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Alixe paused, a pain in her leg from crawling around the insides of the ship. The pain was actually a souvenir from Hoth, when despite the hated cold she fought, using one of the cannons against the AT ATs rather than snipe at the Imperials, until a little run in left her with most of her leg sliced off and after months of protest had a cybernetic one from the top of the thigh down. Even if it did work fine it bothered her that she was part machine. What bothered her more at the moment however was the lack of success in finding anywhere that might have explosives. Alixe could try playing around where she was but the commando had no desire to kill herself doing so. She needed a guide. Peering down through a grate she was surprised at how far she had gone through the ship, it looked like some type of reactor. Not familiar with the type of ship she was on Alixe wanted to hold off doing any damage, at least until she knew what she was doing. The distance she placed between the prison cells looked to be in her favor, there was only a pair of Stormtroopers on guard, whether that was standered procedure or they were waiting for her she wasn't sure. The problem, for them, was they were facing the wrong way. Carefully lifting up the grate Alixe jumped down, freezing at the sight of a laser turret but relaxed when it was evident it was inactive. Quietly she crept behind the Stormtroopers, raised her rifle and just before it pressed against the head of the first one fired. As his companion reacted Alixe wrapped an arm around his throat, pressing the rifle against his back.

"Where is the armory?" she demanded. She began pushing the Stormtrooper to the edge of the walkway.

"There isn't an armory." In response to this Alixe pulled off the soldier's helmet so he could get a good look at the drop below.

"I am willing to bet your life there is." Alixe pushed the Stormtrooper over the edge, nearly causing him to lose his footing.

"You have to believe me, there's no armory." Alixe thought for a moment, not sure whether to believe him. Either way she wasn't going to find the help she needed this way.

"You are going to get yourself promoted. Get on the comlink and tell your pals you killed the prisoner." With his life litrially in her hands the Stormtrooper did as she said.

"This is RC 14498, the woman's been terminated in the reactor. You can shut down the infernal alarm." Judging by his manner Alixe guessed he wasn't a clone. Well that didn't change much. "I'm not sure if they believed me."

"I will find out." Alixe glanced at the deep chasm she held the Stormtrooper over. "Thank you. I will let you go now." She pulled the trooper back before tossing him over the edge, letting him go as he screamed and watched him fall down to hell, where he would see Palpatine no doubt. "If they believed you, your promotion will be posthumous."

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sorry im not visiting this thread much.mostly i go to jediknight forums.


Dran:fight till all of us die

Rebel:yes sir

*dran grabs a pistol and shoots a stormtrooper in the head

Dran:capture the command post!

All rebels:yes sir

*dran shoots imperial officer and then marches in with his troops

*stormtroopers shoot but he ducks behind a wall

*dran comes out of walls and shoots them all



thats it for now

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ok l spent a long 30 minutes trying to keep up l think l need to keep up to date anyway lm back because l finished the game so lm back oh yeah please dont sware is just if my mum or dad sees me on this place and theres people swarring they wont let me go back on and l wont be very happy so please resist the erge thank-you. Oh yeah Aap you blew up darth vader on coruscant with the emporour so you just bassically repeated the same thing ok.


Imperial: Today l had the sith lord get really angry at me l just hate there kind wanting to get everything


Imperial: I agree there always so angry why cant they just be peaceful


Imperial: Because there sith


Imperial: Oh yeah your right


Imperial: I think we should bring order to this


Imperial: We shall make a free peoples army


Imperial: Yeah it should be the best one ever


Imperial: Its time we cannot sit back and let the sith scream in our faces we must act


Imperial: Yeah right now and today we shall do this


Imperial: Affirmitive


*They managed to nearly pursuade all of the imperials and all the stormtroopers followed on and they were happy about it to*


Imperial: Now all stormtroopers do not listen to all sith lords understand


Stormtroopers: YES SIR


Imperial: Good we shall strike korriban thats is were the sith are we shall go there understood


*Several transports prepare to leave to korriban to destroy the sith there*

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no they do not they still hate the rebels just as much they hate the sith lords so no they dont go against the sith and thats all they still fight the rebels and whoever else oh yeah not all of the empire gave in half of it still follows the sith so yeah and l will be on the side of the empire that left the sith and to fight the sith ok l will reply after school ok bye.

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Darth Blaze to Imperial that turned against the sith through Intercom: Why are these transports leaving the ship.


Imperial: Well.... The outpost on eh.. Manaan needed some unexpected supply's


Darth Blaze: ehh.. right...


Darth Blaze thoughts: I smell betrayal here. I don't know what but the imperial on the intercom sounded very unconfortable talking to me. I better go to Korriban to warn my master and the other Lords.


Darth Blaze got in his ship and hyperspaced to Korriban. Once he arrived there he went to the main chamber of the recently established Sith Palace.


