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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Watched the Sox parade from the fire-escape at work.


Went out to dinner.


Went on a walking "Ghost-Tour" of Boston. Didn't see anything supernatural (didn't expect to...) but got to see the inside of a lot of very old, historic places I would never visit under other circumstances. Felt like one of the goofy, bumbling tourists I always make so much fun of the rest of the time.


Spent a little time with some co-workers I don't usually get much of a chance to, as well. That part was nice. Trying to expand my social horizons.


Working long days and late nights straight through until Sunday now. Oh, good.


Oh... and it looks like I'm getting a cat. That was unexpected... but someone at the place where my mom works posted a picture and a sob story about the cat, trying to get somebody to adopt it.


And that was the end for me... She decided she would get it. She's picking it up on Sunday. Oh well...


I just wish all this had happened BEFORE I had rid my house of everything cat-related. :rolleyes:

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man...cracken...get off your lazy ass and make me a burger, biatch! ;)



seriously..........well i got back from taking my truck to a shop and had the truck partially looked at, couldnt get it on a lift until a uh spring thingy on thr githt rear near the tire is fixed...somehow it came clean off and that is the problem for the violent shaking when i pull out of driveway...anyway my friend that works there is cool and said he would use his 20% discount on the parts, and do all the work on it and not charge me the labor...he said he'd call around and get the part for me, once its on he'd be able to put the truck on a lift and tell me what all else it needs.


im still a bit rattled from that freakn accident and getting the damned citation. hopefully i can wake up at 8 or 9 and go get my paycheck.

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20 double cheeseburgers!? God....


I would hate you if I worked at that McDonald's.


Wait... I know how that is.... You're an ass. :p


I know I'm an ass. but I'm also a nice guy too :)



besides, i couldnt help but think what they were doing when I ordered it...


"Hey, this ****er wants you to work out of your asses!" *CRACK*

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thats not bad dude, neither is the rust, all cosmestic :D



the witcher is a good game and american gangster is a good movie.



and keyan, I am with you, too much societal coddling. and dont apologize for doing nothing wrong K, sets a bad precedent!

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got my computer up and running! :D Got vista installed on the new HD and now I'm just transferring files and settings. Unfortunately, my old firewall and antivirus software don't work on vista so I'll have to find new ones to <s>pirate</s> test.


Any suggestions on free or "free" firewall and AV software?

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Just got done with the show. Two completely different bands, sharing nothing in common,.. both HUGE!




... not.


The leaders were both nice, and it wasn't their fault they got stuck on the same bill... but it was a HUUUUUUUGE pain in the ass for me all night. A veritable ****storm.


Oh well. Survived it. It's behind me now. Back in less than 12 hours to do it all over again. The Waterboys. Promises to be another painful day. I hope not... since it's already a LOOOOOOOOONG one.


Night, all.

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Looks like it is a no-go with the girl. Tonight she showed up dressed up and with a guy. I have no clue if it was a friend, co-worker, or SO.


Going to give her B-day present on monday, and ask her point blank who that was. If it wasn't a SO, I am going to ask her out. If she says no, or that it was SO. Fine... too bad I can't be good enough for her and she rather go out with shallow guys who are "well bred"


I have a wonderful friend that I am going to see this weekend at a game convention and she is going to help me out. She wants me to get married next year and she is going to help.


first step is confidance

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Far easier day than predicted. Still long though...


Good band... but just too loud for me to sit and enjoy the show for more than a couple minutes.


Feel kinda lousy from pigging out on everybody's leftover H-Ween candy at work all day. Blegh...

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K, just don't sound like a jealous, possessive ass when you ask her. Casually ask if it was her boyfriend. These days, it seems you're lucky to find a girl who doesn't have some kind of boyfriend. Seriously, even ugly chicks, at least out here, all seem to have a BF.

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K, just don't sound like a jealous, possessive ass when you ask her.

I have to agree.


Obsession isn't really all that attractive to most women, in my personal experience. Coming across as way too interested is usually pretty creepy. You'll get labeled a stalker.

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These days, it seems you're lucky to find a girl who doesn't have some kind of boyfriend. Seriously, even ugly chicks, at least out here, all seem to have a BF.


Seriously. I cannot remember the last time I met a girl who did not have a boyfriend. I've been interested in maybe one or two girls in the last eight years, and with that infrequent level of interest, you can bet I will never find anyone who isn't attached. Not that I really care at this point, but if I did, I think my only hope might be some kind of dating service, simply because it seems impossible to actually meet someone in the real world who who isn't already seeing someone.


And if you do meet a girl you would like to ask out, you're screwed. Because even if she breaks up with her boyfriend later, you won't know about it, unless you keep in touch, but if you do that, she'll think of you as a friend and nothing else! There's no way to win!


And why the hell can't you go out with more than one person at a time? I mean, not serious stuff, but if you go to dinner once with some guy, that means you are now "seeing him" and can never eat dinner with another man again? What kind of idiocy is that?


And while we're on the subject, why do you have to see someone as more than a friend just to go to dinner with him? Does one date make you more than friends? Can't you just have a nice meal, talk a little, and see if a second date looks good at that point? For the love of God, you don't have to be madly in love with someone to accept a simple dinner invitation!


And what's the deal with airline food? Why does it suck so bad? And why does my commute of 24 miles on major highways take more than an hour? And.................whoa...I'm really out of control here... *deep breath*

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And what's the deal with airline food? Why does it suck so bad?

Well, they're not going to have full-on kitchens and stuff for food preparation on most airliners (unless you're flying on that new Airbus A380, which is enormous), so you'll have to make do with the little microwave dinner things. And to be honest, all the ones I've had weren't all that bad. Maybe I'm just so used to college that any food tastes good. xD


And why does my commute of 24 miles on major highways take more than an hour? And.................whoa...I'm really out of control here... *deep breath*

Heh, I have 25 miles to my workplace, most of it being on a major thruway and over a major 4-lane bridge that is almost always bumper-to-bumper. If I make it into work 45 minutes after I leave the house, it's a bloody miracle. :S

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Heh, I have 25 miles to my workplace, most of it being on a major thruway and over a major 4-lane bridge that is almost always bumper-to-bumper. If I make it into work 45 minutes after I leave the house, it's a bloody miracle. :S

I can almost see where I work from my house... and it still takes me at least an hour most days by subway.

To drive at rush hour on a weekday is at least as bad, usually much worse... and then you are stuck with hunting for parking, which can often take almost as long.


At off hours, or on an early weekend morning, a driving commute is usually about 15 or 20 minutes. And that's a leisurely drive... If I'm rushing and a bit reckless, I can do it in much less...

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nothing wrong with single moms, unless they are the over-protective, men-are-scum types. Actually, you probably have better chances with a single mom than one with no kids.


Keyan, you echoed my thoughts on dating perfectly. I've been complaining about that for years. This whole "exclusive dating and then breaking up" routine is unhealthy and part of the reason the divorce rate is so high.

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