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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Yesterday: Oy!


Arrived at work just before 7 am... and don't think I sat down or stopped moving all day for more than a couple of seconds at a time (with the sole possible exception being lunch.)


Dealing with Bill Maher/ HBO craziness is tiring. Big setup. Huge setup. Insanely huge setup.


The bright spot of the day was that my former boss was back as one of the union stagehands on the lighting call. Hanging out with him all day was cool. Just like old times... except now, as he is not employed directly by the college, he doesn't need to hold anything back. That was funny and refreshing. Not that I didn't know his opinions on everything before... but watching him in the old environment, but now unrestrained by stifling and toxic office politics of our place was more fun than humans should be allowed! :D


Plus he's just a really funny, cool guy.


The fact that almost the entire student crew that worked under him when he was here, and who are still in school, flooded back over the course of the day to see him when word got around that he was around, should begin to tell you how he was regarded by the people who worked under him.


All his problems always came from above him... and as far as I know, nobody from that direction stopped by to say "Hi!" to him.

Enough said.


Got out of work at 7, home around 8 pm, ate dinner, watched a little TV, noodled on the acoustic, and was in bed at about 10:30. Asleep almost immediately.


Wide awake again at 1 am. Never got back to sleep after that. Cool. I have to be at work at about the same time today... but will be there until about 11 or midnight. Awesome.


Another crazy 16+ hour day... on 2-and-a-half hours sleep.




Well... That's certainly far more than I need!

Clearly more than I deserve...




At least I won't be rushing out of here as bad as I did yesterday... Plenty o' time to get ready this morning.

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Yeah, he's an *******.


I've met him before. He did a show here a couple of years ago. Chewed out one of our crew over the stupidest ****.


Didn't even find him that funny... although I mostly agree with much of his political stances... at least on the intellectual level, anyway. I would never get into someone's face about it the way he does though...


But I probably won't deal with him at all this time. Too many HBO producers and assistants in between. Probably won't even set foot outside my office while the actual show is going on.

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Got through yesterday... somehow.


By 9:30/ 10 o'clock last night I was saying some pretty interesting and entertaining stuff... I'm sure.


Slept until 10:30 this morning. Back in by 3. Home at 4 a.m. (if I'm lucky...)


Tomorrow is already a write-off. Sleep all day. All decaf. Maybe try to get exercise in the afternoon if I can,.. but not a priority.


Got my work music collection starting to look healthy again... but I have decided to bring in every CD I own and put them all into the computer at work... one band at a time.

That way, if I ever do get an iPod... all I have to do is sync it to iTunes at work, and I'm done.


It will also give us a better choice of opening music on the iPod at work. I can load up a bunch of tracks into the work iPod from my comp.


Plus... nobody in the office has exactly the same tastes in music. It's nice to have a pretty wide mix of styles between the 3 of us.




Oh well... gotta think about getting ready for work, again.

Gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong night. *sigh*

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thats a.m.


just got home


show went well


place is a wreck


got crew coming in tomorrow to clean and restore


i wont be there. **** that!


sleep all day


feel like ****


going to bed at the same time ive had to get up for the last 2 days


how cool is that?


goodnight all (well, whats left of it anyway...)

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Awake. Don't want to be. Waste of a day, so far. Couldn't really sleep... but with no sleep and no caffeine, I couldn't get out of my own way all day either. Can't concentrate on much of anything for more than a second or 2.




I forgot to put my "Good Karma Deed of the Year" into my other post early this a.m.


I rescued a bird that got into our building somehow. (All the lines back and forth to the video and satellite trucks meant the back doors all had to remain wide open all night... so it could have been up there. But there's also a hole in the ceiling above the stage, and there's a nest up there somewhere... so it could have been one of the chicks leaving the nest too...)

A little baby starling was bumping off the walls in the lobby. I threw a towel over it at some point, and wrapped it up and took it outside.


That's about it. Hardly major hero stuff... but hopefully the nature goddess will look slightly more kindly upon me in the immediate future.


Saw a couple of old friends at the show.


One I hung out with for a bit before the show started. (I bought her ticket, so she had to track me down to get her hands on it... so we grabbed a slice of pizza and a coffee while we caught up.)


The other was a guy I went to college with and worked on crew at the hall with. Seen him a couple of times around town,.. but always cool to see someone you spent so much time with back in the day again.

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Guess so...


Stupid day at work. (Is there any other kind?)


Showed up early and already felt 2 hours behind. Large rock band playing a clinic this afternoon. They were set to play at 3. Problem is, the class that uses the stage until 1.


Doesn't give us a lot of time to set it up and check it all.


Got through it somehow. Great players... but loud.


Still haven't fully caught up on sleep yet. Might take a while. Will be in bed early tonight, though. For sure.


See where I work as it has never quite looked before. You might even catch a glimpse of me standing next to the soundboard the whole time. Groovy... no?




Well... got to bed early. (10:30-ish)


Woke up early too... (Midnight)


For those of you trying to work out the math on your own: That's about an hour and a half of sleep in total.


But then,.. what more do any of us really need? :rolleyes:

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Replaced my guitar strings again, went much faster, smoother, and looks overall better. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.


Upped the gauge. .010-.046 Regular Lights instead of super lights now that I've been plaing for awhile. I definatly hear the difference, the sound is alot brighter and better tone. Also, the sustains are slightly longer. Yay!


Not much else. Today was a "work less day", as in, I went to work to do administrative crap. Then I left.