Sith Lord: No apprentices allowed in the palace without permission.


Darth Blaze: I'm the Dark Lord's apprentice you fool!!


Sith Lord: Ow sorry about that. Strict orders from Lord Aap. You can enter.


Darth Blaze: Master, I came to warn you. Someone or something is betraying us within the empire.


Darth Aap: Yes, that explains the transport ships that are appearing on the radar.


Darth Blaze: What do you mean.


Darth Aap: Looks like were about to be attacked. The next transport should be here in 2 days and it should be 1, not 40. Ah well, let them come. I've got hunderds of Sith Lords here who can only obey us. What do they think they can do! Shoot us?! heh heh heh.




By the way daniel, you liked KOTOR 2?

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Darth Aap looked up as a massive space battle between the rebels and some former imperials raged on.


Darth Aap: Look at them. Killing eachother just to get down here and be killed by my sith lords. And to weaken them a bit.


Darth Aap: Activate the Hypervelocity cannons and blast em all!!!.

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"Well maybe someone on the other end will know how to take this ship apart." Alixe had found a comms station and was trying to patch a call through to the Rebels, see if someone knew the specs of the ship she was on.

"Halt!" Alixe turned and fired at the sound of the voice, assuming anyone on board to be hostile, choosing to fire rapidly rathar than the slower, argueably more accurate shots that were common. She saw that she got both of the Stormtroopers as a Rebel frequancy was found.

"White Lion here, need some help from someone who knows how to sabotage the ship. Cannot find explosives."

"Can't you find an armory on board?" the officer replied.

"I searched and interrogated one of the people on board. There is no armory." As she waited Alixe looked at the two Stormtroopers she just killed, one of them looking odd. Her face screwed up, not liking it one bit. It was smaller, the armor didn't fit like a normal Stormtrooper did. Listening for a reply from the Rebels Alixe went over to check on the corpse, feeling that there was definetly something wrong. Having a feeling she knew what it was she pulled off the helmet, before jumping back and hissing a curse word. "What the hell is that?" The woman she had shot dead was thirty years younger but was almost an exact clone of Alixe.

How? There was no way it could have happened. Unless... She thought back to Hoth when she was nearly killed, her leg being cleved off. Alixe didn't know a lot about cloning, didn't want to, but thought maybe what had happened was her blood was gathered for the process. But why? Alixe was so completely shocked she didn't even notice the blaster bolt as it grazed the side of her head, sending the commando crumbling to the ground.

"White Lion, we have the schematics to the ship you're on." The Rebel officer grew concerned when there was no reply. "White Lion, do you copy?" When there was still nothing heard he patched through a message to be sent to the Rebel fleet. "We've lost communication with White Lion, have a crew mobilised for search and rescue is possible." The officer would keep trying however, the channel was still open so Alixe should report in.

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The battle above Korriban rages on as a group of yellow painted Capital ships hyperspaced in.


Okoe: The Consortium still alive??


TJ: Yeah I guess...


Okoe: Ah it doesnt matter. We're with much greater numbers anyway.




Darth Aap: Who the hell are they


Darth Blaze: They are a group of organised thugs calling themselves the Zann Consortium. It was the group that your former enemy Urai was a commander of.


Darth Aap: Whatever... Why do they think they can beat the rebels, a group of former imperials, AND an almost indefeatable group of Sith Lords. What a fools they are.


On that moment a group of Transport Cars destealthed and a large groundforce marched at the Palace.


Darth Aap through Intercom: A group of thugs are trying to attack the palace. Show them why we sith are the strongest race from the galaxy.


Sith Lord Commander: Yes master.


At least 300 Sith Lords rushed out of the temple and started cutting the Con's to pieces.


Consortium Officer: WHAT THE ****!!!! SITH LORDS?!?!?! RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Imperial: Who cares about the rebels lets just go down there to blow up the sith lords


*several transports left to go down to the planets surface but when they opened the door all the troopers died because of the sith*


Imperial talking to another imperial: Whats going on down there


Imperial talking to another imperial: We have lost all troopers


Imperial talking to another imperial: these sith are to strong


Stormtrooper: Sir


Imperial: Yes


Stormtrooper: They fired one of our stardestroyers with hypervelocity gun


Imperial: What this isn't true anyway it wont last long because the sith built it 1000's of years ago it will break


Stormtrooper: It broke and made a large explosion on the surface


Imperial: This is getting out of hand we have the rebels, we have the jedi TJ, we have the jedi, we have the consortiom who decided to stay, we have the sith, man theres heeps of people here we may as well just blow up the planet bring in the death star


Stormtrooper: Yes sir


*the death star hyperspaced into the sytem and begun to orbit the planet and prepare to fire, meanwhile darth aap intercepted the discussion of the imperials and the stormtrooper so he knew whet was going to happen*


Darth Aap: What its time to act get off the planet


Sith lord: We only can remain here because the dark power of this place feeds us and we can not live without


Darth Aap: Your going to get blown up anycase


Sith lord: We have an ancient sith artifact that could drain the force from such places like this would you want to get it?


