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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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:D :D :D Congrats!!! :D :D :D


That's great news!


Worked the Janeane Garofalo/ Patton Oswalt show last night. Pretty easy... except for the unexpected and last-second need to use our projector... which turned into a medium-size hassle. I'm not a video guy... none of us working last night were... and nobody could figure out how to patch a DVD player in and get it to work.


We eventually got it to work with a computer output, and that did the job.

Just seemed a lot more difficult than it truly needed to be...


He was really funny. Really filthy at times... but really funny.

She was fairly "meh." A couple of amusing observations, a couple of chuckles... but nothing that made me roar with belly laughs.


I was supposed to take today off from work... but all my appointments got rescheduled until tomorrow, so I guess I'll go in. I don't want to take 2 days off in a row.


Well,.. I DO... but I won't.



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Yeah, Ike. That's cool. Maybe in an unbridled fit of joy you could like check the "admin" flag in all our user properties? If not, our friend edlib here said you could not manage to bring us Niner's wallet because, and he said this literally, "Ike's a little girl and would rather wet his pants". Of course I said "man, edlib, that's kinda mean, eh" but he said he "would not care".











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nice job Ike!


I picked up a Creative Zen Stone this weekend.


I had been debating getting a shuffle since it came out, and this, while not quite as small, was half the price and NOT an apple product. So no need for stupid iTunes or any software as it acts as a flash drive perfectly with no drivers needed.

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oh. I got extremely intoxicated Friday night causing a massive hangover saturday.

first time since my brothers bachelor party.


I was rather confused how I ended up at home when I awoke saturday(the fiance drove and did not drink).


hangovers suck!

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... our friend edlib here said you could not manage to bring us Niner's wallet because, and he said this literally, "Ike's a little girl and would rather wet his pants". Of course I said "man, edlib, that's kinda mean, eh" but he said he "would not care".



Don't twist my words... that's not what I said at all! :mad:


My exact words were:

"Ike really wishes Niner was dressed like a little girl... in wet pants. So that he could reach over and slowly pull out that moist, bulging wallet of his out of those clingy, wet jeans..."



See... totally different. And much better than the words you put in my mouth...


Err... wait...




Boring day at work. Got a bit done... but nowhere near as much as we probably should have.


Got some good walking in. Jumped the train 2 subway stops before my normal one on the trip home. Added at least another hour to the walk back to my house. Feet are blazing at the moment... but it was probably worth it.


Gas guy coming back to reconnect the dryer tomorrow... but not until the afternoon. I should, in theory, be able to sleep in tomorrow morning.


Wish me luck...




I have heard this song about 30 times in the last couple of days... and not always entirely by choice (although it is a favorite...)

These lines are now permanently etched into the very matrix of my brain tissues:


"For the words of the profits

Are written on the studio wall:


'Concert Hall!'


And echoes with the sounds

of salesmen.

Of salesmen...




*cue screaming guitar solo*



The Spirit Of Radio

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i had to call blue ridge sunday night because for some strange reason, the modem would not receive a signal, tho it said i was connected at 100mb.....when i called they were gonna schedule someone to come out next day and take a look, well as soon as i got off the phone, it was working again. the lady said something about pinging the modem? anybody know wtf she could have done, or was it just my luck?


i called back yesterday morning and told them not to send anybody out that the problem was resolved.....

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they prolly reset the connection on their end. thats how I make them fix mine but they always swear 'that wont do anything and a tech will be out tomorrow' and then it works fine 2 minutes after I'm off the phone.


I suspect they mess with my connection when I dl 12 gigs of stuff on bittorrent and make me call them before they turn my connection back on :(



FWIW Canon Copiers SUCK BALLS from an IT perspective.

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Ah... just give him the teeth work now!


He never said that you had to know what the hell you were doing... just that it be free! :D


After all: Youse gets whats youse pays fahr!

Besides... what's the worst that could happen?



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There is no such thing as real life.


They're all equally as fraudulent.


Everything that happens and everyone you meet are just figments of your own deranged imaginings.


Well... g'night! :)




Actually... I just realized I'm not done with this post.


Spent the morning waiting on the plumber to return and reconnect the gas to the dryer,.. and I decided to have him also replace the sink for the washer while he was at it... so I could actually get a load of laundry done tonight. (All this exercise I am suddenly getting has made much of my clothing rather sweaty and stanky... and I am totally out of low socks... the kind you wear with shorts.)


Spent the early afternoon waiting for the plumber.


Spent the mid-afternoon waiting...


Spent the late afternoo... well, I suspect you get the idea. :dozey:


When somebody tells you "I'll be there sometime between 11 and 2..." you don't naturally assume to yourself: "Well, that must really mean quarter 'till 4!"


Nothing kills a day like watching for someone to arrive. The time just flies right by. :rolleyes:


It was 5:30 before he left and I could get a shower and get out of the house.


Took a very short walk... due partly to the late start; partly due to still being sore from yesterday's excursion; and partly because I wanted to get back and start laundry.


Not much else to tell... did a LOT of noodling on the acoustic guitar while I waited. Drew a couple of pictures that I found somewhat disturbing (must have been reflecting my state of mind at the time...) Chatted online with co-workers in order to force them from getting anything important accomplished today.


A full day... full of blah.

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Yeah... but since you are clearly a figment of my deranged imagination,.. I chose to ignore you.




It got crazy hot and humid overnight. Woke me up. Too damn warm and sticky to get any sleep.


I guess I'm up now. Yay! :rolleyes:


I have an outing with my co-workers today. Supposed to be a day away from the office as a team-building exercise and social gathering. Hmmm...


The original plan was a picnic and outdoor activities on one of the harbor islands... but the weather promises rain all day, so that was scrapped.

Now it's a lunch, and maybe a movie.


Ocean's 13 is the film getting tossed around.


I was in no particular rush to see it... but if somebody else is paying: Sure! Why the hell not?


At this point though, it had better be really good... or I can foresee myself dozing off in a cool, dark movie house.


At least I'm running on little sleep on a day where it doesn't matter a whole bunch.

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Well, I think I'm going to have to buy a new computer. That's not really too bad, since it was three years since my last one. The trick will be to find something that I can use to play all my old games and something that will work with Pro Tools. A laptop would be nice, but I may have to go with a desktop to get everything I need. Meh, there's no rush to decide. My computers here at work give me Internet access and all that, and no computer at home means more time practicing the piano!

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