I miss just having a day I don't have to be at work....

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String changing sucks.


Oh, don't get me wrong... I LOVE the sound of new strings! I just hate the process of changing them. I always put it off as long as humanly possible. And then some.


I need a roadie... a guitar tech to change my strings and keep all of my axes polished and in tune at all times.


This Christmas, maybe? ;)


Work was blah. Changed some bulbs. Sat in the office trying to think of things to do.


Ran some errands after work. Got a short walk in... but my feet immediately started to blister. A couple of days off, and they lost all the toughness I had built up. Crap. Got to go through all of that again...


Wiped out tonight. Go figure. an hour and a half sleep just not doing it for me anymore...


Got CPR training all day tomorrow. Whee! Eh... I've had at least 4 or 5 CPR courses in my life so far... so this is really just a refresher. But it will be a change of pace and scenery I guess. I just have to be in by 9, which NEVER makes me happy. Oh well...


Bed early again tonight... whether I like it or not.


I just better stay asleep tonight or there will be hell to pay! :mad:


By whom, I have no idea. Me... most likely. :dozey:

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wanted to go for a bike ride real bad, looked at firefox weather thing, showed rain...i looked out window, rain was just starting...i got the bike and headed downstairs, then it just downpoured....since i was already wet i went through on my bike trail. chain about came off at the part where i turn around to come back home, had to set it...made it alive! afterwards i had to work 12-9....not so fun, alot of rain and alot of customers and 1 person called off.


played star wars galaxies for a while last night, til about 3am...


got up this morning around 10pm, played more swg....went over to my parents' to watch 24 season 2 with my dad. it's getting to the good action-parts, we're almost finished with the 2nd dvd.

got my laundry finished and had supper w/them, then came home. obviously i had the day off today.....


gotta work 10-7 tomorrow. that'll screw things up! thursday is payday....think it all pretty much goes to bills and my parents, maybe have enough left over for gas. maybe. -_-


I'm in a depressed mode right now. When i can't play SWG or get on the computer, i feel crappy and want to die.

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If I back away from the game...that just leads to me being bored and depressed, and thinking about doing stuff that requires money, which i don't have enough of. (and i got a stupid tax thing in the mail today saying i owe a per capita...I should call them out on sexism as my sister has not received one of these)

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Well, at least I would WANT to be addicted to the last one... no one wants to tempt me
Tell me about it! :rolleyes:


No... on second thought: Don't!


I have more than my fair share of problems in that area and really don't need to feed and compound my frustrations with your tales of woe as well. :dozey:


Plus... you really don't want to get me started. It's never pretty... and let's leave it at that.




CPR training: Cool. I might possibly be able to save a life if called upon to do so. I doubt I ever will... but I guess you never really know.


Didn't walk tonight. Got home kind of late, was really hungry when I got here, and tired and not feeling too great. I think the air in the room we were meeting in wasn't so fresh. I was coughing almost the whole time I was in there... but stopped the second I left. Everyone there looked pretty exhausted and haggard when they left, too. An unhealthy room, methinks.


Also: The catered lunch was OK... but not great. Probably why I was so hungry when I got home.


Mixing the show tomorrow night. Not particularly happy about that, but the other engineer/ stage manager had to leave town to do something with her mother. So I'm stuck with tomorrow's concert... which looks like it's going to be a bit... involved, to put it as kindly as I can muster.


Oh well... in return, she's working all weekend for me, so I'll probably take Fri. Sat. and Sun. off to make up for the weekend I lost last time around. I guess that's a fair trade off... ;)


At least I can sleep in tomorrow morning. Yay.

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w007! my swg/jtl guides didn't come in the mail. mailed the seller.


got my $$$ check $$$ and i've got enough to pay of majority of bills, going to hold off on cable for 2 more weeks so I'll have enough to buy groceries and gas. Truck just better hold up a few more months so I can get its brakes fixed. :) I gotta send in for my doe tags by august 3rd.....and Bourne Ultimatum comes out on the 3rd!!!! can not wait!!!!


Closing is going to be fun. I get to play boss and make someone work. though i also have to finish up monthly maintenance....i got til tuesday to get that crap done. (i close today, tomorrow, sunday, and monday, so that should be plenty of time...just hope i can shrug off the customers and not get in trouble)


I'm waiting for SWG chapter 6.8 to update the servers...most likely won't be ready til after I'm at work. So i'm just chillin, listening to on winamp. :)


I'm feeling rather good about myself today, and feel that today is going to be a pretty good day. :joy:

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r15, i know it's none of my business, but you're constantly referring to how you need to shuffle your bills around because your paycheck is already spent. I'm no financial guru, but it sounds like you're living beyond your means. you either need to get another or better job or take a hard look at what you're spending your money on and make a few sacrifices.

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I agree, work out a budget with your take home pay. and you will find (like most people) that you can't afford to live in luxury.


My mother had a mental breakdown because of poor budgeting. She was an upholster, and would often receive a deposit for the fabric. She then would spend the money, and when the fabric showed up COD she scrambled to pay it, often having to take up another job to pay for the costs of the first one.


For me, if I work a 40 hour work week I have about $140 a week to spend on food or frivolous expenses. But I also have choosen to have a comfortable place to live on my own, cable TV, and internet access. I only drive about 40 miles a week in my car, and most of the other time I am using my bike, and I hardly ever go out to eat, I rather cook at home (the food is better)


But it is sure nice to be able to pay the bills as soon as they appear.

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