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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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  Rogue15 said:
got back from bowling. didn't do so well, highest i got was 101, i think maybe 1 strike out of 2 games i played. oh well, had fun at least.


We have a small-ball variant called candlepins here in New England...if you had been playing that, 101 would've actually been a decent score. :)

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congrats cracken!


edlib, that must have been torture, cruel and unusual type.


I slept in most of the morning....went to bed at 12, got out of bed at 11. and i work 1-10, think my coworker called off cause she just moved here from New Jersey and is terrified to drive in the snow, regardless if it's plowed.


oh well, personally i'd rather close by myself than with her.

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Yep: cruel and unusual employment.


Oh well... it was extra money, above and beyond my regular salary. Extra money I didn't earn over the previous 2 days dealing with insane pressure levels on the super-high profile tribute concert that I had little-to-no information about when we started.


That made it a bit easier to take,.. knowing I was walking away almost $400 bucks better-off at the end of the day.



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Sure... as soon as I have more than a single day off where I don't spend the entire time catching up on sleep and doing long-overdue chores (A.K.A: Today.)


I'm working long days and late nights for the next 7 days in a row starting tomorrow, so there's no point buying it yet: it won't even make it out of the box.


Things finally slow down for me for about a month starting just before Christmas. I'll do everything then... unless I wait to see if the after-Christmas clearance sales are even better.


Besides: I have a couple more big extra-money days coming up at the end of the week... Babyface for one. That's going to be a loooooooooong day. I'll make some nice O.T. that day.

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I'll relax when I'm dead. *Glances @ watch* Yup. Any second now.




Besides: With a lot of these shifts coming up, I'm really the only one who can do them. I don't have a choice. it's the price of staying employed.


As for the big money days on the weekends: I'm sure I could find other people to do them... but that would be crazy. Why spend all week having to do all the horrible, stressful long shifts for straight salary,.. then go and give up all the $45 an hour overtime?

If I gotta pay the dues doing the thankless grunt work all week, then I'll be damned if I see someone walk away with a huge pile of extra money on the weekends after having a chill week.


Not that anybody on our staff will really have a chill week from this point on: Over the next 3 weeks I think we have close to, if not over, 300 concerts and other events spread out over 4 venues, running 7-days a week that we need to staff. There's 6 full-time staff members on salary to man all these various events.


Do the math.


History and experience has taught me that there's no answer that results in anyone coming out relaxed at the other side of it... let me assure you.

(And it wasn't all that long ago that we didn't even have 6 full-time staff members to work all these events, only 3... and 2 of them always worked the one big week-long show... so that left ONE to deal with the other 299 events in the other 3 rooms: yours truly. That's how busy I was 6 years ago. I actually have it pretty damn easy these days now that I look back on it...)


Of all of us, the 2 of us working the one show that happens on Thursday and starts rehearsing tomorrow night will probably have it easiest.


The other rooms are pretty much non-stop from 11 am to 11 pm every day. Different band every hour... if they have that that long. Some rooms have 2 or more bands taking the stage in an hour.


So despite all my long days this week, I actually have it pretty easy in comparison. I only have to deal with a single set-up.

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  Nute Gunray said:
hey zarg remember back in the day when you me and pb ran that message board for those jedi knight clan weirdos and we played them like rubes with our lies and tomfoolery?


i hated most of them so much that i'd go on the server and find the files with their unencrypted password and do stuff like capitalize the second letter of their password just to be a dick or log in as them and post with their name to also be a dick


I most certainly do


I still talk to 'rage' on occasion



man those were fun times messing with those 'breast-fed till they were 13 years old' wierdos


i swear to god they all thought they really were jedi knights

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  edlib said:
Yep: cruel and unusual employment.


Oh well... it was extra money, above and beyond my regular salary. Extra money I didn't earn over the previous 2 days dealing with insane pressure levels on the super-high profile tribute concert that I had little-to-no information about when we started.


That made it a bit easier to take,.. knowing I was walking away almost $400 bucks better-off at the end of the day.





knowing you will be 400 bucks better off makes almost anything worthwhile

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got my tracker all fixed, no more 'service engine soon' light and the thing that covers the rear door handle was taken care of as well.


Now....I'm considering calling the place and getting my truck hauled out, maybe I'll do that tomorrow, but would like to take the battery out prior to calling them.


learned how to use the 4-wheel drive this morning, it's quite easy. i'm coming down with a sore throat, thanks to lady who won't cover her mouth when she gets a coughing spell at work. -_-


Still didn't receive my capital one card in the mail. can't find the bill for it, and if i did i would probably neglect paying it til i got the card. (bill is due today...so they may call me and then i can get it straightened out)

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  Zargon said:
I most certainly do


I still talk to 'rage' on occasion



man those were fun times messing with those 'breast-fed till they were 13 years old' wierdos


i swear to god they all thought they really were jedi knights


There were like one or two of them that I felt bad messing with but most of them deserved it. I wonder whatever happened with them. Probably went where ever it is people go when they vanish from the internet.

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Heh... I had an awsome weekend


I was part of the officiating crew at the Mogan Stanley/Korbel International Cashspiel. A curling tournament. Olympic bronze medal winner for mens curling was there, Pete Fenson. Even was able to officiate one of his games.


There was a snow/ice storm saturday so everyone stayed around and partied.


My good friend Craig Brown (son of hall of fame curler Steve Brown) beat fenson in the semi-finals, it was the first time Pete ever lost at our club. Craig was ecstatic, and we shared some of Pete Fenson's sardines (one of his sponsors) in a victory Celebration


Of course Debbie McCormick didn't do so well, so instead she partied. The Krobel brandy helped, and we couldn't take pictures of some of her antics otherwise we might have lost one of our sponsers ;)

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Good luck.

I never thought it would be that big a process to get accepted to a dental school. But then I probably never really thought about it before...


Work yesterday was OK. Not too difficult. Meeting this morning though. How fun.


Late again tonight. Another morning thing tomorrow, too.


They're killing me. :rolleyes:


Only a couple more weeks till time off... if I make it. These are going to be the craziest weeks of the year.

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went out hunting this morning, didn't get anything. from like 6-11. froze my ass off.


got home, checked my mail....and i get this bill from my insurance....like due on the 28th of this month...charging me for **** i took off the premium. so **** em. i will have to contact them next week and straighten things out. no way i am paying $70 for insurance that i only had on a vehicle for 1 day.

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All work and no sleep make ed a raving psychotic.

All work and no sleep make ed a raving psychotic.

All work and no sleep make ed a raving psychotic.

All work and no sleep make ed a raving psychotic.


All work and no sleep make ed a... grrrrrahhhh!!!




Yeah. I'm starting to get frayed at the edges again.


Remember how I was a year ago about this time? Well... it's pretty much the same story now... Exhausted... Feeling on the verge of being really, really ill... Somewhat depressed...


All the good stuff.


Gotta get through today... another long one. At least I can sleep in tomorrow.


Saturday will be a really long one. The Sunday off. Maybe Monday too, at this rate.


Gotta think of my health (both physical, and at this point, mental.)



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Well... that show is now behind me.


Survived it.


Went fairly smoothly... except that the bassist turned his signal WAYYYYY up... forcing me to change all his settings as soon as I recalled a new song on the board.

The drummer was hitting a lot harder too... but I can chalk that up to adrenaline. The bass volume had to be deliberate... and it made my night a ****load more difficult than it really needed to be.




Blind Boys of Alabama tonight. Should be easy. I've worked their show before... a couple of times. Always a bunch of characters.

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