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Punishment of Atris


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After you defeat Atris, you are given 4 choices:

-Forgive Atris For Her Crimes

-Send Atris to the Jedi Council (so they can exile her)

-Kill Atris

-Leave Her to the Sith Holocrons


Now, of course, you decide what choice you do depending on what character you are playing as at the moment (LS Exile would spare her, DS Exile would kill her or leave her to holocrons if they feel cruel)...What I wonder is what choice do you like PERSONALLY?


I prefer leaving her to the holocrons. You get to see more of Atris' personality when she cries for mercy...as well as get to listen to Atris and the Holocrons talk to each other in private, revealing more about the True Sith and the nature of Malachor V.


But what do you choose?

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You actually can't send Atris to the Council... what with them being dead and all.


In-game, one of the choices was sending them to the Council, which made my head spin, but I could reason it was the Council on Corasaunt and not the ones who were exiled and was on Dantoonie.


That, or the Exile is just lying to Atris, which I never considered.

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Fro What I remember.

-Forgive Atris For Her Crimes

She goes into self exile.


-Send Atris to the Jedi Council (so they can exile her)

Whatever is done to her is not shown.


-Kill Atris

She screams like a pig.


-Leave Her to the Sith Holocrons

She begs you for mercy, and you hear them sith Holocrons whisper... and many interesting stuff arises.



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I don't think the Jedi Council is a valid option. I mean, like Emperor Devon says, what jedi council? What remained of it has just been killed...


Personally, I tend to forgive Atris, but demand that she look at what she has become, so that she can turn away from it. The other options are just... wasteful and vindictive, I think.

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But Vael, at that point

it is unclear whether or not she killed Brianna.

And how could any self respecting guy not kill someone for that? :lightning



Brianna dying is only an issue if you play a female, since Brianna disappears from the plot, once you leave the Telos academy for the first time. For the male Exile, Brianna can win or lose the fight with Atris, but the outcome is the same - the Exile always appears in time to "save" her either way. Believe me, I've actually lost that fight on purpose, and Brianna still didn't die from it.



So it's not really an issue for any guy Exile, self respecting or otherwise ;)

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Jediphile, I think you are wrong.



The Handmadien's "death" occurs if you are Male. Wheter you win or lose the battle, it does not matter...as Atris use her Force Lighting to attack Handmadien. After the Exile's little chat with Atris, you hear the scream of the Handmadien "dying", as she falls down and becomes a "corspe".


After Atris is "dealt with", you walk outside and see the Handmadien standing up, being fine. In other words, she is not dead. But, at the time, during the battle with Atris, you are led to believe the Handmadien is dead, due to hearing the death scream.


That is what he is saying. At the time, it was unclear if Handmadien was dead or not...so, after he defeated Atris, Feagildin murdered Atris, as captial punishment for killing Handmadien. Then, Feaglidin walks out and see Handmadien being well and fine...and curses himself for accidently carrying out a capital punishment.


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For me, as female I'd have her sent to the Jedi Council to be judged, a fitting justice when all said and done. I played through as male and I'm tempted to kill her, but that'd be too quick, I prefer to have her suffer and leave her to be tortured by the Sith holocrons. Cold hearted yes but she did seek to kill you for a long time, and not just you. Kreia, Brianna, if the Jedi weren't dead odds are she would have sought them out as well.

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