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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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So, deployment for me is coming up soon. but my current work night (i say night, cus i work nights) is about 12+ hours. and I sleep roughly 3 or 4 hours a day.

i have to work out while the ship is rocking which, trust me, sucks on a treadmill, and the only other means of getting an arobic exercise involves three broken elipitcal machines....



...deployment is going to suck :dozey:

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Yeah, so on Friday we had "VectorFest" at work to celebrate the launch of VectorWorks 2008. These are happening all around the globe, but this one was for employees. German theme, basically. A band playing German music, German food and German beer. I don't really like beer, but they had some wine. There was some German wine I can't remember that was pretty good, and the worst white Zinfendel I have ever tasted. Seriously. But I'll say this...even drinking bad wine is better than doing work.


Anyway, I think I'm going to quit my job and take up Black Jack for a living. A couple of months practice counting cards, and I should be good to go. Anyone want to form a team? We could move to Vegas, live in the casinos, and make millions, just like those guys from MIT. Who wants in?

Bad wine?!?? Impossible!

You do know the Germans are known for their wine!




Actually, work is slow and relaxed for me at the moment... so I've currently no incentive to pack it all in and move away. (Well,.. other than fleeing for my very life from a homicidal co-worker, that is. ;) )


Talk to me in a week... after I've worked an outdoor, all day jazz festival; and a couple of late nights back-to-back in a row... including a giant Steve Vai extravaganza (where the hell is Jem when I need him? I really should be lording this over him with no mercy and no shame...) and Henry Rollins doing his spoken word monologue show.


I might just be changing my tune after that...

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FOr blackjack counting cards doesn't work anymore.. at least not at real casinos with 6 decks that are constantly being shuffled. The best you can do now is look for hot and cold streaks by the dealer and make sure to know when to Hit stay, double, or split.


Last time I went to vegas I saw a person split Tens and complain why he lost.. silly person

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Still alive... somehow.


I've really been pushing my luck something fierce these last couple of days, though... let me tells ya!

Now that I've really found someone's buttons, I've just been leaning on them pretty much non-stop all week. Throwing dice with my life here!


Perhaps I should take you up on that gambling offer...




These slow days are killing me... way too much time on my hands to get into trouble.

As much as I can not believe I am saying this: We need some shows.


Before I really do go too far, and piss somebody off for real...

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FOr blackjack counting cards doesn't work anymore.. at least not at real casinos with 6 decks that are constantly being shuffled. The best you can do now is look for hot and cold streaks by the dealer and make sure to know when to Hit stay, double, or split.


Last time I went to vegas I saw a person split Tens and complain why he lost.. silly person


Six decks is no problem, but if they are shuffling after every hand, that would kill it. I didn't think most places did that, though. You can do OK with basic strategy if you have decent rules, but the odds are still against you without some counting.

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Whoo-Hoo! He shoots! He Scores!




2,400 is right around the corner, kids! 200/ month.

Ahhh! 'Tis a goodly figure.


It can be done... and then some.


Show the rest of the L.F. network who the Daddy's are around here! Oh Hellz yeah!



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By daddy's you mean sociopathic lifeless lamers? :D

I kid, I kid, we're too awesome for the rest of the world really. Seriously.

There's no reason we can't be both,.. is there?


You beat Halo 3 in one night, 15? :eek:


Dear God... Almost makes it seem hardly worth the wait.

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Did a couple of things yesterday...first, I swung by the high school for a brief visit w/ an old friend who is now an assistant coach for the football team. I graduated with his sister, and he was kind enough to give me her address when I asked him about her. The address has been forwarded to my class' reunion committee for inclusion in the address list.


I also finally took possession of my brother-in-law's old HP multifunction printer over the weekend, and hit the local Staples yesterday to pick up a new black ink cartridge. My brother-in-law was right...the new cartridge fixed the printing problems and the Windows test page printed perfectly.



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hey I just did my laundry too. How exciting :¬:


paid all my bills too, and even bought groceries to make meals for myself the rest of the week.


let's just hope I am not too tired from work to actually cook like I have been from working for the last 9 days for an average of 9.5 hours a day


Yesterday I went to sleep around 6:30pm and didn't wake up until 10 hours later

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Just mixed a 3-hour fund-raising concert of indie-rock bands and comedians... most without any kind of soundcheck whatsoever.

"First song is your soundcheck..."


It's a really good thing I am as totally amazing as I am. :dozey:


Have I said it before? Indie-rock just really doesn't do it for me...


Nobody was terrible. (Well,.. maybe I'm being kind...) But also nothing to make me want to run out and get a CD either.

I just don't understand the following some of these bands have. I just really don't hear it...


Speaking of laundry: Except for jeans (which I did the other day...) I'm out. Gotta do some after work the next couple of nights, like it or not, or I'm screwed for this weekend.


Time to go home...

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I need to do some laundry sometime today. it's not much. but yet again, for someone leaving in a place where potentially a hundred people live too, a couple days worth of clothes can smell bad quick.


...that is if i can smell it if my sense of smell wasnt ruined by living down there anyway... :dozey:


anyway, one thing i do know: Cracken never checks PM's :smash:

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Yesterday: Not a lot to report. Worked. Walked. Some other stuff... but nothing you want to read about in any case, trust me on this one.


Today: Taking the day off to do laundry and housework. Yippee. :dozey:


Got an all-day outdoor Jazz festival I'm working tomorrow. Busy all-day Sunday. Next week is a disaster of epic proportions.


So today was really the last free slot in my schedule. My last gasp of personal time until maybe Thanksgiving... or more likely, Christmas break.


Nothing going on at work today that I really need to be there for anyway.

Some big Festival-related event at Symphony Hall that I am (thankfully...) not involved with.


I get paid bi-weekly too. I think I would prefer weekly, had I a choice in the matter... but I'm over it.

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Today was exciting in ways far beyond the narrow realms of the English language to even express.


I can sum up the entire day in 2 words though:





Yup. That good.


Got a couple of other things accomplished too... (like picking up my federally declared disaster area of a bedroom...) but really nothing overwhelmingly strenuous.


Should get off to bed in the very near future... that 4 am wake up call is approaching far faster than I would like to acknowledge.

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