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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Plows finally came around 12:30... an hour after I supposed to start work. Golden.


Just rain right now. Sloppy evil wet mess out there. Just came in from clearing the enormous pile of plow-slush at the end of the driveway, before the temps plummet, and it froze solid. Whoo-Ha.


Been on the phone all day trying to troubleshoot technical problems from home. I should bill a fee regardless. Sounds like they're having fun today... the term "douche bag" came up more than once in reference to a member of the road crew.


Maybe missing work wasn't such a bad thing after all...

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We didn't get all that much it total... it's just the heavy, wet, slushy sloppiness factor that made it such a suck situation... the fact that it snowed 6 inches in a couple of hours, then immediately turned to sleet, then rain.


But reports from work make it sound like I was the only one who really had a difficult time travelling today. Everybody else seemed to make it in all right.


I probably could have too... IF the city had plowed my area in some kind of reasonable timeframe.


Think I can sue them for the loss of my working funds? How about time lost and sheer aggravation? :rolleyes:

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Of course, the ride back home from work might be 10-times more dangerous than the ride in was: The temps around here dropped to below freezing this evening, and all that water on the roads just became black-ice.


I hope all my co-workers made it back home all right.


As pissed as I was about the situation today, that's really something I have no desire to see.

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American football was interesting today.


Miami wins.. this ending their near perfect losing record


Cowboys lose, thus making home field advantage in the playoffs in jeopardy


Favre beats the all-time passing yardage record... with many thanks to the many yards after the catch from his recievers


With Seattle Seahawks loss, Packers clinch a first round bye in the playoffs.



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DAMN....played 1 level of splinter cell double agent....took me over 75 attempts to get it right trying to be a perfectionist (didn't want to sound alarms so i kept reloading game) i'm playing on normal difficulty, though there is easy mode, where's the fun in that. :)

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American football was interesting today.


Miami wins.. this ending their near perfect losing record


Cowboys lose, thus making home field advantage in the playoffs in jeopardy


Favre beats the all-time passing yardage record... with many thanks to the many yards after the catch from his recievers


With Seattle Seahawks loss, Packers clinch a first round bye in the playoffs.



You forgot one:


Pats continue thier so-far perfect season.


Not that I'm biased or anything...

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what most people don't realize about the INT record is that the current #2 and #3 holders had more INTs then touchdowns, and even Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have an almost 2 to 1 ratio for touchdowns and INTs.. which is only slightly worse then Favres ratio of .. er... 3 to 2


heck Elway has a 4 to 3 ratio and he still had two superbowl wins and inducted into the hall of fame


Favres INT numbers are nothing more then people saying sour grapes to arguably the best NFL quarterback ever

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smashed my alarm clock, and it still works. i hate when i wake up before it goes off and forget to shut it off. then i got the ****ing phone AND the alarm ringing sounds so annoying. good thing it never really played cds cause if there was a cd in there, it would probably be shattered....augh...


gotta get 2-3 loads of laundry done today as well as more christmas shopping. only need to buy a few things yet.

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Yeah... I need to do ALL my shopping today, before this party. Working all day tomorrow, 2nd party on Thursday, working Friday.


This is my absolute last chance, for the most part. I need to have everything I'm going to get by Sunday.


I guess I could go out Friday night or Saturday... but that would just be insane.


And the ironic part of all of this for me is that I don't even celebrate Christmas! Even as a purely secular event.


I still have no idea how I got roped into all of this nonsense...

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Yeah... I need to do ALL my shopping today, before this party. Working all day tomorrow, 2nd party on Thursday, working Friday.


This is my absolute last chance, for the most part. I need to have everything I'm going to get by Sunday.


I guess I could go out Friday night or Saturday... but that would just be insane.


And the ironic part of all of this for me is that I don't even celebrate Christmas! Even as a purely secular event.


I still have no idea how I got roped into all of this nonsense...


And I suppose the poor should all just die and decrease the surplus population, isn't that right, edlib? Or should I call you...MR. SCROOGE!?

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Well,.. now that you mention it... :dozey:


Yeah, I get that a lot. But I have my reasons. I wasn't even all that fond of this particular Holiday as a kid.


I don't mind it as an excuse to get together and have dinner with the extended family... but all the other traditions that have come to surround this day I have no particular use for.

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what most people don't realize about the INT record is that the current #2 and #3 holders had more INTs then touchdowns, and even Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have an almost 2 to 1 ratio for touchdowns and INTs.. which is only slightly worse then Favres ratio of .. er... 3 to 2


heck Elway has a 4 to 3 ratio and he still had two superbowl wins and inducted into the hall of fame


Favres INT numbers are nothing more then people saying sour grapes to arguably the best NFL quarterback ever



the only people that think hes the greatest QB ever are fudgepacker fans.


Manning is the best QB playing the game today.


Moss is making brady look way better than he is

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farve's td/int ratio: 1.53


marino: 1.667


joe montana: 1.965


manning: 1.98


steve young 2.16



his ratio is way off the greats from the 80's and up........


and its not like manning isnt on pace to pass him by the time hes bretts age if he doesnt decide to retire first......like montana and young did

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