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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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work is boring today.....in a good way. a technician came in to inspect the machines, we got a fair score, missed on 2 things though the 1 easy thing would've brought us to a 98%...o well.


i have a weird shift today it's 10am-7pm. at least i have off tomorrow-PAY DAY! I may take my truck down to pep boys....need muffler and catalytic converter asap...don't really wanna ruin the engine. plus my friend works there, hopefully he works there tomorrow and can do the work on it. :)

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Fairly easy, painless day at work today. Everybody left happy, anyways. Always a good night.


Still tired. Gonna take a handful or 2 of vitamin supplements and go to bed.




Oh,.. and Niner:


If I really believed you actually looked like that,.. I'd be ringin' yer bell off the hook, baby!



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..... Ed, you confound and confuse me in new ways I never thought imaginable.


GG, ol' chap.


Job search goes. Did some guitar maintenance, cleaned the fret board and put on a fresh pair of strings. I love new strings. Sexeh.


Parents inquired about amp for me, i said 15-20 watts should be fine... 30 would probably over do it.


nothing else of note. Well.... there is this cute Turkish girl. Meet originally about.... ohh... 2 years ago when I went to NYC for the Model U.N Conference, she was apart of our team. To bad i have a snowballs chance in hell. Something about me being non-religious and not Muslim.


Meh, she's nice to look at though.


Like. O.o gorgeous.

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ended up getting thrown in the back to pull freight off a truck when i got back from lunch. that sucked....but the time went by fast so it was no big deal.


got home, watched The Reaping and Superbad (i happen to own a theatre btw) reaping was boring not scary at freaking all, and superbad was alright.


I'm feeling sick right now, think it was the pizza i made in the oven, mixed in with my depression of my parents being up my ass about bugging my friend that works at pep boys to look at my truck, and the feeling of loneliness as yes i have friends, but no close friends that i hang out w/all the time. wish there was a visine for that.

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3 am. I'm awake. Sux.


Long couple of days ahead of me. It would be nice to get some proper sleep before going into them... but I guess that's really too much for the likes of me to ask.


Oh by the way... the sense of optimism and good-humor I've been operating under for the last couple of weeks/ months: slipping away. Far quicker than I imagined possible, too.

Nights like this certainly don't help the matter much, either...


I knew it would happen. I guess it was inevitable.



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It is so wonderful to get back at curling. Getting the workout after throwing 32 stones is making me sleep like a baby. the biggest thing is building back my muscle strength in my calf muscles for balance.


only one prob is that I slipped on the ice in an unusual way. my Slider foot (Left) slipped to the right which prevented me from using my super black belt speed to regain balance with my right foot. So while I was in midair I realized falling on my back could cause serious damage to my head, and twisted so I landed on my side. the force of the landing wrenched my neck good. But otherwise I was fine.


Of course with the warm weather the ice was frosty and unpredictably slow.


But on the upside when i was leaving I saw a Double rainbow :jester1:

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well the past few days i've been kinda feeling like crud.

bleh. :(


otherwise the week really wasnt so bad.

unfortunately when i did go to work not so much left much to do the work i need, so on sunday i got to crank some of my needed stuff i need.

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feeling like crap today. I've had a headache since this morning. just took 2 advil cold and sinus pills for it. they're not working...yet. going bowling after work tonight, then gotta work 9am-2pm tomorrow then hanging out w/my dad on his birthday, then i have off sunday and monday. :) my sister decided not to let me have the car tonight, so i'll be taking my truck to the highway..in its broken-muffler condition. no alcohols for me tonight.....guess i'll just chug some rockstar energy drinks instead.

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wtf is curling?


A winter sport originating in scotland around the same time as Golf and was developed for farmers to do something on frozen rivers during the winter months.


each player throws/slides a 45 pound stone (scottish granite with a handle) down the ice sheet over 100 feet trying to get as close to the center of a 12 foot house (or target). Each each player on a team of 4 take turns throwing 2 stones for a total of 8 stones on each side.


The game is part golf... dealing with muscle memory and proper delivery technique

Part shuffle board... sliding the stone down the playing surface, and sometimes knocking other pieces away

Part horseshoes... trying to get as close to the center "pin" then your opponent

Part chess.. often earlier moves will effect mid-game and end-game movies


It is a competitive Gentelmens sport that is self-officiating, but sometimes the best part is having a few beers with your opponents after the game


Curling Basics


Korbel Elite Curling challange on Dec 23rd on NBC

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Canadian Indie-Pop-Rock band called "Stars" at work tonight.




Louder than hell. Did nothing for me... except make me annoyed.


Currently: little over 23 hours since the last time I had any sleep.


Gotta be back up by 7:00.

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did ****ing horrible bowling tonight. didn't even break ****ing 70. god damn ****ing kids that were next to us were ****ing w/my style. also could have been the shoes i rented, it said 9 but felt like 10. going bowling tomorrow w/my family, maybe i'll do better. probably not. damn kids will probably be in my way again. i drove the truck there and back, i'm pretty convinced it's the muffler and part-catalytic converter...i had to keep switching between drive and overdrive to get some power out of it though. =\ dunno.


trying not to be so depressed, decided to wear my army boots out tonight, they feel too comfortable.... gotta wake up early tomorrow for walmart. damn.

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and what's your excuse? :p

It must just be our influence on him.


I blame us. For everything...


A solid 5 and a half hours sleep... and now I'm back for another round.


Setting up for the college's big fundraising party of the year tonight. Fortunately, it shouldn't be a really long shift.

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It's more than I'm used to. More than I deserve... :dozey:


Goddammit! I'm getting all jaded, cynical, bitter, and negative again. :mad:

And I was really doing so well there for a while...


Well... I guess I just have to admit to myself this is my true nature. The other was just a temporary aberration.

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