Darth Aap: Get it quick we need to move


*the sith lord gathered the artifact and brought it to darth aap and he drained the power than all of the sith left the planet reatreting to the planet oderon's forest moon and started the great ritural that was there to bring back the ultimate sith lord*





Alixie stared in shock when she stared at the clone.


Alixie: Hey lm here rebel (saying quietly)


Rebel: Good everyone call of the fleet


Alixie: What call in the fleet


Alixie: Ahh!


Rebel: What..... What heppened


*no answer*


Rebel: Bring in the fleet repeat bring in the fleet


Imperial: We have found the female rebel alixie on transport 1994




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The clone looked down at the woman she shot, knowing that Alixe was who she was created from and understanding the wisdom of her creation. The importance she held to the Rebellion, from doing whatever she could in the name of vengence against the Emperor to trying to snipe Grand Moff Tarkin, made it clear that the Rebel terrorists would come after her. Whatever forces were sent would be cut down and the galaxy would be one step closer to being returned to order, something it hadn't been since before the Clone Wars. Dismissing the thoughts the clone checked on Alixe, seeing that despite the blow to the head she was still breathing.

"She may be useful," she mused, her voice clear of the anger that resided in her captor. Feeling a twinge of...concience? She couldn't tell. But she knew she would be much better to question Alixe than having her subjected to whatever torture the Imperials could think up. "Come on." Lifting up Alixe under the arms the clone began to drag her back to the cells.

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''This isn't going too well'' Darth Aap said as he knew Korriban was blow to bits.


Darth Aap: How could I be so blind to forget that it are Imperials that guard the Deathstar. Now countless sith knowlege is lost.


Sith Lord: Our master's tomb is gone, and so is his spirit. The age of the Sith is comming to an end.


Darth Aap: No.. NO!!! I WILL NEVER LET IT COME TO THAT!!!! New plan! First we'll settle at Onderon. I'll send Every available ship, wich are millions thanks to the starforge, to hunt down and destroy any Rebel, Kithoran, Con, Traitor or whoever might oppose us.

Darth Blaze. You are going to the Deatstar. Sneak in stealthy and blow it up.


Darth Blaze: Yes Master


Darth Aap: I'll send the 5 best of the Sith, The Sith masters, to hunt down and exterminate this annoying Jedi kid that keeps showing up. After you killed him, hunt down okoe kithoran.


Sith Master: Yes master.

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tj was on the on the ship 1994 he hid in the vents to the cells and broke in and cut 2 imperils guading then he saw alixe he saber cut through the cell and smashed sshhh tj said.Tj and alixle jumped in the vent and escaped in a pod with tj theay went down to a rebal base were theay were safe in the meanttime on yavin luke said 5 sith lords were after me well luke i see you had yavin.

luke yes tj

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*on the death star...*


Imperial on holo record: To imperial 102

We have tried to blow up the planet korriban but the dark side protects very well and when we went down there the creatures there tore us limb by limb l am the only one that got out of there and lm currently in orbit and our progress in orbit is doing well there is no more remaining hostiles in orbit but we have lost track of where the sith all went to so as l said currently there is still a Korriban in this galaxy

From Imperial 1998


*darth aap intercepted this message and was happy to know that the planet has not become astroid feild*


Darth Aap: Look this message sith lords tells us that korriban is still contact and they are unable to get to the surface because of the creatures


Sith lord: Well that means theres no point


Darth Aap: What do you mean


Sith lord: These creatures love to chew on the force anything that is within the force they will eat


Darth Aap: Well then why did they go for the stormtroopers then


Sith lord: They can sense it they can sense the the force from far far away


Darth Aap: But that doesnt answer my question


Sith lord: Even the smallest peice of force, they can sense any force that is the reason why they went for the troopers


Darth Aap: But they dont have the force


Sith lord: Were you ever a jedi


*Darth Aap had a vision being on dantoine remembering that he was a jedi all those years ago he remembered hes teachings that have no fear, have no hate. He remembered that there was plenty of jedi then he was there and that was the last enclave there was but then it broke the sith took jedi and he hid and a sith found him and he got pursauded to go to the dark side and he rembered one of the teachings that hes master said "all living things have a flow of the force and nothing has no force" that was the end of his vision*


Darth Aap: That was then this is now


Sith lord: Turning to the dark side has changed forever


Darth Aap turning hes light saber on: You sound like a jedi


Sith lord: Us sith lords grow and become wiser and we always descover new things of the force that we cant share and one thing we have found is that it was a mistake going to the darkside because when you die you can not rest and you will stay in your tomb waiting for a traveler to end you misery


