 (Male Programming Assassin Droid)

T3-M4 (Male Programming Utility Droid)

Nauk Grelan (Twi’lek Male)

Both’haniwo (Bothan Male)

Gracia Dulgon (Zabrak Female)

Lactha (Wookiee Male)

Morsk Wynschk (Trandoshan Male)

Vima (Chiss Female)


I won't reveal what planet they're found on or what their goals, class, etc are yet, but Both'haniwo was created by Jason for me, when I asked him to make a Party Member. He will be introduced in Chapter VII The Undercity.

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Edit: I've noticed that RevanSithMaster already knew who it was. It must've been too obvious.


Unfortunately Pottsie, you were... which is why I can't figure out why CSI didn't know who the Sith Lord was. You probably should have made him have "memory problems," like Revan, and not put in the scene of Kreia's Fall. Ok, hope I'm not being to hypocritical, I really like the chapters Pottsie, Great Job.

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