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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Im about to sell my older laptop

getting a good price too. not that it isnt worth the price that i'm selling it for. cus it has been good to me, but the fact that this laptop has been a bit of an 'excess', so, why not get something back from it? :)

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Damn... what the hell is going on with computers?


K...Yours is like the 5th or 6th one that I've heard of going down in the last couple of weeks.


And last night mine shut itself off for no reason and with no warning. It came back right away... but that doesn't inspire confidence.


Sun spots? Solar flares? Something...


Yeah, I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's the video card now, so I'll probably drop a $150 or $200 to replace it, and even that will get me something better than what I had, which was top of the line when I bought it, back in 2004. But after that I think I may be done with desktops. I don't really play any new games, and a laptop would be much more convenient for recording, while still playing my old games.

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Got to DMV bright and early. Only 39 people in line ahead of me. :rolleyes:

Sat there thinking of new slogans for the DMV while I waited...

"The DMV: We've found 8 new ways to suck!"

"The DMV: Less fun than a wasabi colonic!"

"There are still a few things less desirable than a slow, agonizing, humiliating death... We're proud to say that we're still #1 on that list."

Or, on a more positive note:

"Go ahead, conceive a child and start a family! You have plenty of time while you wait!"


Spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the cellar in prep for my backup muscle to arrive.


Wow, what a job!


Everything was built extra sturdy, and bolted to the wall. It's a good thing my former boss brought his tool bag with his demo gear (heavy hammer, pry-bar, sawzall...) with him or it never would have happened.


We ended up taking the slop sink out... and it's a damn good thing we did too! No plumber would have ever entertained the idea of moving that thing... it was at least 500 pounds of reinforced concrete!!!!


There's no going back now... we destroyed it getting it out. Seriously... who builds a solid concrete sink for thier laundry drain???


Talk about overkill.


Too tired to for another coherent thought... As it is, what is here took me almost an hour from start to finish. Egads.

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only time i had to wait at dmv was down in jacksonville, florida to get a photo id. :) the other times i didn't have to wait long at all.


i'm still sick! :D i bought advil cold and sinus yesterday and well....think i went over my account. like by $1 or $2. i wonder what will happen because i don't have overdraft anymore. i used visa credit so it won't come back til like tuesday or wednesday....i get payed thursday. i don't know how i went over though i have been recording each and every one of my transactions!!! dammit. =\


also i'll be needing gas soon...and i dont have money to eat lunch....yay!

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At work. Easy day... so far. I ****ed up though. It was a 1 o'clock start... for some reason I wrote down 2... I was just about to park, right about 1:30 when my cell went off "Where are you????"


Uh,.. oops. :o


Oh well... everyone was cool. The touring engineer knows the board, so I didn't need to hang next to him the whole time.


The band really isn't doing it for me. Feist. Not terrible... just not the kind of over-thought pompous prog-rock I'm normally interested in. More indie-alterna-folk-rock for my tastes.


As long as the audience likes it I guess... My opinion doesn't rate. I'm just in it for the paycheck.


Day off tomorrow. Finish cleaning the cellar (still debris everywhere from the smashing of the sink to smithereens...) and then take it easy. Hopefully get some exercise. After a couple of days of not getting any kind of physical activity, I'm really feeling it. Kinda blah.


At least I know I really don't need to worry about doing laundry this weekend. :rolleyes:


Hopefully I'll have something replaced there before I DO have to get it done next time.

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Heh. Where'd the heck d'you come from? ;)


Well. I calculate I probably walked roughly 10 miles, give-or-take, while out-and-about in my explorations this afternoon.


I have a couple of nasty blisters, as well as a bit of a sunburn (mostly the back of my neck) to show for it...


Nothing like overdoing it whenever possible.



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It's hot like hell and I'm lovin' it. I had nothing to do for the whole weekend, and I did it thoroughly. Ice, BBQ, beer, cheeba, chicas. I mean, it seems like all the girls out there are trying to drive me crazy by just looking finger lickin' good. Damn.

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That's always the way...


Slow, dreary day at work. Still no computer yet. I feel lost and helpless when sitting at my desk. I guess I should call about it. Tomorrow...


Walked to and from stations to work again. Feet are singing... Neck still hot to the touch. I probably shouldn't have risked more sun exposure... oh well.


I guess I should go now and slather on some more aloe vera.

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work was boring today.....i'm still freakn sick, been sick since the 31st. gonna possibly go biking tomorrow see if that'll force that crap out. drank 2 big glasses of water about 30 minutes ago..


Watched 'The Messengers' when i got home....not that scary. more like a remake of something i once saw on sci-fi, and that was more scary (think it was called 'The House' or something like that)


afterwards i got on SWG for about an hour, gonna take on the rest of the legacy quest and then go for some better armor.

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went for a 15-20 minute bike ride to wake myself up. didn't feel like doing the full 9 miles.


came home, loaded galaxies and went to do some more of the legacy quest. now i gotta go to work. -_- gonna go visit the bank and check funds available....perhaps get a root beer frosty float since i got a free ticket for one, and then go in and work til 9..then enjoy my 2 days off!

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So, I got the transfer I wanted. I'm leaving Marketplace McD's to work at our sister store on West Henrietta Road.


It's exciting and scary and extreamly sad all at the same time. I'm really excited to work at West, they need ALOT of help and now I can prove myself to everyone that I'm worthy of an assistants position. On the flip side, thier crew is skittish, and they REALLY don't trust anyone right now. So I don't know how they'll take me in. If at all.


And very sad, because I'm leaving the team I worked with for the past 3 years. I will miss them all.... well.... most of them. ;)

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