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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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We had no Internet at work this morning, so I was forced to face the work day head on. Blah.



i'm even lucky i can get on the computer and check my email that gets sent to me by my immedate chain of command let alone the internet

that is if the super-high-freq antenna is even on. :mad:

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Hmmm... tough call. I guess if you are sure you won't grow into the additional features, go with the Studio version.


Actually, there might be another reason to go with the top version - upgrading to new releases will be cheaper, and if Cubase 5 has some kickass feature that isn't isn't in Cubase Studio 5 (or whatever), then that could be worth it.


And I'll have all you jackasses know, a day with Internet at my job is like a day in the torture chamber. With no Internet, do you people realize that I have nothing else to do except do work? Do work? That goes against everything I believe!

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For an extra $200 it might just be worth it. Why saddle yourself with stripped down software?


The band is LOUD!


Nice guys... but LOUD!!!!


The customizations I applied to my Myspace made it glitch out... so I wiped them... at least for the time being.


I've noticed a couple others looking weird too. I wonder what's up? Trying to get us all to used the Myspace-Approved editor over the 3rd party ones, maybe...

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No internet?!??


Truly a fate worse than death! What Hell must be like.


How my day is going so far:

I just wanna go to sleeeep!!


tell me about it. i work almost 13-15 hours a day...





deployment is only to get much worse :D

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Show went well... despite the fact my brain was pounded into a foamy, frothy pink-grey slush by the time it was over.


One of the guitarist's amp heads blew up, taking out one whole stack about halfway through the show. Which made it easier to mix in the end. Nice.


But between the constant barrage of insane volume (even with ear-plugs shoved in as far as they would go it was still uncomfortably loud for me...) and lack of sleep... I was utterly delirious by the end of the night. I'm somewhat shocked I managed to find my way home in one piece.


Managed to get a halfway decent night's sleep last night. I guess I'll go in for a short day today so I don't have to kill an entire day out of my time off bank. I want to try and keep that number up... just in case I want to take a lot of time off in a single stretch for, I dunno... maybe taking a vacation or something. (Wow. What a concept...)


Good luck, Ike!

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you're deploying, scar? must be nice, will you be getting hazard pay?


I got my "raise" today, and so i went and bought my hunting license so i can send in my doe tags.....i got a week of vacation coming so gotta get that put in ASAP. :)


I got my hair shaved off today...I was spiking it for about 2 weeks, then it just got too damn thick....lol


well i found out my truck gets about 25 miles per gallon, i had to put my brake fluid in my truck, i checked the other fluids and they are perfect....just my brake fluid some reason it goes below 3/4 full and my brake doesn't wanna stop the truck..bleh!


had some drama in my guild on galaxies 2 days ago....someone got kicked from our guild without a warning or reason...(well, without coming together as a guild and deciding) the guy who kicked him right after he signed up to run for mayor of our city, so he was probably thinking a while back when another member was given access to our guild hall and ended up stealing alot of holograms and valuables and removed himself from the guild and went rebel...so it was kinda understandable why he would kick this guy. lol but we came together as a guild at around 1am we reguilded him. Our guild is growing pretty fast, today we're getting 2 more members. :)


today i work 12-9.....gonna come home for lunch and check to see if i got promoted to captain...

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A fairly relaxed, short day at work. Makes up (somewhat) for the insanity that was yesterday.


Took a walk when I got home. Not liking the sunsets getting earlier. Screwing up my vibe, man...


Watched a documentary on Les Paul after that. Goddamn! That guy makes me sick! Nobody should be able to be the first to do THAT many things! Not to mention the fact that just about EVERYTHING I do in my life almost certainly has it's roots in a patent he holds. AND in his 90's he still could clean my clock on the guitar, besides...


The dude is disgusting. And he is my god...

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Not liking the sunsets getting earlier.
I was thinking the same yesterday evening, when I was sitting outside and noticed that, in fact, I haven't seen a sunset for almost four weeks now due to the sky being all cloudy all day ;_;


Fortunately, this will change by tomorrow.




On a different note - and opposing to the fact that I did not really contribute personal stuff to this thread except maybe scaring everybody off with being the valentines day grinch here and a bit of rather useless commentary there for over a year now - hey life, you can honestly suck my orifices 'coz I am yo' master of disaster. :)


It turns out that, almost exact two years after its beginning, my rather ... colourful(??) ... odyssey through troubles and joys of a kind that not even the opposite side of the gates to heaven or hell can offer to the thinking man, finally has an end. Needless to say, I totally won. :D Except like the tons of money I've lost. :dozey:Whatever.


