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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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what happened today cracken? i didn't have to go in until 1pm. Still, it seems as busy as a normal summer day in my department.


I'm not sure if i will be around in a few days....my cable company call me and threaten a shut down. I was too busy buying a car to worry about it. o well..$25 reconnect fee+what i already owe (almost 200) to bring it back if it goes down before thursday.


I think i'll give em a call and tell them that i will pay it on thursday. looks like i'll be in the hole til mid-january. not too far away. I'm still researching MOS' to apply for, so i can get ready to call and schedule an appointment to apply for the active-duty army.

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I went through a couple of "Day-After-Thanksgiving" sales in the brief period of my life that I worked in retail. Scary. I feel for you, Crack-baby.


Well... the house isn't a whole lot cleaner overall... but things are picked-up and organized far better than they were when I woke up this morning. Now I'll be able to actually use real cleaning implements and heavy machinery to do the real spiffing up around here with far less headaches.


Wiped out now, though. Off to bed soon. Buddy of mine from my time on the bus is in town for the week. Gonna try to catch up with him tomorrow. There goes one whole day of cleaning.


Oh well... I'll just have to kick it out in double-time on Sunday. Yahoo. Can't wait to get back to that... :rolleyes:

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Just got through with my splinter cell marathon....damn, i was only like not even 1/4 the way through it when i gave up....tonight i went through a few levels. it gets crazy. think i'll just play them all in sequence even if the 4th one arrives before i beat them. hard to believe they're making a 5th one. and it's also hard to believe i just played 6 hours straight. .

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Spent the day hanging in downtown Beantown with my buddy from my time on the bus, his sister, and another local friend of his (who I also hung with last time he was in the area.)


Good time. Some food. Some laughs. Seeing the sights like a bunch of goofy out of town tourists. Some crazy cold weather.


A full day.


Back to work (around the house that is...) tomorrow.



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stop complaining. could be worse ffs.


I work 12 hour shifts.

day in.

day out.





i sleep during the day where everything happens. and if there is anything that happens where I have to be envolved. I get no sympothy, I get told to do what I'm told and get back to work.

I dont get time off unless i'm dying.

****, i dont even get to open my laptop only but once every week.



...,if i'm lucky.

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my primary computer took a **** on me yesterday. think it's cause the power kept going on and off on and off...and now when i power it on it just goes to a blank screen after the boot sequence. I kinda messed around with the guts and now when i power it it goes to 'drive 0 seek failed' or somethin like that. i put my fist into the side of it a few times, it didn't solve the problem. so i've got my sister's computer hooked up now....bad thing about this one is it was involved in a power surge, where the surge protector didn't really work, and the cd drive doesn't read. Not sure how to change the drives out from the other computers...hell i tried using her hard drive in my old computer, problem is...hers is IDE and mine is SATA.


Another thing, this one is slower, especially when i go to 'my computer' it takes like 3 minutes to load it. so far internet has been acting good...just sucks that i can't use my computer's parts in this computer. the ram is different, if it wasn't i'd be able to upgrade from 512 to 1gb. maybe that is why it's slow.


need to figure out how to fix the damn cd drive though, primary concern i guess.


My compaq would have worked, but it likes the huge old monitor. -_-


I have to work a 1-10 today, then getting my hunting gear together and heading over to my parents' to sleep, i get the next 4 days off, all for hunting. :D


The chinese embassy level in splinter cell is tough!!!


Work yesterday was ok...imo it was busier than yesterday, well for the time i was there anyways. I got 1 rude idiotic customer. I was cashing someone out, and he is like 'hey help me get my pictures off this phone' and i was like 'excuse me, i'm helping a customer right now and i'll be right with you when i'm finished' and the customer i was helping was like 'yeah that was rude, wait your turn' and the guy was like 'EXCUSE ME?!' and the customer i was helping said ''you're a jerk' to him lol. then the old guy i work with went over to help the guy, and he of course didn't know how to get pictures off the phone and said that i would help him, and the guy was like 'he can't chew gum for ****' i was like 'WTF.' and when he left i followed him down an aisle then walked back to my department. Apparently it was like that all morning before i came in yesterday, people just being rude and there not being enough coverage.

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Well... busted ass at cleaning again all day. Didn't finish everything I wanted to do,.. but for the most part things are in a lot better shape than they were before.


Back to work tomorrow.


Oh well... all good things must come to an end,.. right?



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got a bottle of 12 year scotch, munchies, and some grub


Going to enjoy myself as I watch the last of the collage football regular season and hope my Badgers can get into a bowl game



looks as if my illini could be in the ROSE BOWL this year :D


you guys had a dissappointing year this time around, projected to win it maybe and now you are #4


thats still a guarenteed bowl game!

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yup yup


ZargonAP is my account


Zargazia I think is the charactor name


whats yours?


I got it to play with 2 friends but thanks to turkey break we havent played yet!

I has a level 28 Marksman named Beryl and a level 11 Guardian named Pallysandra. Add me and we'll blow up demons together! :D

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stop complaining. could be worse ffs.


I work 12 hour shifts.

day in.

day out.





i sleep during the day where everything happens. and if there is anything that happens where I have to be envolved. I get no sympothy, I get told to do what I'm told and get back to work.

I dont get time off unless i'm dying.

****, i dont even get to open my laptop only but once every week.



...,if i'm lucky.


aren't you on deployment?

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Big news! Big News!!!


Cat used the litter today!!!!!!!



That is all. As you were.


Well... I'm actually glad now that I cleaned the house. I was foreseeing it as a pointless and futile exercise. I was picturing having to do that level of sterilization every weekend for the rest of the cat's life.


Now I have a fairly clean house that might actually stay that way for a while.




You have no idea how much this all means to me. Really...

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went hunting and froze my ass off. i got bambi's mom as an act of retaliation. lol it was a fun shot, had like 4 yearlings around it and another one the same size as her, I looked through the scope, placed the sight just below the shoulder and let out my breath and lightly squeezed the trigger, all the deer ran towards me and left, the one i shot fell over dead, bullet went out through the neck. afterwards when i went to get the tag on it...realised tag was missing so i flew home and turned my apartment upside down looking for it, couldn't find, went over to parents' looked for it, couldn't find (didn't turn their place upside down though lol), then i came back over and did a full-scale search, searched through all the paperwork in each room, then i checked behind this computer desk, and remembered where it was, and it had fallen right behind the printer but not on the floor.


that's a mistake that won't happen again. -_-


Anyway, i had fun, going out again tomorrow morning to see if i can get a buck.


Got home and cleaned up the kitchen (that's where the majority of 'hurricane louis' touched down) and i saw that my copy of Double Agent had arrived!! I've got 3 more days left until i go back in to work. then it'll be a 6 day stretch and then over to the other side of the state for some more hunting action. :D


I also recieved my insurance premium in the mail......they decided to launch a full-scale assault on my checkbook. pig ****ers. -_-


o well at least i can afford it.

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Oh... in other news: Looks like I will be purchasing an XboX 360 in the next couple of weeks.


Need as many recommendations for hardware, games, and accessories as those of you 'in-the-know' can provide.


I'm thinking about getting a system package like Best-Buy and Wal*Mart put together.

I'm thinking about the all-black Elite model, with the 120 GB hard-drive (will also double as a media server for me downstairs) a wireless controller and headset, and a couple months of Live.


Obviously the Halo games, and the KOTOR series.


But beyond that, I really have no idea about games or hardware. My buddy got C.O.D.: Modern Combat with his, and he says it's awesome... so that's a possibility as well.


Open to whatever suggestions.

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