Darth Aap taking away your lightsaber: Well why are you loyal to me then


Sith lord: I am not lm only.... well.... following you in your ways l will kill when you kill l will wait if you wait... we do this in our want not yours


Darth Aap: Ok then follow close


Sith lord: As you wish


Sith lord: I sense something


Darth Aap: What wait l sense it too


Sith lord: Korriban is going theres people there


Darth Aap: Im intercepting a transmision


Imperial on comm: We have finnally made our way onto korriban now where stripping the planet for artifacts then taking it to our vault


Darth Blaze: Hello darth aap


Darth Aap: Darth blaze whats the progress


Darth Blaze:progress is not good lm in a cell


Darth Aap: Great oh well you can find your way out


Darth blaze: Understood

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Inside the Deathstar's cellblocks


Rebel: Heh, heh, heh. The emperors apprentice betrayed by his own army.


Darth Blaze: Be carefull what you say next. I can destroy your mind in a matter of seconds.


Rebel: Try me piece of scum.


Darth Blaze: Hey guard. [Force Persuade] overload the rebel's forcecage.


Guard: [succes] Shure why not.




Darth Blaze: Now open mine


Guard: Ehh ok, why not.


Darth Blaze got out choking the guard. He got to the next room and recovered his stuff. Then he went to the core of the deatstar. It wasn't very hard to get there since Darth Blaze found a stealth generator. He slashed down a stormtrooper and threw his thermal detonators inside the core. They exploded but it was too weak to make a difference.


Darth Blaze: I need bigger explosives here.

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*dran wins the battle and goes to korriban with plo koon(in my clone wars thread i saved him)*

Plo:i sense some dark side aura

Dran:i see 2 sith lords

*plo koon kills one with saber,and dran shoots one with his 2 pistols*

Plo:it is done,my friend

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*in the death star*


*darth blaze was looking for a larger bomb then he heard a alarm sounding*


Darth Blaze: WHAT!


Imperial talking through every speaker in the death star: Attention we are be attacked by by the rebel scum prepare for defense all tie fighter pilots move to the hanger now attention... *he repeats it agian around 4 times*


Darth Blaze: The rebels always have the plans to the death star they will blow it up


Imperial yet again talking: Attention...


Darth Blaze: Not again


Imperial: we have received damage from the inside of death star and it has activated dangerous gas so we need you to activate breath control on your armour and imperials report to the nearest refuge area imediatly imperial out.


Darth Blaze: AAhhhh....... Can't... Breath... it.. is ... Ahhh


Imperial: I fulled that stupid sith that is no core thats a replica if he was near the real one he would be dead and that gas was only there and its sleeping gas stupid sith


Darth Blaze: What happen... GREAT another cell


Darth Blaze: (force pursuade) Open up the door


Gaurd: (failiure) You stupid dark jedi lm an royal gaurd lm force sensitive you cant trick me


Darth Blaze: Great now what


Royal Gaurd: I know how about you sit there and rot in your cell for a while hey thats a good idea


Darth Blaze thoughts: Got get him away maybe l can attract him over to the right then l can contact Darth Aap


Royal Gaurd: What was that


Darth Blaze thoughts: That is not right l didn't even use the force


Royal Gaurd: I think l should... check it out


Darth Blaze thoughts: I wonder what it is


Royal Gaurd while pressing his breath control button: Ahh its an hole those rebels know how to dig into it dont they hey hahahaha... any way ok if you say please l may give you breath


Darth Blaze: Ahh... Cant breath... fine.. please...


* The royal gaurd activates the breath control system for the cells*


Royal Gaurd: There you go


Darth Blaze: Why did you do that?


Royal Gaurd: Im your masters royal gaurd protecter, the imperials forced me here because l am the only one here that can resist the force but lm dark side user


Darth Blaze: Really


Royal Gaurd: Im actully a sith reborn a reborn with dual sabers


Darth Blaze: I know where my master is l can show you


Royal Gaurd: Ok you lead the way


*the royal gaurd deactivates the shield and gives darth blaze a breath control suit*


Darth Blaze: This way

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As darth blaze and the royal guard rushed to the hangar they passed the fuel storage.


Darth Blaze: Yo, pass me a grenade.


Guard: Shure


Darth Blaze set the grenade to 3 minutes and rushed off. They stole a transport and when they looked back they saw a giant gap appearing in the Deathstar.


Intercepted Radio: What the hell? The deathstar almost entirely blew up, but we didn't had a chance of even shooting it yet.


Darth Blaze flew back to Darth Aap.


Darth Blaze: Master, this royal guard claims to still be royal to us.


Darth Aap: Good


Royal guard: I've got something you might find interesting, my master.

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