Err, for those who do not know (or did not bother to care XD lol), after losing a child my girl left me two years ago, kind of for another guy, but not really, since it was more for having a reason. However, long story short: On August 1st I'll move, again, to a new flat, together with my former (well now for almost 1 year, after having to think about it for a month or so) ex-girl, to kind of continue where "we" stopped two years ago. My daughter is now four and a half, and my son will be 0 in November. :)


And what's a good story without morals? Nothing. So.


teachery of Ray's odyssey:


  1. DON'T ever ever ever trust a girl, except she has not yet reached sexual maturity
  2. the right situation given, EVERY boy or girl will cheat on his/her "love"
  3. when a girl says "never" or "no" or the like, it does not mean "yes", but also not "never" or "no", either.
  4. when a girl says "always" or "yes" or the like, it does not mean "no", but also not "always" or "yes", either.
  5. money comes, money goes
  6. roundabout 10 minutes after you think you cannot even imagine something worse, imagination is not needed any longer
  7. roundabout 17 minutes after you think you cannot even imagine something better, imagination is not needed any longer
  8. Sardinian grandma food is something people *will* die for when they try to take it from me
  9. whenever a girl says she does not want to hurt your feelings .. :dozey: strike back preemptively
  10. whenever a girl says she needs freedom, don't hesitate - show her freedom
  11. at the end of the day "love" is of absolute irrelevance - it is always about sex and will always be
  12. Sardinian grandma food is the licence to ****
  13. haha no, not even Prof. Prof. Prof. Dr. Dr. of applied Logics Virginia Sweethip will be open to any of your logical argumentation and her rebuttal *will* oppose to any logic ever known to mankind
  14. I need not more than 3 hours of sleep a day average per month
  15. the Balzac waitresses are sweet as hell
  16. the World of Coffee ladies as well
  17. girls want what they don't have, so don't give them what they want
  18. even straight marriage is gay
  19. be nice to girls
  20. Sardinian grandma food will bring world peace



If you don't trust me, just wait a little longer.

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I went for my 6 mile bike ride this morning, I feel better for it. gotta work 1-10...that is not going to be fun, got QS today...hopefully it's not busy as everything why they would do that on a friday though....especially when it's friday the 13th.

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Don't think I know any... but I guess it will be an adventure looking for one in this area.


Of course, if I wait long enough, I'm sure somebody will pass through here that meets the criteria. Our school has a huge percentage of it's population filled with internationals.

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Today. In summary:


"Huh? Time to get up?"

"Huh? The guy is here to work on installing shelves in the basement to replace workbenches I tore out?"

"Huh? Time to go to work?"

"Huh? Time to go down to the stage and do my job?"

"Huh? Time to get lunch?"

"Huh? Event is over already?"

"Huh? Time to go home?"

"Huh? Workman is gone, and the shelves are finished and look real nice?"

"Huh? Time for a walk?"

"Huh? Sunset already?"

"Huh? PBS political junkie shows are on?"

"Huh? All the shows are over?"

"Huh? Time to post to XWA, and then go to bed?"



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I went for my 6 mile bike ride this morning, I feel better for it. gotta work 1-10


Fortunately I live less then 1 1/2 miles from my work and the bike ride is mainly along the lake. Only use my car now when i need to haul a large amount of groceries or errands. The nearest supermarket is only a block away, and i can carry about a grocery bag worth of food on my bike in a side bag.


It is really nice to have a job that pays decent, and gives me a constant 40+ hours a week

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Working at West is netting me about 40+ hours a week. The overtime is really helping out in bills and other misc. expenses that pop up.


Hot deaf chick has been deemed certifiably insane. I always seem to attract the crazy ones. Left to the curb, for good.


Plus side: Walking into the mall, was approached by a hot blond with beautiful blue eyes. We apparently went to high school togeather, has a slight Eastern European accent. Thinking on it, I do remember getting to rather spirited debates on theology with her before history class. She apparently remembers me, which means I did something right.


Will e-mail her tomorrow.... today.. whatever time it is.

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Yesterday was running errand and doing chores day for me. I'll spare you all the enthralling details for fear you will all wet yourselves in sheer excitement. :dozey:


Finally got my headlight fixed, though. I was waiting to get a ticket about that.


Picked up a couple of DVDs while I was at the wholesale club:

Flags Of Our Fathers and Letters From Iwo Jima; and Syriana.


Managed to get a bit of a walk in between trips out, though. That was nice.


Gonna try to get a bit more in today before the storms move in if I can.


Otherwise, I'll just stay in, unpack some of the supplies I bought yesterday, and watch a DVD or 2.



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that reminds me I need to get a DVD player. I have some episodes of 'crying freman' i havn't watched, and I need my annual "Tron" and "The last starfighter" fix. Two of my favorite movies with what is now Ancient computer graphics


'De-rezz them all, let the users sort them out' - Stark from Tron


Us against the entire Ko-dan armada? It will be a slaughter!

That's the spirit!

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Hmmm... yeah: Tron!


I have that on a special ed. 2 disk set. Great movie!


For a long time my alias when going online was "Flynn"... in honor of Jeff Bridges' uberhacker.


Ever play the Tron 2.0 game? It was pretty killer. Get it if you haven't!

I should give that another go one of these days...

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